Tuesday, November 23, 2010

South of the Border

Cartoon by Brian Mór
Click to enlarge


As usual brill, I could just imagine that conversation taking place,and if Slab is still in the huffs there is still plenty of that Northern money still floating about,one thing for sure in the louth election,money wont be a problem, keeping Mickeyboy home may be a bigger prob.

I think that I have figured out why the master is so keen to join the gobshites at Leinster House.

It appears that the recent fibs of members (re not seeking help/finance from the IMF, European Bank, Salvation Army etc)may afford the masters previous untruths a scale/comparator that they have not previously enjoyed.

Perhaps the master hopes that people will think that his lies about membership, decommissioning, recognition of the legitimacy of partition etc etc will appear to be little white lies when compared to the spoutings of his new free state chums.

I suppose if you are going to do it you mights as well do it big....lie that is.

Think the Northern Bank money has been well sunk, it has set quite a few of them up for ever and amen.
Looking at them well suited and booted walking around the corridors of power like some elite movement is quite sickening.
I know people who have spent half their adult lives in jail and they barely exist from one day to the next.
They, Sinn Fein, Coiste and all the other nice little earners claim they look after their own, surely that must be a euphemism for we look after ourselves, because I interact on a regular basis with many ex-prisoners and I don't know one, not one single person who has ever benefited from any of their schemes.

Lol Nuala thats why they are called petty ourselves alone,I to havent met a genuine case that has been helped, but truth now be told I for one would now tell them where to stick it.

I agree with your sentiments entirely. However, they have stuck it. In their accounts and their holiday homes and every other lucrative trade they have bought into.
Years ago, I asked a friend, 'How do they sleep.' 'Quite well I dare say' he replied. Then jokingly added. 'Can you imagine the sheer luxury they sleep in.'

Far away for a few days to listen to folk with a different accent-
[ wonder what my accent sounds like to others ]

i'll meet and greet the happy few
and get some local whiskey-
not sure if i'll get near a computer but to be sure our marty
will watch my back on TPQ.

I know I,m repeating myself here but in an earlier post Fuiseog directed us to http://www.u.tv/news/leading-sf-post-for-former-bomber. now if you watch this and go to where Brian Rowan and Jackie Mc Donald are walking down the street,take a close look at Mc Donalds right trouser pocket and tell me what you think you see there?

Bit late now Mickeyboy for your back that is ,for as we say in Belfast its been ripped clean off ye! but have a good time auld son take the medicine and listen to the doctors and you,ll be out in no time!

3 parrots for sale £170,£150,and £10. woman asks "why is that parrot so cheap?"shopkeeper replies"it used to live in a brothel"the woman thinks thats funny and buys the parrot,when she gets the parrot home the parrot says "f##k me a new brothel"the woman laughs andwhen her two daughters come home the parrot says "f##k me new prozziez" the girls laugh.then the husband comes home and the parrot says "f##k me Mickeyboy long time no see"...A psychiatrist is conducting a group session with 4 young mothers and their kids"you all have obsessions"he observes,he says to the first mother"your obsessed with eating,you,ve even named your daughter Candy"he turns to the 2nd mum"your obsessed with money ,this show in your childs name Penny"he goes to the 3rd mother"your obsession is alcohol,this shows is your childs name Brandy"the 4th mother quietly gets up and whispers to her son "come on Dick this guy has no idea what hes talking about lets go and pick Willie up from school"!!..Whats the difference between a kangaroo and a kangaroot? A..Ones an Australian animal,the other is a Geordie stuck in a lift!!!

Bob doh brains before he became a revisionist revolutionary had tried out for the priesthood,the bishop aked him a few questions on the bible 1st,who was born in a stable? "doh easy one that Shergar doh."says Bob 2nd "what do you think of Damascus?" "er doh it kills 99% of all germs "replies Bob 3rd "what happened when Moses went to Mount Olive?" "doh easy peasy "says Bob "Popeye knocked his f##k in"!!!My missus says I never do anything to" take her breath away" I chucked her inhaler in the bin .....that should do the trick!!!!Bob went to the doctors and says" I,ve a sore arse" doctor bends him over and finds a wad of money up there "doh how much was up there?"says Bob the doc replies £1900..."sounds about right "says Bob "I knew I didnt feel too grand"!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!!Bob Geldof has jus confirmed that a fundraising concert for Ireland will be held in Ethiopia this Christmas!!!.....Christmas in Poleglass:12 inbred brothers,11 fake Armani,s, 10 Lambert and butler, 9pm curfew, 8 young children,7 different dads,6 grams of coke, 5 sovereign rings,4 stolen alloys, 3 different ASBO,s 2 cans of Stella and a brand new DLA car!!!!!

Nuala if your travelling to Armagh with Marie,Eve and Kate and the rest of that crew,try and behave!and dont let them lead you into anything you cant handle,remember Albert is for life!

I cant believe that noone else can see what I see in McDonalds pocket, its 3.55mins in and lasts only a few secs ,just heard a lorry load of viagra has been stolen by the 7 dwarfs.........police are looking for a bunch of wee hard men!!!

Bernard Mathews has died today aged 80, the funeral will be held next week at Norfolk crematorium,11am gasmark 6 for 4 hours!!

The skin
absolutely correct..

watched that interview, sounded very articulate and credible but read skin's comments and you again end up shaking your head at the cost of a fancy suit and an SDLP job in disguise.
re mcdonalds pocket..u never hear of a baccie tin r kid? he obviously still rolls his own.

I see they have cancelled the panto Jack in the beanstalk in Oldham,Bradford,Burnley,Birmingham,Leicester,and Luton,because the giant couldnt smell any English men!

I think FF and SF should join up for the next election. Look at some of what they have in commom:
They both have sold out Ireland
They both like the RUC/PSNI
They both think dissedents are traitors
Both their leaders cannot tell the truth
Both answer a question with a question
Their economic proposals leave alot to be desired

And on it goes //////
The big carrot at the end is that FF could then swallow them up like the PD's and Green's.
What would Gerry do then??????????

Anyone who swallows Gerry would need an exorcism.


‘I think FF and SF should join up for the next election.’

At one time we were referring to them as Provisional Fianna Fail in the North


no doubt. If the arithmetic is right Sf will go into coalition with FG.


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