I see Danny Morrison totally changed his opinion of the visit. Initially, he regurgatated his master's stance that it was ill-times. In the News Letter however, he done a total back flip and declared the visit a resounding success, now theres a surprise.
I doubt they will release Marian anytime soon. What is new with Bangers making an about face. If they were ill times, well we must be living in pestilent times now as the poison spreads.
Fionnuala in regards Danny Morrison. If Gerry wants to break something in, say like a new pair of boots, he gives them to Danny and gets him to walk round the yard a few times while wearing them.
This does two things, firstly it ensures that Gerry doesn't get blisters and secondly it gets the lesser shinners used to the boots in a 'I must have a pair of those' sort of way.
Before you know it the whole of PSF will be wearing the same boots and they'll be saying, "These boots will move us forward, away from the past. Great boots Gerry!"
One thing you won't hear is, "Did you see those crap boots Danny Morrison was wearing?"
What went wrong in the new poll for the North's most attractive politicans. Michele Gildernew, narrowly pipped Lady Hermon who held the title for the past few years. However, Big Gerry, who in his own reckoning, took storm America was left trailing along the bottom. Apparently, the site continuously crashed when the poll was ongoing. Must have been Babs Streisand trying to register her thousand hits for Gearoid.
Dixie, I really enjoyed your piece about Morrison and the boots.
TainBo, Something is spreading and it definitely ain't the truth.
Marty, I thought they cut Morrison adrift, althought, I know they bring him out now and again to add credence to the odd spoof.
Sorry, in the above I should have wrote Big Gerry, took America by storm. Well, according to him the women found him very attractive.
Speaking about Gerry, Gerry Mc Geough had an excellent letter in the paper this morning. The letter in question, related to his unjust treatment and the blantant hypocrisy of Sinn Fein and the Brits.
I read that letter of Gerry Mcgeough's- where is that hipocrisy of Sinn Fein that you claim to see-
Gearoid O heara cannot be arrested, prosecuted, imprisoned because of his admission that he was a leader of Na Fianna- which came at the bloody sunday inQuiry- anyone who give evidence was immune- but why should Mcqeough let the facts get in the way of another yarn-
To buy the Irish news- is that putting money in the pockets of those who support the p.s.n.i-
michaelhenry, Gerry Mc Geough was also guaranteed immunity, however that all changed when his politics were defined as out of step with the party line. You must see that Gerry Mc Geough has been treated disgracfully, just like Marian Price and the prisoners. I know you shinners have turned their coats, but I thought it was only snakes like McGuinness and Adams that shed them.
michaelhenry, sorry, I only just spotted your last comment? I don't believe the Irish News is a nationalist paper, a national paper yes but not an nationalist paper. I don't think the Irish News will ever deviate from the big Northern/normalisation theory. Even with Billy Mc Kee. They refused to publish his joint letter prior to the election. Are we giving money to a paper who supports the cops, Yes absolutely!
It took St patrick over 50 years to get rid of the snake's in Ireland- give or take a year- the St Provo's will see of the last of the crown in the same time-frame
Gerry McGeough was guaranteed immunity also- thats a good one- what agreement was that wrote- if anyone admits to a freedom strike before 1998- then they have to serve 2 years- which is the reason why a few want Gerry A to say that he was a I.R.A volunteer-
Any Republican i know- wants to see all political prisoner's out and with their family's-
Nuala the vatican times (Irish news) is as you say a national paper which swings which way popular opinion and the "state" dictate,and the quality of reporting and comment imo leaves a lot to be desired, no sticking the head over the parapet on issues like human rights or political issues, anyway hoh I,m away to bonnie Scotland for a big birthday, you keep your head up.Illegitimi non carborundum (dont let the bastards grind you down,) John MC Girr there,s a very interesting programme coming on the history channel next Tuesday at 9pm its about a psalter found in a bog somewhere down south,looks like a real good show. Mickeyboy I,m not going to be here to spoil my vote but at least I have the pleasure of knowing its not going to Paul Ineverdidanything Maskey,unless of course its stolen, I also wonder will the new psf lord mayor of Belfast get his da planning premission for the land he conned the H,E into selling him cheap for a community garden project (I think) and then tried to build houses on, Blue Moon here comes Marty!!!!
Michael Henry You have certainly hit the jackpot with your criticism of Gerry Mc Geough this time what a 24 carat gold clown your really are how you and the clowns in Sinn Fein can ignore a sound republican like him and the others currently incarcerated in the hell holes the British call jails is beyond belief, it really is not so long ago when people were asked to rally behind dissident republicans locked in the hell hole that was the H-Blocks , but of course now that the jobs for the buoys would be at risk if Adams and co were to condemn this ill-treatment means a whole different cause to Sinn Fein ,Adams and Mc Guinness are the new John Hume and Gerry Fitt whom the then republican movement threatened to kill because they called on people to tell the British authorities about crimes being committed same as Mc Guinness is now, now that my friend is the real hypocrisy of the this whole sorry saga
Was discussing Sinn Féin with some friends in Waterford yesterday.
We were speculating on what would happen in the not-unlikely event that the Labour Party will crumble and disappear following their outright betrayal of the ordinary citizen with their support for austerity measures along the proof of the two faced nature of Eamonn Gilmore re. the Lisbon Treaty ( via Wikileaks).
Such a scenario could see Sinn Féin levered into power with Fianna Fáil support. What would our Free State be like the. We are all are aware of SF's opportunism on economic and other matters.
But what would it be like for republicans. socialists, communists and anarchists who dissent from the SF view? Could the empty streets of Dublin for Liz's visit - so like scenes from Pinochet's Chile - become the norm.
Could it be, to paraphrase Tain Bo, a "time of pestilence". We could be back to the past as our new Free Staters clamp down on dissent. Perhaps "more British than the British themselves".
I fear you are right. She will be held hostage as a means to put pressure on those at odds with the British state executive up North.
‘What is new with Bangers making an about face?’
Well, he has 40 of them and can turn in any direction he likes, or Gerry likes.
‘If Gerry wants to break something in, say like a new pair of boots, he gives them to Danny and gets him to walk round the yard a few times while wearing them.’
And use them to kick any poor sod gullible enough to let him. He’ll not kick me. I am neither blindfolded nor tied to a chair.
Former IRA volunteer and ex-prisoner, spent 18 years in Long Kesh, 4 years on the blanket and no-wash/no work protests which led to the hunger strikes of the 80s. Completed PhD at Queens upon release from prison. Left the Republican Movement at the endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement, and went on to become a journalist. Co-founder of The Blanket, an online magazine that critically analyzed the Irish peace process.
• Libelous comments will not be published. Do not abuse the Anonymous facility or your posts will no longer be published.
* A Structural Analysis of Modern Irish Republicanism: 1969-1973, PhD Thesis, Queen's, (1999).
* Modern Irish Republicanism and the Belfast Agreement: Chickens Coming Home to Roost, or Turkeys Celebrating Christmas? in Aspects of the Belfast Agreement, (2001).
* Provisional Republicanism - Internal Politics, Inequities and Modes of Repression in Republicanism in Modern Ireland, (2003).
Brian I loved that nuff said,
I see Danny Morrison totally changed his opinion of the visit.
Initially, he regurgatated his master's stance that it was ill-times.
In the News Letter however, he done a total back flip and declared the visit a resounding success, now theres a surprise.
I wonder will they release Marian Price, now that Lizzie is back in the Palace?
I doubt they will release Marian anytime soon. What is new with Bangers making an about face.
If they were ill times, well we must be living in pestilent times now as the poison spreads.
Fionnuala in regards Danny Morrison. If Gerry wants to break something in, say like a new pair of boots, he gives them to Danny and gets him to walk round the yard a few times while wearing them.
This does two things, firstly it ensures that Gerry doesn't get blisters and secondly it gets the lesser shinners used to the boots in a 'I must have a pair of those' sort of way.
Before you know it the whole of PSF will be wearing the same boots and they'll be saying, "These boots will move us forward, away from the past. Great boots Gerry!"
One thing you won't hear is, "Did you see those crap boots Danny Morrison was wearing?"
Morrison and the rest of the circus clowns in psf doing backward flips is nothing unusual Nuala.after all its what they do.
What went wrong in the new poll for the North's most attractive politicans.
Michele Gildernew, narrowly pipped Lady Hermon who held the title for the past few years.
However, Big Gerry, who in his own reckoning, took storm America was left trailing along the bottom.
Apparently, the site continuously crashed when the poll was ongoing.
Must have been Babs Streisand trying to register her thousand hits for Gearoid.
I really enjoyed your piece about Morrison and the boots.
Something is spreading and it definitely ain't the truth.
I thought they cut Morrison adrift, althought, I know they bring him out now and again to add credence to the odd spoof.
Sorry, in the above I should have wrote Big Gerry, took America by storm. Well, according to him the women found him very attractive.
Speaking about Gerry, Gerry Mc Geough had an excellent letter in the paper this morning.
The letter in question, related to his unjust treatment and the blantant hypocrisy of Sinn Fein and the Brits.
I read that letter of Gerry Mcgeough's- where is that hipocrisy of Sinn Fein that you claim to see-
Gearoid O heara cannot be arrested,
prosecuted, imprisoned because of his admission that he was a leader of Na Fianna- which came at the bloody sunday
inQuiry- anyone who give evidence was immune- but why should Mcqeough
let the facts get in the way of another yarn-
To buy the Irish news- is that putting money in the pockets of those who support the p.s.n.i-
Gerry Mc Geough was also guaranteed immunity, however that all changed when his politics were defined as out of step with the party line.
You must see that Gerry Mc Geough has been treated disgracfully, just like Marian Price and the prisoners.
I know you shinners have turned their coats, but I thought it was only snakes like McGuinness and Adams that shed them.
sorry, I only just spotted your last comment?
I don't believe the Irish News is a nationalist paper, a national paper yes but not an nationalist paper.
I don't think the Irish News will ever deviate from the big Northern/normalisation theory.
Even with Billy Mc Kee. They refused to publish his joint letter prior to the election.
Are we giving money to a paper who supports the cops, Yes absolutely!
It took St patrick over 50 years to
get rid of the snake's in Ireland-
give or take a year- the St Provo's
will see of the last of the crown in the same time-frame
Gerry McGeough was guaranteed immunity also- thats a good one- what agreement was that wrote- if anyone admits to a freedom strike before 1998- then they have to serve 2 years- which is the reason why a few want Gerry A to say that he was a I.R.A volunteer-
Any Republican i know- wants to see
all political prisoner's out and with their family's-
Nuala the vatican times (Irish news) is as you say a national paper which swings which way popular opinion and the "state" dictate,and the quality of reporting and comment imo leaves a lot to be desired, no sticking the head over the parapet on issues like human rights or political issues, anyway hoh I,m away to bonnie Scotland for a big birthday, you keep your head up.Illegitimi non carborundum (dont let the bastards grind you down,) John MC Girr there,s a very interesting programme coming on the history channel next Tuesday at 9pm its about a psalter found in a bog somewhere down south,looks like a real good show. Mickeyboy I,m not going to be here to spoil my vote but at least I have the pleasure of knowing its not going to Paul Ineverdidanything Maskey,unless of course its stolen, I also wonder will the new psf lord mayor of Belfast get his da planning premission for the land he conned the H,E into selling him cheap for a community garden project (I think) and then tried to build houses on, Blue Moon here comes Marty!!!!
'but why should Mcqeough
let the facts get in the way of another yarn-'
Typical low shinner blow to a Republican prisoner unable to answer your smears.
'if anyone admits to a freedom strike before 1998- then they have to serve 2 years- '
Why? I thought the Provos 'won' the war!
'which is the reason why a few want Gerry A to say that he was a I.R.A volunteer-'
If he said 'no comment' he would not sound such a fool.
Michael Henry
You have certainly hit the jackpot with your criticism of Gerry Mc Geough this time what a 24 carat gold clown your really are how you and the clowns in Sinn Fein can ignore a sound republican like him and the others currently incarcerated in the hell holes the British call jails is beyond belief, it really is not so long ago when people were asked to rally behind dissident republicans locked in the hell hole that was the H-Blocks , but of course now that the jobs for the buoys would be at risk if Adams and co were to condemn this ill-treatment means a whole different cause to Sinn Fein ,Adams and Mc Guinness are the new John Hume and Gerry Fitt whom the then republican movement threatened to kill because they called on people to tell the British authorities about crimes being committed same as Mc Guinness is now, now that my friend is the real hypocrisy of the this whole sorry saga
Was discussing Sinn Féin with some friends in Waterford yesterday.
We were speculating on what would happen in the not-unlikely event that the Labour Party will crumble and disappear following their outright betrayal of the ordinary citizen with their support for austerity measures along the proof of the two faced nature of Eamonn Gilmore re. the Lisbon Treaty ( via Wikileaks).
Such a scenario could see Sinn Féin levered into power with Fianna Fáil support. What would our Free State be like the. We are all are aware of SF's opportunism on economic and other matters.
But what would it be like for republicans. socialists, communists and anarchists who dissent from the SF view? Could the empty streets of Dublin for Liz's visit - so like scenes from Pinochet's Chile - become the norm.
Could it be, to paraphrase Tain Bo, a "time of pestilence".
We could be back to the past as our new Free Staters clamp down on dissent. Perhaps "more British than the British themselves".
Or are we becoming alarmists?
Any thoughts on the matter?
Diplomacy is alive and well in the backwoods then...
Tain Bo
‘! doubt they will release Marian anytime soon.’
I fear you are right. She will be held hostage as a means to put pressure on those at odds with the British state executive up North.
‘What is new with Bangers making an about face?’
Well, he has 40 of them and can turn in any direction he likes, or Gerry likes.
‘If Gerry wants to break something in, say like a new pair of boots, he gives them to Danny and gets him
to walk round the yard a few times while wearing them.’
And use them to kick any poor sod gullible enough to let him. He’ll not kick me. I am neither blindfolded nor tied to a chair.
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