So another pervert priest has been unmasked, this time one that raped a young girl while working as a missionary in Kenya three decades ago and who fathered a child as a consequence. Prime Time in its Mission to Prey production of last May brought the priest’s behaviour to public attention and the disgraced cleric was sent packing into exile in the global village of Whisperdom, his reputation in tatters.
Great current affairs story but for one crucial flaw. Kevin Reynolds was neither a pervert priest nor a rapist. Nor did he father a child. The establishment of his innocence came much too late to spare him the anguish and public humiliation that went with his ‘exposure.’ Such is the price of justice that only for the pro bono services of Robert Dore & Co Solicitors, rendered in the service of protecting the weak against the strong, Kevin Reynolds’ portrait would still remain on public display in the infamous gallery of Ratzinger’s Rogue.