Friday, July 16, 2010


Cartoon by Brian Mór
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That duck should be saying go feck,however ! Brian yer man is the spit for the interfering priest know as Alex Reid. super pic.

Sheer greed and treason, bet the duck is saying 'oh feck not again'


Alex Reid is a possibility however I think that if age progression software were applied to Martin McGuinness this is what he'd look like - we are pretty much there with the politics bit already.

Not quite Robert, the curls and the stupid grin are missing.
Spot on about the politics though!

Nah Reid has that arrogant sneer, Mc Guinness is a wannabe castle catholic,age progression will show him bent in two with treachery,and with his tounge trailing the ground, not a pretty picture,but then with his dosh he,ll be able to buy plenty of plastic surgery,no politics about McGuinness Robert he is a micro minister in a british satellite assembly,nothing more,


That in fact is not a stupid grin but a cerebral nervous system side effect of the very successful downloading of political progression software by Labour party nerd Jonathan Powell. Like Microsoft Vista the Deputy First Minister does require continual updates and fixes.
As for the duck, well I think it might just have spied Marty in the yonder at the head of a "Flying Column" rapidly mobilising those rotten spuds he proposes throwing at Her Majesty.

However, as that duck would say its lucky its not a goose or it would well and truley be cooked. but as its just a duck we,ll invite it to a duck do.


as always - well done

Once again Brain another excellent depiction of our masters.

Tain Bo acara re your last post you did,nt finish it, allow me , baters!!!!!

One comment about McGuinness, for all his cozying up to Paisley, his eejit grin,and his sugary words, he still never got the Reavey family an apology.

What post mucker as I have been trying to catch up.

Tain Bo,depiction of our masters!!! sorry a cara,its the way I think about them


Sarcasm in my words Marty though viewing the tyrannical rulers as masters is fitting of course her loyal slaves shall be out in worship. That mentality I cannot fathom as even if the Pope showed I would not go as I would rather spend the day in better company.

Marty, don't think Father Reid could be described as arrogant.
Actually would perceive him as being the opposite?

Nuala I said he had an arrogant sneer,and would,nt you describe him as arrogant when he recounted his part in putting the nail in the coffin of the republican struggle, and like that other waster Reynolds praying over Bates the butcher they make me wanna puke

Marty, must be in hiding, knows he has no hope of getting re-housed in Clonard because over what he said about Father Reid.

Jaysuuuusss Nuala are ya telling me those men in frocks have a say in who gets housed there, if so do they make a lot of house visits, not a healthy place to bring up young children then hon!!!!

Marty, to be honest I think there is a massive distinction between Father Reid and Father Reynolds.

I certianly would not describe Father Reid as a republican, although he could well be.
What I do know of him though, is, he stood with the people of Clonard through some very trying times, as did many of the Clonard priests.
I have always found him to be humble and sincere.

When I think of him, I think of him kneeling beside the two corporals with the sheer pain and hopelessness of that terrible happening etched across his face.

Maybe people like Alex Reid seen what we could not Marty, maybe they seen it would all end in sell-out and shame.


like you I never found him arrogant. I think there are many areas where he displayed a vulnerability. But that is something that characterises us all. His were just more in the public eye. My abiding memory of him is that he was a great friend to the blanket men during the H-Block protests. That photo of him beside the dead British army people was very very moving.

Marty, I remember a few years back Father Reid calling to see my mother and telling her that someone living on the Shankill had been enquiring about her.

Later we found out that this woman had had several sons in the UVF one was actually involved in some of the butcher murders.
MY ma was horrified and called Father Reid everything.

But that is the type of him, people are just people, soldiers protestants, catholics, republicans all the same.

I know he was a central feature in the Hume, Adams negotiations, but I do not believe that someone who was not an intricate part of a struggle can be effective in ending it, unless the main protagonists are prepared to go along with it.

I know I am probably in the minority, but I have such affection for him and always will.

Your mum had a bit a wit Nuala only an ignorant or arrogant git would come calling to a republicans door with that sort of message, and please dont tell me he is such an innocent creature hon I dont buy that for one moment

As for the two corporals why didnt he ask his mate Adams to intercede after all he was at Casement gates when this was happening not more than 10 yds away from the car, you can bet what you like what followed didnt happen without his nod, I never trusted priests and I may be alone here but I believe they have been a curse on the Irish

And here,s a thought hon who told Reid to go to Penny lane,after all the taxi carring those men was heading city centre wards, the opposite direction?

Bit off subject Marty but there's a good article in the today about Bobby doh brains storey. Appears the younger generation of Belfast republicans are not taking him too seriously and that would be an understatement. Think after all these years the dam has finally burst on PSF and their totalitarian no dissent ways and are fast becoming yesterday's men.

AND and (jumping up and down yelling at the puter),c,mere here,s more, he said once that he was always totaly opposed to republican violence,from when he was a young man , now everyone is entitled to their opinion,no probs with that Nuala a cara, but if thats the case re Reid ,then what I want to know how come he was always around large republican gatherings,touting for business perhaps!


I would bet my house on that article about Storey being rubbish. I doubt very much if that conversation took place. It is made up. The same journalist made up an interview with me in 2000 which I never gave to her. I neither spoke to her nor saw her but yet she came out with this interview. The content of the interview didn't matter but the fact that she made it up was what did. I wrote to the editor informing him of the type of person he had writing articles for him and he said he would approach her. Seemingly he is making a long approach because she is still at it.

Going back and rereading it I think you're probably right, it seems a bit contrived, not sure why my BS sensor didn't go off the first time, prob because I was hoping it was true. If she did make it up that's pretty pathetic will be sure to skip any articles by Ms. Craig in the future. Think the larger point about SF not having much respect amongst the younger generation is valid, would be interested to hear your take on that sometime.

Aye sgt Bob doh Brains was telling the boyos in the Andytown social how he was approached by a local woman looking for some hot steamy action,DOH I gave her my iorning!!!!!

Funny enough talking of weirdos Anthony, a few years ago the stuck up cow next door to me said"I think its ridiculous that you make your son walk 2 miles to school,you should drive him there,you dont know how many weirdos could be out there" I said"he,s 10 years old,goes to a catholic school and is looked after by priests.....the walk to school is the least of his bloody problems love..!!

Marty, I believe that Father Reid was directed to Penny Lane.
It does not matter how he got there, his motive for going was to administer the Last Rites.

I don't think for a second him calling to my mother showed arrogance, more a lack of understanding. In many ways I think it showed what Mackers described as his vulnerability.

When my father first got released from prison, it was the Priests in Clonard who came and offered him work.
According to my mother it was a bit of a risky thing to do, considering the fact, that half our neighbours did not speak to him.
Republicans then were on the back foot and ostracised pretty much the way they are today.

We have had some incredible priests in Clonard, priests that people would have trusted with their lives and very often had to.

Ryan I would accept what Antony said as the truth, but as far as the kids having any respect for the prm and in particular psf, the term used in this area at least is ceasefire heros, the young that I come into contact have no respect for those paid community workers and suited and booted mla,s or the hangers on,most of these young people are what would be described as good decent lads and lassies who work hard,play hard and care nothing for psf,if anything the antics of psf may have put a generation of young away from republican politics, and to be truthfull I cant blame them Ryan,psf have done to republican politics what those priests have done to trust and kids

The thing I used to administer the last rights to the fish is called a priest hon,Eastwoods were also a major employer to republicans and especially ex prisioners, yet hon they were never viewed as bastions of the right to work for republicans,more a chance to exploit these men as cheap labour,but I suppose the Clonard bosses wouldnt be up to that sort of thing,I suppose they would,nt employ paedios either!I see priests as they were depicted in that excellent film The Wind That Shakes The Barley!!

Marty, I do not get the comment about the fish.

Eastwoods were excellent in relation to ex-prisoners.
A lot more decent than some of our local entrepreneurs.

I was not trying to say Clonard was a 'bastion' for ex-prisoners.
I was merely saying our local Priests have been good to the people in times of need.

In relation to them employing paedophiles, really don't know about that, sounds like a sweeping generalisation.

What I do know however is, they were the only ones to challenge Adams and the PSNI about his brother.

A priest in fishing terms Nuala is the tool one uses to kill the things,Eastwoods well I spent 6 years there serving my time as an engineer hon and the ex-prisioners fear of being unemployed and unemployable were used to stifle any strike action for higher wages or better conditions by the younger more militant unionwise generation,these men were and I talk in the past tense because Nuala they were men of your fathers generation and I,m sure all have passed on maybe with the exception of Larry Mc Gurk a gentleman and really decent human being,a gaelgoir with a passion,but I wander,

As the rotten spuds come flying in on her a the lackies heads,the shouts of" loud and high,well raise the cry revenge for Skibereen"!!!!

Marty, being a veggie I really do not know a lot about fishing terms.

In relation to Eastwoods, I found them brilliant employers.
When I was released in the eighties I initially worked for Sinn Fein in their housing department.
To be honest, I found they strung people along with empty promises so I left and went to Eastwoods.

I was absolutely tormented by the police, they would hang about the shop, follow me all this crap.
Eastwoods, refused to let me go and I will always be grateful to them for the pestering they took on my behalf.

Marty, they always provided me with very good terms and conditions. To the extent, even when I was doing other things I remained with them on a casual basis.

Ladbrokes have proved a different cattle of fish, shit exploitive employers. Now I hear they have been commended in the A/Town News for putting their names in Irish.
Like Sainsbury's they can screw the workforce as long as they screw them in Gaelic.

We got a tradeunion in last year and to be honest, do not know why we bothered.
We touched for the Sinn Fein version of a union, go along with anything don't rock any boats.

People are just sunk in this hole, agree with Brendan, 'people are stuck in the dirt and the muck and the sand'
Get a bit of work in Belfast Met on the odd occassion, not enough to get me out of 'Badbrokes' however.

My darling mo cree! the Eastwoods that I talk of are the scrap merchants at Kenneday way, I,ve had dealings with the Eastwoods bookies over the years in relation to donations for elections and green cross,I,ve no complaints,as for Ladrookes if your union aint fit for purpose dump it or withold your dues,ya never bent the knee to the brits hon why bend it to a bunch of wasters,the Eastwoods who were the scrap merchants were not the same as Barney Eastwood bookmakers.


I think the type of young people that SF are losing credibility with are the type they lost credibility with a long time ago and not because of anything to do wth the peace process. Once SF and the IRA became the authority within the communities there was a rebellious streak against them. That has continued through to this day and is based around a certain age group, reinforced by peers and location within the opportunity structure. The political impact is probaby negligible. The vote SF gets is largely made up of young people.


you can come up with them. Enjoyed that one about theschool walk!!

I have just read with disgust the rant that Irish news columnist Tom Kelly,OBE ex vice chair SDLP, owner of Stakeknife opps Stakeholder comms out of Peckam, Dublin,Newry,the world,and ex policing board member, yes a well to do ,well educated,respectable member, of our society and in my opinion a perfect example of castle catholic,Anyway this all round good guy rants and raves about the rioting recently mostly in Ardoyne, without addressing the root causes he launches a tirade against everyone and anyone and their parents for having the termidity to oppose orange order marches,Mr Kelly OBE ex policing board, says and I quote"we should not worry to much about their human rights when trying to get them behind bars" mmmm Tom boy internment what about that or if your buddies in Invest N.I. cough up a few million I,ll build a mobile gallows,Tom OBE ex policing board liberal then praises Mr Gerry Kelly and John O Dowd for being modern day Broy Harriers, a little futher on the ex vice chair of the SDLP,OBE expolicing board and probably pacifist calls on Batt Maggot to remove the velvet glove and" get tore in to them"my words there Ant) Tom OBE wants an iorn fist to be used,all I can say Tom OBE is that your lucky that you did,nt issue statements like that when Gerry and Marty were allegedly running things,apart from screaming hordes outside your middleclass castle catholic home in a niiiccee district, you could even have faced a lot worse

It was strange to see big Bobby confronting the youth in the Irish News. The response if true 'yee ha' doesn't give much inspiration. Nor the alleged 'let em burn' at the train incident in Lurgan. As for SF they have made their bed so they'll have to lay in it. But I do wonder are the media, PSNI and SF engaged in a process of co-ordinated conditioning and propoganda here? The Peace Process being the holy grail.
The activities of recent times resembles nothing more than mindless vandalism.
As for the Royal visit..who cares any more? It wont affect me I'm past taking any interest in what politics has to offer.

Ah Larry mo cara, sounds like the auld battery is running low,methinks you need a holiday,hows a fortnight in Millisle sound?

Larry, the majority of the media will report precisely what it is told to report. No John Pilgers amongst that lot.

Clearly, Storey was party to engineering that whole episode.

He was hardly going to confront Tony Catney or Paddy Mc Cotter.
Or anyone who had the wit to point the finger at the real cause of the riots.

While Kelly and Cullen shone in their role as the child catchers.

The "duck"'s "Áfach" is roughly "however" in Irish; it may refer too to the AFLACH annoying fowl that honks the title of this dubiously assuring insurance company across many an American onscreen ad that interrupts our entertainment. I hope youse across the water are spared this goose's (?) cry.


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