Friday, June 17, 2011

Rita at Rosie's

Cartoon by Brian Mór
Click to enlarge


Might big Storey+kelly not be feeling like fish out of water at this stage?

Brill, Brian just keeps pumping them out.I was talking to a guy in north Belfast last night,said he was a member of the lemon order,"surely you mean the orange order" I said "no" he replied "we,re more bitter than them"..I said to the wife last night "just so know if I ever end up in a vegetative state where I,m dependent on a machine and have fluids from a bottle,just pull the plug" the bitch switched the television of and took all my beer away!!I walked into the pub and ordered 8 large brandies,I downed them one after another then said to the barman"I shouldnt be drinking like this with what I,ve got" the barman replied "why what have you got?" I said "42p"...

The wife left me...said it was because she thought it was weird how much I loved touching pasta,I,m feeling cannelloni right now.!,,Bob doh Brains was showing of his new flask down at Thatcher house on the Anytout rd ,Gerry Itwasnt said "what does it do Bob ?" "well"said Bob doh Brains "apparently it keeps hot things hot and clod things cold" Gerry Itwasntme me says "well what have you got in there today then Bob?" "two cups of coffee and a choc ice doh"....came home to find to find a pretty woman grouting the bathroom wall and singing"its a heartache,nothing but a fools game!I thought to myself she,s a BONNIE TILER...the wife said she was depressed and said "I feel like jumping in front of a bus and your not doing anything to help" so I got her a timetable...


keep em coming and keep em clean!!


Adams is requesting that nordy's be permitted to vote in the Irish Presidential election as, [quote]
'other sections of the diaspora are permitted'.
pick the bones outa that one!!

Blonde (sorry Nuala) driving along the M1 and her husband calls her he says ..."be carefull love ,its just been on the radio that someone is driving the wrong way on the M1" "Someone" she replies "there,s f##kin hundreds of them"....went to the doctor yesterday and told him I,m sick and tired of getting crosswords done to quickly,he said "try and not get to down!!!the wife told me that she was leaving me because I was obsessed with the Monkees,I thought she was joking.....Then I saw her face!! the only way for a couple to enjoy an afternoon "quickie" with their 8 year old son in the flat was to send him out on to the balcony with a Mars bar and tell him to report on the streets activities....he began
There,s a car being towed away
Jason is on his skateboard
The Wilsons are shagging
Startled his mum and dad sit up,dad asks "how do you know they are shagging?" "cos little Jimmy is on the balcony with a Mars bar....

Brill mock picture of the queen in a garda mug shot sporting a black eye with the legend on the board GARDAI.....DUBLIN
It was posted on Raymond Mc Cartneys face book and after a few complaints a psf spokesman denied that Mc Cartney posted it himself and said it would be removed immediately, Pity I thought it was rather very good and showed her human side...

Paisley jnr Mc Cartneys colleague in Stormont said "Raymond Mc Cartney should recognise that he does not live in Ireland,that all his hunger strike achieved was to make him slimmer and did not lead to a united Ireland" friends like him eh!

I would say they are feeling more like cats lapping up the cream.

80 year old man says to his doctor,"my 28 year old wife is pregant,whats your opinion doctor?" doctor says"let me tell you a story,a hunter in a hurry grabs an umbrella instead of his gun,he goes into the jungle,sees a lion,lifts the umbrella and bang.....the lion drops dead!
Old man"thats impossible,someone else must have shot the lion"...Doctor"my point exactly"....Fairy liquids new adverts have been updated to keep in tune with modern society "mummy why are your hands so soft" "because I,m only 15 now shut the f##k up and eat your pot noodle"!! the wife told me she was fed up with my boring facts "I find them very interesting" I said "well who gives a flying f##k" she said angrily "dragonflies" I the coffin was slowly being lowered into the grave at the funeral of a traffic warden,a voice from inside it screamed,"I,m not dead I,m not dead!!!" to which the priest smugly replied "I,m sorry my son the paperwork has already been done"..I,m just back from my first muslim stag do and it was amazing! the stripper got her face out for the lads..

heard last night that the Kray twins are now asking taxi depot owners not employ anyone aligned to armed factions.

no doubt about your assessment. The Basques refused to take a turd and sell it as caviar like SF did. I would suggest any group entering conflict resolution study the Unionist model. SF model is the path to abject surrender.

coppied and globalised.

Nuala I,m afraid we have,nt seen the Broy harriers fully deployed yet!but I believe its the thrashing of power one expects from the bully,they know there is a swelling of opinion within these communities that their actions are nothing more that the defense of their privileged positions, slowly but surely people are begining to see the con job that is the so called GFA. time and patience will take a snail to Jerusalem.

The church of England has said ok to gay clergy becoming bishops, as long as they remain celibate! am I missing something here!!

Anthony meant to say a cara,got to see Jeff Bridges in True Grit,it was excellent,but I think John Wayne,s version of Rooster Cogburn slighty better,


Lemon Order – brilliant!


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