Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ach An Lae Eile

Cartoon by Brian Mór
Click to enlarge


here what's the craic about Lurgan? It's a happening up and coming place, they even got an extra railway halt outside my sisters house it's become so popular.

Seen Bob doh Brains on the Anytout rd and by the luk o him Brians caption could have read "whats another pie"

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Bristol police investigating the Joanna Yeates case say the murderer stole one of her I the only one thinking "Heather f##kin Mills!!!

Little Johnny was walking home from school with his mum,telling her about his day......"mummy at playtime I saw daddys car go into the woods aunty Jane was with him "oh "said mum "carry on" "then me and Jack sneaked out and followed them and saw them kissing and ..""stop" said mum "why dont you save your story and tell us all tonight so daddy can hear to" so at dinner little Johnny told them "I saw daddys car go into the woods near school,and me and Jack went into the woods,we saw daddy kissing aunty Jane,then they took their clothes of and did that thing what mummy and uncle Bob do when daddy,s at work"..mum fainted....The moral of this story is womem should always shut up,listen and let people finish before interrupting.....

I got run over by a snow plough the other day "bas###d "I said through gritted teeth

Marty saying as I use so many of your gags here's one in return

Why men shouldn't be Agony Aunts:
Dear Jim, I left home for work last week and after less than a mile my car stalled and wouldn't start, I walked back to our home to find my husband in bed with our 19 year old babysitter, they announced that the affair had been going on for two years and that they were in love, can you help me I'm desperate!

Dear reader: the most common cause of vehicles breaking down in the first mile is dirt in the fuel lines, if this is not the cause its usually the Alternator, hope my advice helps Jim :

Someone asked me whats the difference between a crow and a blackbird,I said crows have heavier beaks and fan shaped tails,and a blackbird has big rubbery lips ,frizzy hair and a masssive arse!

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Reply to Antoin Mac C .,From her Majesty,s loyal servants in Stormont. re ,.your humble requests HA, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA OH our sides are splitting dream on lad dream on!

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my sister requested a new train halt at her front door. the kilwilkie youth duly obliged, right in front of her door, thats what you get for being a bouqet/BUCKET. Go go free kilwilkie lol

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i was refering to my 2 sisters as buckets. As in keeping up appearances. They bought new bungallows on the oposite side of the tracks to kilwilkie a council estate. They then realised to their dismay that the elevated lines right in front of their houses is where the trains keep getting set on fire. My son informed me the last van hijacked and burnt there, they drove it down the lines rite in front of their houses.
Being the black sheep and 'jailbird' in the family it gives me a chuckle to watch it on the news..Oh look, there my sisters houses!! How lovely. Quite ironic really.

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Talking about trains ...what do you call a train that does,nt stop at any station..wont pick up any passengers or any mail or goods...yip ya got it ...Thomas the C##t!!!!!!!


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