Revolutionary Unionist Dr John Coulter, in Monday's Irish Daily Star: "This work must rank as one of the best insights into why the Shinners have become Britain's 'token nationalist' puppets operating the Stormont partitionist Parliament in the North."
The new Good Book for all Unionists
John Coulter, Irish Daily Star
Good Friday: The Death of Irish Republicanism, by Anthony McIntyre, Ausubo Press (New York), 322pp, $21.95
The death of Irish republicanism – there's a fantastic phrase to warm the cockles of all Unionist hearts.
What makes it all the more amazing is that it's the title of one of the most damning criticisms of the Shinners' peace strategy ever penned by an Irish republican.
Every Unionist should read the new book by ex-Provo inmate turned academic and writer Anthony McIntyre – Good Friday The Death of Republicanism.
This work must rank as one of the best insights into why the Shinners have become Britain's 'token nationalist' puppets operating the Stormont partitionist Parliament in the North.
If Unionists want to know how to keep the Shinners in check, they just need to smother themselves in the well-written 13 chapters based on McIntyre's comprehensive portfolio of articles, many penned when he was editor of the dissident website, The Blanket.
The book's official launch in Belfast Linenhall Library was a who's who in anti-agreement republicanism.
In his launch speech, Dr McIntyre – who served 18 years in the Maze's H Blocks – pulled no punches emphasising republicans must never again resort to killing to achieve a united Ireland.
Even if you're a diehard Shinner fully in love with the Assembly peace tactics, you need to read McIntyre's work to understand the depth of grumblings within your own ranks.
Even a glance through the defeatist titles of the various sections will stress to even the most disillusioned Unionist that the Provos were defeated both politically and militarily.
What else are we to conclude from articles called: 'We, the IRA, Have Failed'; The Last Supper'; 'Sinn Feign'; 'Republicanism's Surrender by Instalment' – and my personal fave, 'Go to Sleep, My Weary Provo.'
Many evangelical Unionists keep the Holy Bible on their bedside tables for daily inspiration. For added encouragement, get Dr McIntyre's book.
One conclusion was clear after the launch: republicanism is as split as unionism.
It's not so much a case the Shinners have the Hun on the run. If McIntyre's work based on his thoughts as a former leading Provo is to be believed, it's Sinn Féin and the IRA which is on the run from the Hun.
And who is the young man with the black glasses and beret pictured walking beside a coffin on the front cover just above the word 'Death'? I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before.
Meanwhile, everyone in Ireland should wear a poppy to mark the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day to remember the 30,000 plus Irishmen slaughtered in World War One.
Unionists and republicans don't have a monopoly on victims. German and Turkish bullets did not take account of religion.
If republicans cannot bring themselves to wear the red poppy, they should sport a green one to honour the tens of thousands of Irish, Scottish and Welsh nationalists who fought imperial Germany's tyranny.
Ireland's dead may have become a political football over the generations since 11 November 1918, but at 11 am, as an island, let's unite in tribute to their sacrifice.
is available at these online outlets:
Ausubo Press; Online Bookshop at Queens, Small Press Distribution.
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
Good Friday Review: "The new Good Book for all Unionists"
Good Friday, The Death of Irish Republicanism
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