Tonight the Pensive Quill carries an update by Helen McClafferty charting the Gerry McGeough case since the end of June.
26 June 2010
Gerry's lawyers have described as "worrying" the attitude of the judge who is to rule on his abuse of process application.
After weeks of inactivity, Gerry was notified by phone on Thursday night, June 24th, that he had to be in court in Belfast the following morning. As a
consequence, he was unable to attend his children’s school sports day along with all the other parents.
In court, the judge appeared to agree with the Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
that disclosure of material relating to amnesty cases was irrelevant in this
instance. The Defense was not permitted to know what the NIO had allowed the judge to read that resulted in this conclusion. A written report is due next week.
It now appears that the Diplock trial, which was suspended on March 10th, will resume in September and the British are confident that they will have Gerry in jail by Christmas.
The high-level political importance being attached to this case was underscored by the fact that after the hearing one of the prosecution team, a "castle catholic", was overheard updating a British Intelligence spook on developments.
Sinn Féin still refuses to speak out on the issue and the never ending question is WHY?
July 8, 2010
There are a lot of sinister goings-on taking place in regard to Gerry's case at the moment. However, true to form, the British Diplock court system has imposed media ban on reporting and Human Rights lawyers have been physically excluded from proceedings.
Gerry's supporters are watching developments. In the meantime, the British are using the upcoming summer break to push things further into the background with regard to this case.
At a time of staggering financial cuts by the British Exchequer, the Diplock
court system is spending an absolute fortune in trying to insure that Gerry
McGeough is imprisoned for being an alleged member of the IRA in 1975 and other trouble's related issues. One has to question - Why is this?
July 24, 2010
Gerry's Dipolock Court trial is set to resume on September 7th. He is charged with membership of the IRA in 1975 and wounding a part-time British soldier in 1981 during the height of the Hunger-Strikes.
First arrested on these charges in 2007 outside an election count center after he had stood as a candidate in the Assembly elections of that year, Gerry was put on trial exactly three years later, on March 8th this year. The trial was suspended after two days while an "abuse of process" application was heard.
Despite ample proof that Gerry McGeough was being discriminated against while other republicans from the era in similar situations had been given pardons, the judge, hiding behind British secrecy laws, has ruled that the Emergency Court trial can go ahead.
Gerry's Spanish wife and their four young children, whose ages range from 9 to one-year-old, have been deeply traumatized by the persecution the family has been subjected to and are dreading the prospects of their father, who suffered a serious heart-attack last year, being imprisoned by Christmas.
The Sinn Féin party leadership, many of whom were IRA leaders during the 1970s and 80s, and who now administer British rule in the North of Ireland, continue to ignore the situation.
Since the signing of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement no members of the British forces have been charged, let alone put on trial or imprisoned, for the killing of innocent Irish Catholic civilians during the "Troubles".
26 July 2010
In an article in today's Sunday Independent, Ireland's most widely read newspaper, it has been revealed that the British have finally admitted that they issued "Pardons" to several Irish Republicans, the so-called "on-the-runs".
The admission by the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) is in stark contrast to the earlier position adopted by the British government in March of this year.
In that month, Gerry McGeough went public with the news that secret deals had been done between the British and Sinn Féin in relation to wanted republicans loyal to the SF leadership.
The British immediately denied that such deals had been done and the then Labour government Secretary of State for the North, Shaun Woodward, went on media outlets to rubbish the claims as "nonsense".
Woodward no longer holds his position following Labour's defeat in the recent British general election, and the only "nonsense" about the claims are his denials of them.
05 August 2010
Speaking at the Féile an Phobail festival in West Belfast on August 4th, the
unionist politician Ian Paisley Jr. has said that people need to "move on" from the Troubles. He was speaking in the context of further inquiries into the murderous brutality of the British State against Irish Catholic civilians.
Mr Paisley was arguing that such inquiries should now end and that we must put the past behind us. The fact that the hounding of Gerry McGeough is being driven n large part by DUP elements in Tyrone would seem to show that his own party is not quite ready to "move on" from the Troubles.
Once again, the Six-Counties emerges as a "Protestant State for a Protestant people".
12 August 2010
Keep the Catholics down! A row within the rural Protestant/Unionist community in Gerry's area of Tyrone has led to some interesting revelations, with exchanges now being made public. In one instance, a man has told of an encounter he had with a local DUP politician, who is known to be close to the UDR man at the center of Gerry's case.
In the course of the altercation, which revolved around business dealings with Catholics, the politician pronounced that "once a Catholic is down, you put your boot on him (to keep him down)".
This less than charitable outlook goes a long way towards explaining the
mentality behind the persecution of Gerry McGeough.
This Protestant "ethos" still dominates the apparatus of State within the
six-Counties, and central to it is the need to keep the native Irish Catholics down and in their place".
Compliant Catholics, like the "useful idiots" of the Sinn Féin leadership, who smilingly take their money and underscore British/Orange rule, are just about tolerated; but those who speak out against British rule and injustice in Ireland can easily find themselves in Gerry's position.
Happily, no amount of this nonsense is going to cower the likes of Gerry, who has consistently spoken out against the evils of British misrule in Ireland.
Thanks Helen for keeping us updated on Gerry,s case,I,m sure there is a great deal of dirty work going on behind the scenes,but apart from tormenting and harassing Gerry and his family,I cant see this case going the distance. I,ve said it before hon but I really dont believe that psf or indeed the loyalist groups can allow this,it would leave a lot of people very very nervous indeed, they could see their members being "chipped off" at the edges so to speak, and therefore for them to remain in control they need the cofidence of their membership which they wont have if Gerry was convicted
sorry for falling behind on these updates. Will be more attentive in future
'for them to remain in control they need the cofidence of their membership which they wont have if Gerry was convicted'
don't bet on that Marty. If Gerry was being batoned up and down the Falls Road who do you think they would be cheering?
gerry mcgeough should be allowed to live in peace with his wife and
children, the last thing this family need is gerry being victimised, and to be brought to any court over his part in the struggle.
mr mcgeough stood for elections for the present assemply, and would
have taken his seat if elected, as
it was his IRISH right, now,
he is also a past supporter of the
good friday agreement,
he fell out with SINN FEIN over
abortion and not getting to stand in a dublin constituency for SINN
FEIN, but thats just politics,
he is doing good work now with the hibs, which he recently joined,
i hope he has the best of luck with
his future.
helen keeps implying that SINN FEIN
have sold out, but then asks for a statement from the party, whats that about.
I take your point Anthony and agree, but a conviction against Gerry,particulary on the charges/s he faces, and the time frame when this alleged offence occured, there would be a hell of a lot of others,both loyalist/republican who could be put in the frame for similar offences,this is one of the reasons why I think this case,although it may go right to the wire ,will be dropped,maybe on some flimsy excuse like a bureaucratic blunder or the passage of time,I do think it could open a pandoras box that the pps really dont have a choice,will they be prepared for the flood of demands for prosecutions in the many similar cases from both sides of the community and the subsequent political fallout.
I think what is missing here is the fact that Gerry McGeough was picked out when so many others could also have been picked out. Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were at polling stations the same day and were not arrested. If Gerry McGeough is convicted the same selectivity will apply as did to his arrest. No floodgates will open shoving a gush of Provisionals through the courts. This is why I would suggest to pople there is no room for complacency in the Gerry McGeough case. It is one of the clearest examples of political policing since the RUC had its name changed to PSNI.
Food for thought Anthony indeed a cara and scary,again I say this (fingers crossed) I dont think psf would survive the political backlash if members and ex members are forced to remain loyal to the movement just to avoid prosecution then I think that will be the start of a slippy slope for psf,personally I think its in psf best interests to push as Paisley jnr was last week for and end to all Bloody Sunday, Ballymurphy,New Lodge, enquiries and prosecutions, they really need to get the past into the past,theres to many skeletons in the closet for Adams and others to keep them looking over their shoulders
Anthony, Wise Up!
On "In one instance, a man has told of an encounter he had with a local DUP politician, who is known to be close to the UDR man at the center of Gerry's case.
This Protestant "ethos" still dominates the apparatus of State within the six-Counties, and central to it is the need to keep the native Irish Catholics down and in their place".
Compliant Catholics, like the "useful idiots" of the Sinn Féin leadership, who smilingly take their money and underscore British/Orange rule, are just about tolerated; but those who speak out against British rule and injustice in Ireland can easily find themselves in Gerry's position"
Gerry Mc Geough has some questions to answer. His decision to continue on a revanchist stream of politics is up to him. Trial is entirely appropriate for anyone who committed some crime. 'The UDR man' seems to be a term of abuse to many of your readers; I suggest Sammy Brush, the UDR man involved and a DUP member, bravely (& effectively) returned fire, after being attacked. Again, if McGeough was involved, tough titty for him.
This 'Protestant Ethos' whining is pathetic. As was the 'injustice' referenced in "that he had to be in court in Belfast the following morning. As a consequence, he was unable to attend his children’s school sports day along with all the other parents"
yes, I suppose I should wise up and consider censoring Helen because you don't like what she writes. Then that would pose me the problem of what to do with you if Ryan doesn't like what you write. Any suggestions?
Colm if Gerry McGeough has questions to answer, wouldnt you then agree that a hell of a lot of politicans mla,s community workers etc have questions to answer also if its sauce for the goose it must also be sauce for the gander,the only thing is some of these people may have a lot more to answer for,
Thanks for the write-up. Appreciate it.
From your lips to God's ears, but as of the end of July, It has now emerged that the chief "evidence" to be used against Gerry McGeough in his trial under the discredited Diplock Court system is comprised of alleged Political Asylum application papers from Sweden.
The British claim that Gerry sought Political Asylum in Sweden in the 1980s and that they have now obtained his application files, which are normally subjected to a 50-year confidentiality protection clause under Swedish law.
In their obsessive need to prosecute and imprison this Irishman, the British are prepared to turn international political asylum refugee laws on their head. The move has widespread implications for the entire concept of political asylum and has now become a major Human Rights issue.
A central figure in this outrage is Swedish Civil Servant Helen Hedebris. Believed to be fanatically pro-British, this individual has been working in close collaboration with the RUC/PSNI over the years and is set to be the chief prosecution witness against Gerry when the Diplock trial resumes in Belfast on September 7th.
It is not clear that the Swedish Authorities were even aware of the fact that Helen Hedebris was working in such close collusion with British agents and supplying them with confidential Swedish government documents.
the end of July,
Excuse my ignorance, but I don't know what "hibs" stands for? And yes, I do believe SF sold out when they signed the Stormont Agreement. It may have stopped the war but it did not stop British injustice in the north nor has it led to a united Ireland. From my point of view, I see PSF as the party who is helping to destroy Irish republicanism and now backs the British "status-quo ante"
As for "asking for a statement from the party (SF)" it only served to prove my opinions/comments about them are dead-on!
"His decision to continue on a revanchist stream of politics is up to him"...wasn't that basically what the "troubles" were about...Irish catholics in NI struggling to gain civil and human rights along with the right to self-determination free of British rule? Wasn't that what Sinn Fein preached from the pulpit?
The "UDR man seems to be a term of abuse to your readers"...It needs to be noted: "The “Ulster Defense Regiment (UDR) ever since its formation in 1970 was under investigation for bias during its tenure. The regiment was infiltrated by and colluded with Protestant Loyalist paramilitary groups.” “Members of the security forces in Northern Ireland colluded with the Ulster Defense Association (UDA) Ulster Defense Regiment (UDR) and loyalist paramilitary organizations over the murders of many innocent people in 1970 and 1980’s including the murder of nationalist Councilor Patsy Kelly 1974 and solicitor Pat Finucane in 1989.” The government forces involved included Force Research Units of the British Army, the Royal Ulster Constabulary, (RUC) Special Branch.” Out of 3,015 members of the security forces involved in these stages, only 18 were convicted of murder, 11 for manslaughter. 99 members were convicted of assault, armed robbery, weapons offences, bombing, intimidation and attacks on Catholics, kidnapping and membership in the Ulster Volunteer Forces (UVF).”
So if the shoe fits??????
I forgot to list the sources from which I quoted about the "UDR"
“Stevens Enquiry 1, 2, 3.” Official British government inquiry conducted by Sir
John Stevens into collusion and murder by government and state security forces.
“Subversion in the Ulster Defense Regiment (UDR).” The Irish News, May 2, 2006.
Articles prepared by British Military August 1973.
“The Bennett Report" – 1989"Recommended UDR be disbanded due to infiltration by
Protestant loyalist paramilitary organizations”
Helen once again thanks for that update,if the pps are/or intending to use Gerry,s application for political asylum in Sweeden ,then they would have to get the nod from higher up all the way to the cabinet in Westminister I would assume, thats what makes me wonder will those mandrains and their bosses be willing to disrupt international relations for a conviction that would have the potential to unleash a raft of futher claims for others to be charged and tried for similar or worse crimes than which Gerry is currently being tried for,I think that now Gerry,s case has gone international may be to his advantage,the more and wider the audience the more carefull the brits and the pps will have to be.I know their arrogance knows no boundaries, but even Perfidious Albion likes to show the world that they really are democrats,so again I,m of a mind to still believe that they will/have already come to the conclusion that this case isint worth the hassle,hope so for that toerag Helen Hedebris she may end up looking foe political asylum herself,the Swedes wont take kindly to her act of for the udr thugs/murderers with uniforms.used to laugh at either the lanky or wee fat bastards in Fermanagh with guns bigger than themselves trying to look like John Wayne,
helen, hibs,
ancient order of hibernians,
gerry mcgeough supported the good friday agreement for several years,
if you think that he sold out just say so, its a yes or no answer, do
not know who you are trying to bluff here.
you dont support SINN FEIN helen
thats your own opinion,
but you do not say who you do support, very easy to make snide comments, then run a mile,
speak up, or remain yellow.
Michael I think Helen bravely and elequently does speak Gerrys case she is a lone voice in the wilderness,reminds me of a few brave women in years gone by like Maura Drumm snr and now jnr, the leadership of psf imo should be the ones you should be calling on to speak up,
“You don’t support SIN FEIN Helen
that’s your own opinion,
but you do not say who you do support, very easy to make snide comments, then run a mile,
speak up, or remain yellow.”
Just an observation as your PSF dance always sounds a little “beam me up Scotty?” no pun intended over PSF airspace.
Without doubt Helen presented her article well and continues on defending her position in the comments… hardly the actions of a coward?
If she does not support PSF that would be her choice not her opinion I don’t subscribe to any political party would that make me “Yellow?”
I thought the ballot box was private though that is not your issue as you set on the PSF Titanic Helen clearly points out where her support is on this issue an injustice.
Hypothetically Michael if the case was involving a PSF member, would that change your view?
tain bo
it's your own opinion who if anyone
you support, just because you do not support political partys, does not mean that you support no one,
its just that some go on a moral
crusade against SINN FEIN, but then
do not give an alternative,
but what are their reasons,
are they to ashamed to tell us who they support,
some need to pretend to others that
they are hardline, you ever see this type,
and some do not care about IRELAND,
never have and never will, but they still want to complain,
a SINN FEIN member was arrested along with mcgeough, they both want to court on the same charge,
helen not tell you this,
my own opinion is that anyone who
is constant on complaints, but
with-holds who they support is a coward,
others can say that i am wrong, but
this is just my opinion.
I see after a year you are still trying to muddy issues with your "Dublin election" nonsense about Gerry McGeough, "his support of Stormont", and for whatever reason, you are still harping on the exact same issues, asking me the exact same questions you did a year ago whenever I would post on the Slugger O’Toole web site. As I proved to you a year ago - Gerry never even put his name forward for any Dublin constituency and there were no elections during the period you are talking about. With regard to “Gerry taking a seat at Stormont”, my understanding was this was proposed to Gerry in order to keep a check on the sell-out merchants within Sinn Fein…and look at the amount of selling out they’ve done since!
My opinions about the leadership of SF are the same now as they were since the signing of the Stormont Agreement . As for the other gentleman arrested along with Gerry McGeough, Vincent McAnespie, it was requested 3 years ago that I not comment on his case, otherwise I would be campaigning for his release as well. You see, michaelhenry, unlike yourself and the leadership of SF, it doesn't matter to me what political party you belong to, injustice is injustice and needs to be challenged regardless of religion or political affiliations.
My political views regarding the north of Ireland are simple...I believe in a re-united Ireland free of British rule. Whoever gets that job done is who I would support. Now Mr. Henry, I’ve done all the explaining I intend to do. I will not engage in anymore of your head-games because you and I have already been there, done that, for almost a year on Slugger O’Toole and quite frankly, I feel your pretense of “concern” for Gerry and his family, as you mentioned on this site, is just a continuation of you trying to bait me like you did all last year and I’m not going there anymore. You have my answers. No go to “” for further updates. Have a pleasant evening.
You make a valid point with regard to Gerry's case having gone international. I believe it is already starting to concern some people within Sinn Fein. My understanding is that there will now be a member of Sinn Fein attending the trial in September. I was told who it was, but I must check with Gerry’s attorney before I can release his name. In the interim, the question we are now posing to the PM of Sweden: “Is this Swedish Administration going to permit Helen Hedebris, one of your Civil Servants, to act as a British crown witness in a politically motivated trial of Gerry McGeough under the discredited Diplock Court system in Belfast”?
”No members of the British forces are being charged or tried for their part in the 1969-98 North of Ireland conflict (e.g. the soldiers responsible for "Bloody Sunday", 1972), yet you are prepared to help in the persecution of Irish Nationalists, thus causing further bitterness for another generation. Is this Sweden's only contribution to the Irish Peace process"?
In case anyone would like to contact the PM of Sweden it is easier to reach him by email: The Honorable Fredrik Reinfeldt Prime Minister of Sweden. Email address:
Again it would be my choice not my opinion I may hold an opinion on a choice as I said I don’t subscribe to any political party. That would clearly mean I support no political party.
Is it necessary that I follow a political party to have an opinion? Simply I learn more from the common opinions than from the politicians.
“A SINN FEIN member was arrested along with mcgeough, they both want to court on the same charge,
Helen not tell you this, (maybe an oversight as there are many details in this case plenty not listed here)
my own opinion is that anyone who
is constant on complaints, but
with-holds who they support is a coward,
others can say that I am wrong, but
this is just my opinion.”
“It’s just that some go on a “moral”
crusade against SINN FEIN.”
I assume you meant “amoral crusade” as you noticeably present an amoral crusade against Helen or anyone one else who mentions PSF in a dim light. Which is fair enough yet you fail to show what it is that PSF offer the people?
Using “Yellow and coward” is not presenting an argument against her position but an attack on her character respectfully Michael an apology would be in order.
Obviously political issues are bantered about here if you have noticed there is a fair amount of Pope and Queen bashing loyalist and republican bashing are you asking that PSF receive preferential treatment?
Encourage some of those who share your view to post and debate the PSF position.
Surely you must be able to discern between constructive criticism and general bashing banter?
Should I ask Marty not to tell the Pope to “eff aff” which was considerably more polite than what my own brother had to say about the Pope?
TPQ offers certain freedoms that other sites don’t the diversity of the subject matter that keeps it interesting if it was only about PSF bashing I doubt people would post.
Don’t take it so seriously after all they let a buck Eegit like me post.
I just read Helens response Michael it sounds like you left out a few details of your own.
Excellent Helen,I for one will be e-mailing the Swedish p.m this morning,I haven,nt anything new to add other than what I have already said, I wish Gerry all the very best and keep up the good work for yer man Mickey boy why bother!
Helen I sent a e-mail to the Swedish p.m earlier expressing my concern at the credability of Ms Hedebris as a reliable and truthfull wittness in Gerrys trial,I asked if it would be in Swedens interest to have observers at this case.good luck hon.
never could stop-
what about the elephant in the room
the un-holy trinity of helen, marty
and tain bo, who do not or can not
discuss that they support a person,
who would take his seat at stormont
if elected, who many times have we
read these 3 run down those who took their stormont seats,
helen even says that mcgeough would
only take his seat to oppose SINN
political partys are not the only
groups that people support, tain bo
either you misunder-stood or i was not clear enough.
flicking through most of to-days
6 county local papers, who did i come across with a suit on and
making a complaint about waste dumped in his home patch, none other than the bold gerry mcgeough,
page 4 of to-days tyrone times,
election's in a few months, gerry
has a good campaign team here.
Breaking news:
West Belfast we have a problem… Michael Henry chief of PSF intelligence has identified the root cause of the party’s problem. The unholy trinity has been identified as two men and a woman PSF sources believe the most damning evidence against the three is the fact that they do not know each other. The Vatican has demanded the immediate extradition of the fourth person Gerry McGeough whom they believe by natural deduction of Michael’s expert investigation is none other than the elusive anti Christ himself.
In a related story the world held its breath as a satellite picked up a bright red light emanating over Ireland after an extensive search it was declared nonthreatening as its source was just Michael’s redner.
“Who do not or cannot
discuss that they support a person,”
Identify the mysterious person I am supposed to discuss for the sake of “anonymity” let’s call him, Mr. A.
I do not know Marty and Helen my co-conspirators’ I do not know Mr. A. personally. I choose not to follow PSF, RSF or any political party.
Your, “Ask not what PSF can do for you but what you can do for PSF” ranting is not convincing me that come election time I should vote for the party.
Not to burst your Irish air space hot air balloon lark but you do more damage to your party’s image than I ever could. Namely as I am not interested and I would doubt any PSF person would be worried about any opinion I hold. They might even agree that I have the right of choice?
Anyway thanks for including me in your conspiracy novel but for now I am away to read an interesting book and do some non PSF related activities if that is okay with you?
Thank you for contacting the PM of Sweden on behalf of Gerry. It is much appreciated. We can only hope for the best but after speaking to Gerry tonight (with so many obvious interruptions/possible phone tapping) it appears the powers that be really want Gerry in prison.
Question: Since Vincent McAnespie is an avid supporter of Sinn Fein, how come not one member of Sinn Fein has come to his aid, as well as Gerry McGeough, in the last 3 years?
Helen, what do you think are the authorities' motives in pursuing Gerry? Is it because he's an independent republican who broke with PSF? Has he expressed support for continuing the armed struggle? I don't get it.
No, Gerry has not expressed support for continuing the armed struggle.
The key RUC-PSNI performer against Gerry McGeough was Superintendent Harkness, who now appears to have orchestrated both the stage-managed arrest of the Independent Republican candidate outside the election count centre on quarter-century old charges, as well as the moves to delay and deny a bail release on those trumped-up charges. Harkness is thought to have served with the infamous DMSU divisional mobile support unit, in making his way up the ranks of the RUC-PSNI. During his election campaign Gerry McGeough had argued that it was wrong in principle for any Republican pledged to remove British forces to back the British crown constabulary and that in practice the renamed RUC-PSNI would continue to act as the cutting edge of British repression. Harkness is exactly the sort the British crown will task with selecting, training, and commanding new recruits and ensuring that such recruits fit the mold of the old RUC.
Apparently, you may aspire to a united Ireland, but those who do so outside the strait-jacket of the British imposed structures, or who refuse to endorse the crown constabulary, even if you do so by election campaigns and peaceful means will be dealt with by the RUC-PSNI. Many had argued that the arrest had made McGeough's point more eloquently than his own words.
Tain Bo
'TPQ offers certain freedoms that other sites don’t the diversity of the subject matter that keeps it interesting if it was only about PSF
bashing I doubt people would post.'
I hope that sums it up
In the rational world it should sum it up though in the world of Michael Henry I am probably committing high treason.
To his credit he is great craic and certainly baffles the readers.
Tain Bo,
No doubt about it...LOL!
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