Kevin Bean, Finn Geaney, Susan Fitzgerald and myself will be speaking tomorrow night in Dublin at the New Theatre, Connolly Books, Temple Bar about the state of radicalism in Ireland. "A very timely debate is taking place under the title "From Radicalism to Reform" in the New Theatre, Temple Bar on Monday 19th January. In light of the current economic crisis, what is the status of radicalism in Ireland?
The speakers will make a critical examination of the Republican and Trade Union movements over the past three decades. Guest Speakers will include Dr Kevin Bean, lecturer in the University of Liverpool and author of "the New Politics of Sinn Fein", Mr Anthony McIntyre - former political prisoner and author, Mr Finn Geaney, Teachers Union Ireland and Dublin Trades Council member and Susan Fitzgerald from the BATU strikers. The date of the meeting is Monday 19th January and the venue is the New Theatre, Temple Bar.
Over the past thirty years, both the trade unions and Irish republicans have moved from a position of open radicalism, into the mainstream and now are at the centre of upholding the status quo. But the question remains, to the benefit of whom? This debate will attempt to address this massive political change in Irish society and to highlight the actual outcome of moving "From Radicalism To Reform".
This debate has been organised by the UCD Frank Ryan Society
Date: Monday 19th of January
Time: 8:00 pm
Place: New Theatre, Connolly Books, Temple Bar
For Further details contact: Patrick Farrell - 085-7080388 or"
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