Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Oath, Revealed

Cartoon by Brian Mór
Click to enlarge


Oh boy Brian,s done it now wait till Mickeyboy see,s this one!!

Big Percy on the beer, wonder who was paying for it?

Seriously though, I think we should all be slightly in awe at how ingenious big Percy can be at times.

for fcuck's sake-
one seems to have the oath and the
nazi's in their sick artist mind

don't cut your ear of brian like that other artistic person

A fine gathering of the Thought Police indeed...

Talking of the Provo Thought Police, I've been reliably informed that a lad who plays in two well known Derry bars during the week had a message passed on to him from the Shinners to...wait for it...tone down on the militant rebel songs as no one wants to hear them.

PSF are tidying up it seems before Derry becomes the UK City of Culture. Can't have those blasted Republicans bringing the tone of the place down singing their anti-establishment songs...

Ah, Bobby Mo Chara they're churning them out as systemised, institutionalised, decent law-abiding robots.

Dixie this is nothing new a cara,a few years ago Ray Mc Areavey of Wolfhound fame penned an article for the Blanket, telling everyone of the experience he and an American friend had in some of the clubs in Andytown ie, the PD and I think the Felons where they were told to tone down the rebel tunes, as they were no longer politicaly correct,maybe Anthony can recall that article,

Gerry Itwasnt me went to see Bob doh Brains in hospital,he arrives to see Bob with two bandaged feet,Gerry Itwasntme asks"what have you done now?"Bob doh Brains replies"its feckin ASDA again!!! I bought a sponge pudding for my tea and it said pierce the tin and stand in boiling water for ten minutes doh!!! Husband asks wife "how many men have you slept with hon?" the wife replies "only you darling.....the rest kept me awake!!!!!!! wife with pmt..."OY ..DO YOU WANT ANYTHING TO EAT?" husband "what choices are there?"...wife...."YES OR F##KIN NO"....BOb doh Brains goes into Wetherspoons and ask a member of the bar staff how much the cocktails are? she says "four pounds a glass and ten pounds a pitcher" Bob doh Brains says "why would I want my picture takin with a feckin drink doh!!!!!

Marty, you could not have people singing rebel songs in the PD what would the Mr Bagott think?
Rebels are barely tolerated in that club let alone rebel music.


Vincent Van Gough suffered from mental illness and I believe ended his life at 37 from a self inflicted gunshot.
Your comment would have been placed well if only you had posted it on the other cartoon with the book Sixpence and the Moon based loosely on the life of Paul Gauguin.
It was an emotionally charged Van Gough who confronted Gauguin with a straight razor leaving in a rage and for whatever reason cut his own ear off later giving it to a prostitute asking her to keep it safe.

tain bo-

poor van gough cut his ear of with a straight razor
wonder what he would have cut of with a queer razor's edge

wonder how much that prostitute
sympathiser charged for that ear
[ always thought that prostitute
was a unfit name for those that just sold there talents ]

Bob doh Brains walks into Thatcher house on the Anytouts rd, he was holding a big pile of shite. he says to Gerry Itwasntme "doh look what I nearly stood on "...

Mickeyboy prostitute fits well with youe mates in a matter of fact it fits perfectly.

Marty, you are in fine humourous form here. Just keep it away from the Liverpool articles!!

Marty, walking in shite is supposedly lucky, maybe thats how Big Bob got all his dosh, shite walking or is it shite talking?

michaelhenry, apart from those highclass prostitutes, few women on the 'game' would class themselves as selling talent, desperation more like.
However, I do agree with you, that they are undervalued as they provide a very credible service.
Always found it bizarre, that these women are labeled and the punters who avail of their services are not.
There is no doubt these women provide a service that greatly reduces sex attacks. Well worth their money!
Wonder is that why Man Utd has had to give it's main player a rise?


Guilty as charged in my insensitive politically incorrect mannerism I await the arrival of the word police and the shackles of censorship.

Just an observation you are uncomfortable with the word prostitute yet comfortable with the word queer that would defeat your attempt at political correctness.
I was busy laughing at “seeing red” wishing I followed football as Anthony is taking the well deserved flak so when I arrived at your endeavor at wit I was already laughed out with the funnier posts.
To your credit Michael, “talent” is the funniest thing you said: Brian has artistic talent as for the lady’s of the evening providing services that are naturally hardwired into the human reproductive drive that may be a debatable “talent?”
You are pretty concrete in your definition of prostitute are male prostitutes unequal with their female counterpart?

I watched a news bulletin today on the riots in the Cloughfern estate of Newtownabbey,its stated that up to 100 people took part in this riot, can we now expect the psni,the Irish News, Belfast Telegraph, Andytout News et all to begin publishing photos of these rioters,or will this be a human rights issue.


The riot was reported as a disturbance unlike the riots in Ardoyne this one had good loyalist reasoning apparently the cops had been a bit heavy handed raiding a few houses which in turn caused the disturbance.
Nationalists riot loyalist only cause disturbance.
It seems like the loyalist Para-militaries were not too happy about being picked on so a wee disturbance give them time to shift gear so when the raids continue conveniently they should be more cordial .
It does highlight the strength of loyalist Para-militaries and shows they are extremely active and probably more cohesive though as expected the media only focus on the dissident threat to peace.

Tain Bo there,s a hell of a disturbance down there tonight again mo cara,but hey ho as long as its not political!!

Definitely not politically motivated nothing sinister after all the cops are always causing trouble picking on the loyalists disturbing their paramilitary activity an outrage who do these Brit police think they are harassing the defenders of the crown.

Tain Bo should we now call up General Peter the punt to recall Ulster Resistance and invade Rathcoole to sort out these thugs,?


Not much to say on this issue except "Is anyone surprised"? Brian's cartoons are always dead-on.


“Always found it bizarre, that these women are labeled and the punters who avail of their services are not”.

Agree. To me the “ole boy network” is still alive and well out there. To use the old cliché “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” is still selective in its acceptance.

Peter did not sound overly concerned no strong language as the UVF put on a show of force.

Michael mo chara

You never answered my questions on the oafs sorry oaths cartoon I appreciate you throwing me and Marty under the bus great diversionary ploy.
Unfortunately you had been taking the piss out of Van Gough’s depression (self pity) which went unchallenged until you made the comment on the cancer article if you burn your hand running it under hot water is not the best idea.
Anyway mucker it’s nothing personal a bit a flak does wonders for the soul plus Fionnuala had already put me and Marty in our place “cynics.”
Just grumpy old men complaining with short attention spans so we digress mainly due to dementia mine is advanced so I blame the medication for my inane rants.

Aye Tain Bo and my excuse is the plum poteen its pickled the auld grey matter,cant tell friend from foe anymore,one thing for sure is our Mickeyboy is never gonna suffer after all like his mates in psf no brain no pain!

Aye Tain Bo while yer at it would you ask our Mickeyboy how many oaths does the oaf,s in psf take when changing a lightbulb in Thatcher house on the Andytout rd,answers on the back of a £50 Northern bank note only!

You are breaking the eleventh commandment “thou shall not speak ill of PSF’ I sense the wrath of Mickey will be upon you. He was quick on picking up the change of subject yet not a peep about the UVF throwing a tantrum.

No chance Tain Bo brother in arms after all

Marty, I have a vague recollection of the piece but that's about all. Too tired to go searching for it. Off to bed.


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