Do I want to be associated with an organisation that is now proven beyond all doubt to be rotten with arrogance, pride, wealth? Senior clerics who, let’s face it, the nation lived in awe of, have been proved to be cowardly devious liars. What these men presided over was, and is, horror, yet they still refuse to resign - Declan Burke.
Irish society is not all that convincing in its moral outrage. It is currently engaged in yet another deflective time wasting charade or a time buying exercise. The howls of horror emitting from its collective larynx serve no purpose other than to displace with noise the battle that should be waged against the country’s bishops and the brotherhood of child rapists they allowed to ravish society’s children. The perpetual succour associated with ‘Our Lady’ was handed out in abundance by the bishops to the brothers in rape.
The bishops get shouted at, they recoil into their lair replete with a hefty mixture of arrogance and self pity, they grudgingly apologise, make lame excuses and prepare to regroup rather than resign. Society takes its foot off the pedal, allows the structure that supports the bishops and their malignant mob to carry on, drops its guard, and the rape machine cranks up again because everything that made it possible to begin with is still in place. The beast may be monitored to a greater degree than ever before, called to unprecedented account and its culture of secrecy penetrated. But all that is being dealt with are the symptoms. The Irish Catholic Church remains in place and its Act of Contrition is muttered merely for the optics.
Outlawing the Catholic Church in Ireland might seem a controversial proposal but it is not made for the purpose of stirring controversy. Nothing else will work. The Catholic Church poses a serious threat to children throughout Ireland. There is no time to piddle about with attempts at reform. It is not as if society needs the Church. It is not the Garda or the health service where dissolution would be catastrophic. It has been given aeons of time and numerous chances to zip its fly but has chosen to ignore all yellow cards termed reports. Time for a red one.
Look at how the bishops are responding to the Murphy Report; pretending that they took their eye of the ball, misread the risk, claiming that the cover-up was not deliberate, protesting that despite being deemed by Murphy as guilty of inexcusable behaviour, they did not mishandle complaints, and closing ranks to prevent other dioceses being investigated. Andrew Madden, a survivor of clerical abuse, was surely right in arguing that by its actions the hierarchy are ‘belittling the findings’ of the Murphy Report.
There is one firm conclusion to be drawn from this. The Catholic hierarchy is mounting a damage limitation exercise. In such circumstances society has but one choice. It must hold the pass against the Bishops and refuse to allow damage limitation through. On the contrary it should seek to inflict maximum damage on the Church. The Beasthood must have its lair destroyed. Anything less and the malevolent men of god will march and rape again.
excellent and true,I have said it before and I say it again bring back the penal days for those wasters in dress,s and the silly asswipes who touch their forlocks when then cunts are about,Marty F
Fully agree but have some thoughts and quesions. Ireland is not alone in having its children abused psychologically, physically, emotionally and sexually by the catholic hierarchy. It is particularly unfortunate because Catholicism was so closely linked to politics north and south particularly after 1922 and the de Valera constitution in 1937. No mtter how horrified everyone is at this litany of abuse, any criticism of the church leaves one open to Loyalist triumphalism and resentment from practising Catholics who are obviously smarting from the deception and hypocrisy
The pattern of abuse and cover-up seems endemic to the catholic church. See this news report from a dioceses in Connecticut, USA which was published just a couple of days ago.
If one googles child abuse in the catholic church one gets a staggering "1,900,000 for child abuse scandals in the catholic church. (0.27 seconds)". Can no international body e.g. Save the Children prosecute or ban an international organisation that is responsible for such heinous actions, harbours criminals worldwide and does its best to obstruct the course of justice, spending millions of dollars in the process (see the American report I just cited)? Can none even make a disapproving comment?
The methods used to cover-up, while based on brainwashing the victims, families etc to internalise shame, psychological threats, social ostracism etc, also rely on unquestioning obedience to an "authority", deception and lies which are justified as "mental reservations" and a mafia-style refusal to answer queries (see papal nuncio's response to the Enquiry Commission). Now that Irish people realise how they have been manipulated do they really want to continue as a consenting partner in the deception?
The catholic church also plays upon the ambiguity of its position to wriggle out of all responsibility for the actions of its clerics. Is it Church or foreign state? Can it be both, being whichever of the two is most convenient in any given circumstance? Would you trust or do business with someone like that?
Since the Bishops are constantly justifying their actions under Canon Law I would like to know what place exactly Canon Law occupies in the United States of Europe (which came into being on the 1st of this month)? Who is subject to it? Is the Vatican State part of the EU and subject to EU laws?
And in asking these questions I have not expressed my contempt for these hypocrites who have also extorted vast sums of money from the faithful for centuries, using various psychological threats. At the very least I expect no Irish person who continues going to church for whatever personal reason to ever put another EU cent on the plate!
I don't know if I dare to say this--I tried to deflect you--if you were "one of mine", I would have stepped harder--please feel free to delete this--you're telegraphing,and you probably don't want to,considering your position--shit,I can't get it right--please remember who you are,who trolls you,and the price you've paid! Had to say that,in repayment for your help in understanding this mess.
Alex, a devastating piece of writing.
uilodomhnaill, simply haven't a clue what you are talking about
As Alex mentioned, Ireland is not alone in this betrayal of trust. I leave this link below to show my adopted country's national disgrace. I'll make it clear up front that I was not born Catholic but I wouldn't like the readership to interpret that accident of birth, which is all one's religion is after all, to colour my outrage at these crimes in your collective opinion, as my indulging in a bit of shadenfreude. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Catholic church is not unique in having bullies, sadists and pedophiles hiding in it's ranks. Children are children the world over and crimes against them should resonate with any parent or caring adult.
Anyway I thought this site might be of reading interest given the topic. If you goggle Canadian Residential Schools you'll get a get deal more information and the stories are depressingly similar to the Irish experience.
I found the youtube video particularly distressing.
Religion is undoubtedly poison.
Wasn't it the case that child abusers had become priests rather than that priests had become child abusers?
Experience tells that all institutions close ranks, hide in denial, and fail themselves even as the revelation of abuse breaks. There should be no surprise at institutional failure.
Roderick, there is no surprise at institutional failure. I think you are right in saying that child abusers became priests rather than the other way around. The hierarchy aided and abetted in the commission of child rape by keeping the perpetrators in the ranks and freeing them up to abuse again once it was known they were priests engaged in an orgy of child rape. This is why abusers bacme priests - the opportunities the priesthood afforded to rape.
I had to comment because I see some fellow commentators have felt the need to excuse the Irish side of this by saying "It happened everywhere". So what it happened here and from what we have seen it happened more. There are people today who dont know their true date of birth or their true name. See the Ryan report.
I notice one reminder (only one??) of your status and your past and another talks of loyalist triumphalism. I despair, I really do, a child is buggered and this gobshite says "dont tell anyone the loyalists will crow! "Did it never occur to the writer that most people loyalist or republican love
their children and share a feeling of horror at what has happened and a dread that it might happen to one of theirs.
What it needs is a full report into every diocese with a public statement that when we finish with the Catholic Church full reports on the protestant church will follow. You know it, I know it and Im damn sure loyalists know it a pervert goes for the pickings not the sermon and they will be there.
You write with a razor sharp quill Anthony. I just want to say thanks - go raibh mile maith agat for writing what you have on abuse. Whilst i still retain a belief in God all faith in religious institutions/figureheads is long dead. Reading some of your entries i have felt a sense of relief that someone can carve it up with words so well. Expose clergy systemic abuse in all its gore. Slan
MaryHedgehog, thanks for the comment. They are an unpardonable lot
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