Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Taking One for the Team

Cartoon by Brian Mór
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Lol Brian boys at it again taking the piss..t outa the psf, good on ya son keep it up

Totally brilliant, all that hot air coming out of Maskey as he is being let down!

He sure has done some very stinging stuff on Alex over the years. Gets great mileage out of him!!

Never a more deserving candidate than the bold Alex. Well there is the Biggy of course, but then who is ever going to burst his balloon?

For some reason I have always thought of Maskey as the human version of Squealer out of "Animal Farm" not because he was a good orator, as most people could never make him. However, he would have spun any propaganda they fed him.

Has he been dispensed with?
Or have they just released the hot air?

there,s a massive new house just down from Bally bouges on the Gort a Hork road and not to far from the bearded ones country gaff, People are saying its Maskeys, his missus said its friends of theirs,is Liz a wee fibber or what, Brian made a slight mistake in his pic,those psf ballons shouldnt be floating in the air,how could they when anything from that crew is always full of crap

Marty, maybe she is at the hot air crack as well. Don't know about the house as she does not speak to me anymore.

Jaysusss Nuala Albert said he hardly speaks to you either,I remember when the cops came to my door and said it looks like Marie has been in a terrible accident, I said,"I know but she has a lovely personality"

Alex still speaks to me, I just ignore him!

Albert says Marie has never been the same from the clinic!

Will someone tell me the story of Mr Maskey's exit?

Come to think of it Nuala I havent seen hide nor hair of him in weeks, although his bro pops up more than punch,maybe up in Dun na Gall getting the country gaff ready for the grand opening bash,or away with Mr Finucane swopping large amounts of money for sunshine apartments in Dubai, aye whatever it is these people sure can make an industrail wage go a helluva long way

if the decision for ALEX MASKEY not to run in south belfast during the westminister elections resulted in MICHELLE GILDERNEW being able to acguire an extra 5 votes then this was the right judgement call and worthwhile, the main ones not glad are the orange order and the dissidents, happy days, for the IRISH.

liam hannaway has ended his hunger strike....

michaelhenry,aye I bet the court case will be a laugh, The day the dead are called on behalf of the defense

p.s. michael I.m Irish I dont vote in British elections, and correct me if I,m wrong were the past elections that psf stood in not for the British parliment, and finally does the gfa not copper fasten your Britishness,

marty, i do vote in westminister elections, what you call british elections, so you do not vote in british elections, good job that bobby sands did not need your vote,i vote for the only all IRELAND party, SINN FEIN do not take there seats at the brit parliment, unlike albert price who said in the seventies that he would take his seat if elected, talk about the sins of the father. always know the truth.

Good man michaelhenry keep the faith ,but tell me this, what will you do when the bearded one decides that "republicans" need to be pragmatic in relation to taking those seats in Westminster,I know just another hard choice eh, all those big boys in the know who used to wink not an ounce not a bullet, funny how they always seem to be going the other way when I walk down the street.I think quotes from the 70,s from someone like Albert Price is powerful well done man,now what was all those things Marty and Gerry said about Stormont,Albert Price may have been wrong but I dont recall him asking people to become informers or calling those who oppose the brit presence in this country traitors I could go on but I think you,ve probably drank to much traitorade.

Aris michaelhenry are Westminster elections not British elections thats what they are not what I call them .as for voting for Bobby that would be difficult as I live in Belfast,and talking about Bobby did his family not ask for prm to wind up the Bobby Sands trust, hardly a glowing endorsement of where your lying leader and cronies are leading you and it sure isint a 32 county socialist republic the garden path more like

the faith is easy kept marty, i will never have to worry about the SINN FEIN leadership swearing an oath to the crown, there is no oath at stormont since the good friday agreement, equality is not just a good soundbite you know, albert price was wrong to say that he would take the oath, thats why the two price sisters never complain about the oath to the t.v or the newspapers, now that the war is over the weapons were removed, but the brits never got an ounce never got a bullet.

michaelhenry, just wondering who got all this equality that you speak eloquently about?

As an ex-republican prisoner I cannot even get house insurance. Most of us cannot even get jobs, we certainly cannot travel.
Gerry's brother was able to get a job though. Our reformed police service had no problem witholding information about him.
Adams, your party leader had no problem going along with the whole charade and then lying when he was found out.
Paedophiles must be considered less risky by him than ex-republicans who no longer tow the line.
He knew his brother was working here in the Clonard Youth Club, local people often seen them together.

In relation to the Price sisters. I always find it astounding, that people who could not lace their boots feel they can just make snide comments about something their father said in the 70's.

In the 70's people like Adams were calling for the total abolition of Stormont, not the reformation.
I think he mentioned a socialist republic now and again as well.
I know he defintely mentioned a United Ireland. Never mentioned copperfasting partition though.
Funny, how we never hear him saying any of his endearing little soundbites on TV or in his press interviews anymore. Probably knows it would be likened to a comedy sketch if he did. He tried spinning claptrap to the Southern electorate. They were not so easily fooled though, they quickly rid themselves of the shinners via Mary Lou.
In the run up to the GFA Agreement they were still lying about taking their seats in Stormont.

In relation to Westminister, why did they run for the election if they were not taking their seats?
They take their money. Pat Doherty ran up an expenses bill of over a£100,00.
They won't take the oath, they certainly do not shy away from the dosh.

The guns, bullets and the explosives surrender. Apparently, the whole scenario was a David Copperfield like stunt. Or so they tried to tell the people of West Belfast. An optical illusion, you know like the disappearing plane!

Did it work? Well it certainly fooled you.

lol michael which one of the three brass monkeys are you? the brits never got a bullet LOL, the brits never got an ounce LOL, How right you are , They got the f''kin lot. You seem to have a fixation with Albert Price, and the two daughters,could you walk a mile in their shoes,why not make yourself useful and go clean the windows on Alex,s new gaff in Dun na Gall and maybe while your up there you could nip round to the great bearded ones and give his a wee wipe to,he,d do them himself but he,s to busy planing with his advisors what other hoops the PSF or as you like to write PROVISIONAL SINN FEIN will have the likes of you jumpimg through,still waiting on Marty,s quote re republicans entering Stormont

Ops sorry michaelhenry ,just had Gerry on the blower ,said how dare I say he,d do the windows ,he dont do anything, never ,worked a few weeks way back in the late 60,s did,nt like it, more money in self promotion as you can see, big house on the Glen Rd, large gaff in Gort a Hork, and expenses alongside the average industrail wage,which incidentally none of the PROVISIONAL SINN FEIN can agree what exactly that is .he also said if your finished playing Gorbels jnr run over to Casememt and polish his helicopter

SINN FEIN did not take there seats at stormont before 1998 because you had to take the oath, the good friday agreement kicked the oath out of IRELAND, SINN FEIN can now take there seats, you still do not know what equality means fionnuala, they say that revenge is a dish best served cold, well this dish is comming out of a fridge in the antartic, im not making snide comments, just telling the truth, what is there shoe size marty, is it not better to have a SINN FEIN helicopter instead of an armed british one in the sky, did no one notice the r.a.f leaving IRELAND a few months back.

Still wondering has Maskey been ceremoniously dumped. Or was he just sacrificed for Michelle?

Speaking of sacrifice, the biggy is sort of trying to claim a Sinn Fein coup in relation to the jail crisis.

Did not happen to mention, that things are apparently getting steadily worse in the prison. Nor did he mention the fiasco surrounding Colin Duffy's family.

michael I,m positive that you and your cronies in Provisional Sinn Fein could never fill the shoes of the Price family.As far as spies in the sky are concerned they have been swaped by a multi-million pound building staffed by god knows how many spies on the ground all welcomed by Provisional Sinn Fein, did you notice that michaelhenry

michael henry,
Does equality mean, that people like Maskey can threaten to withdraw support for the police in "Nationalists" areas because a civil servant loses his job.

Never heard them threaten such things when republicans were been beaten to death in their homes.
Never heard them threaten such things when prisoners are being abused.
Yet when the brother of a dodgy, failed Sinn Fein councillor loses his job, all sorts of threats.

Wonder has it anything to do with the fact that the alleged security risk (who like yourself would never engage with his equals. Must be a euphemism for never threw a stone?)
Is a property millionaire and no doubt a contributor to the party pot.

Either they don't want to upset the Kennedy applecart or Alex is letting off more hot air!

you still have not told me there shoe sizes marty, to see if they would fit, im not surprised that you have nothing to say about the r.a.f leaving, SINN FEIN is opposed to mi5 in IRELAND or elsewhere, but like the r.a.f they also will get the boot, all in the name of peace.

just a brief note on decomissioning..not an ounce not a bullet..yeagh and a wee pig just flew past my window and mcGuinness was whispering in its ear lol Reading the secret history of the tout albion that was the SF/IRA leadership [ not the ordinary 5'8 ] and Adams talked big like at Lynaghs funeral and the day b4 it had wrote a surrender document for a Priest to deliver to Haughey..The Brits not getting an ounce or a bullet is the whole point..they were spared it...how sweet of SF.
Some people can swallow anything...self delusion is mind numbing..but thats the party Gerry joe 90 painstakingly built..plastic people with no electric pulses in their brains lol

A wise man once said michaelhenry before you open your mouth engage your brian, as for fitting into any of the Prices shoes mo cara I think even if you could fit into them you wouldnt have the balls to walk in their footsteps.again you mentioned the raf and its obvious you read my post so again instead of booting out mi5 your cronies in PROVISIONAL SINN FEIN welcomed them into the sick counties. Aye Nuala had to laugh at the indignation felt by psf re the ex priest Kennedy losing his cushy job on the policing board, as for his dear bro Dermie, lived a charmed life and reaping big rewards living on the Malone rd while his partner lies in the grave today murdered by psf,s new found friends

his name was jim lynagh larry, was at his wake and funeral, heard gerry adams that day, it was a week of wakes and funerals, still remember some there that day who later fell, the war was still fought after that may of 87, no matter what you believe.

Michaelhenry, yes there were many good people who attended funerals and parades and more than a few who were known touts and ball-less wonders. Never forget seeing a guy who had given evidence in court against former mates stepping into the crowd behind the colour party one Easter Sunday like he was a Super Provo, made me sick then, doesn't make me any less so now. Nor does the fact he's implicated in a major gun runing trial just now in court. Yep many a numpty dungballs slotted into the cheerleader role. SF is made for em now..actually some S. Armagh friends contended SF were watery b-stards and best avoided as far back as the early 80's.
If the claims made politically by SF were those of a car salesman the car would not be a new merc, it would in fact have no MOT, it would have 2 wheels and one of those would be the spare and the entire care would be made of glass for the psychophants and numpty cheerleeders to be able to see whatever they 'wanted' to see. Oh aye and when the taig middle class voters [ on loan from the SDLP ] feel secure enough that the 'RA is truely dead for good..the votes for guns strategy "STRATEGY"?? LOL will tumble like a deck of cards...or fall apart/shatter like the car in the blues brothers lol..bring it on.
Some people were in the odd van ...not watching the news awaiting the next big day out at some volunteers funeral.

Larry asked me to mention that thon car he mentioned would most certainly be fuelled by raw sewage

michaeljohn was killed and badly disfigured in a car smash,his mates Gerry Itwasntme and Bob doh Brains were asked to indentify his body,Gerry Itwasnt me went in first,turns the body over looks at his bum and says"thats not him"Bob doh Brains goes in next, turns the body over looks at the bum and says"da boss is right its not him" the doc says"How do you know?"Gerry Itwasntme replies"when we used to go out folk would say theres michaeljohn with the two arseholes!


Don't know what happened to Alex. Outlived his usefulness maybe. On the jail situation, I see Harry Fitz is getting the boot stuck in to him again.

Mackers, just shows that blind obedience does not always pay off.
If they have down sized him, he is extremely good value for it.

Awful about Harry Fitz, really sad. God only knows how it will end?

Nuala, no sympathy whatsoever. A career republican, no more, no less.


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