Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Although David Ford is the justice minister it might be worthwhile also asking the Secretary of State. If the SoS revoked Brendan's license perhaps he can also re-instate it on compassionate grounds.

Christy I kind of disagree with your description of Ford as judge Roy Bean, say what you like about Bean but one thing for certain, Bean had balls ,no acara I,d be more inclined to call Ford one of the three stooges,bet you can guess who the other two are?Ford will release BL, Marian when and only when his masters in Whitehall tell him to do so,when it comes to Ford and the rest I would agree with judge Roy Bean here when he said "hang em first and try them later"there is no justice in norn iorn so I dont know why other than for the optics that they have a weasel like Ford acting as a justice minister.

I would agree with marty on his description of Ford as more of an Adminstrative Quisling --a smug faced one at that --that might be harder to portray in a single image.


thanks for this. It is a strong image

Statement from the friends of Brendan

26th July 2011.

The decision to refuse Brendan Lillis
any compassion is vindictive and cruel. The man is critically ill and confined to bed and deteriorating as each day passes. He should be released to the care of his partner, Roisin, and an outside hospital properly equipped to deal with his condition.

The continued imprisonment of Brendan
Lillis is a travesty of justice and that travesty is multiplied a hundred fold by the inaction and/or inability of Sinn Fein to actually DO anything other than make statements purporting to support Brendan and Roisin.

At this critical time we would call on
Sinn Fein, as the dominant nationalist party and the appointee of David Ford to the Justice Ministry, to do the decent thing and secure the immediate release of Brendan Lillis. Brendan Lillis is a a
threat to nobody, the British know this, Sinn Fein know this, yet collectively they all bury their heads in the sand and pass the buck from one to the other.

Statement from Duleek Independent Republicans

Duleek Independent Republicans will hold an urgent protest this Wednesday evening 27th July on the bridge of peace in Drogheda at 7p.m. calling for the immediate release of Brendan Lillis from Maghaberry Gaol.

We appeal to all republicans to attend and show your support for Brendan regardless of political beliefs. Please bring along posters and banners highlighting Brendan's case.

On Friday evening last 22nd July Justice Minister David Ford issued a statement saying he could not release Brendan Lillis on compassionate grounds as he is a threat to the public. Does Brendan Lillis look like a man that is a threat to the public?

A three day hunger strike commenced in Belfast and Derry on Thursday 21st July in support of Brendan and was lead by his partner Roisin Lynch. Former pows and ex-blanketmen joined Roisin on the hunger strike which was scheduled to end yesterday Sunday 24th July however this has been extended to this evening at 5pm. The continuation of the hunger strike will depend on a decision by the parole board today on whether Brendan should be released or not. It is widely believed amongst republican circles that the Minister for Justice David Ford will ignore any recommendations by the parole board and will continue to refuse to release Brendan Lillis on compassionate grounds.

We ask you to forward this to your friends.

Anthony have psf as a party issued a statement on BL or Marian, I cant recall hearing or reading any statements from the party as such ,I have heard individual statements for a very few of their mla,s, Mc Guinness the self publisist is never to far away from the camera, and the other ex mp and waster the bearded one i.e,president of psf ,wannabe president of the republic are deafening in their silence on this ,who one asks are they afraid of offending?for that scumbag Ford to describe a five and a halfstone man as a threat is beyond logic and if the psf mla,s had any decency they would/should be calling for Fords head and demanding an end to the internment of these people.

Stormont and the British Admin' have learned nothing from 30yrs.

SF and their fellow Unionists may think that 'tough example' is the way to consolidate and safeguard their little gravy train. They are storing up more trouble rather than defusing it.

SF should not be refered to as shame fein, I was wrong to do that, it still sounds too Republican. Better to reverse the initials to FS...FINE SHAME!!

The first 4 pages of todays vatican times is taken up with the police raids on home and business presimes yesterday,and the arrest of several people,in and around the south Derry area,we had the spectacle of the area,s mp mla and deputy dog first minister praising the police in their impartial investigations, now on page three of the paper we have psf south Derry councillors Peter Bateson and Padraíg Quinn calling the raids "harassment" on top of Gerry Kellys comment last night on utv about the one sided secterian and impartial pursuit of rioters I,m beging to wonder is the tail wagging the dog or what!

"On behalf of Michael McKevitt and the Michael McKevitt Justice Campaign we wish to pledge our support for the immediate release of Brendan Lillis on humanitarian grounds."

Signed: Bernadette Sands McKevitt and Marcella Sands


That McKevitt case was the first and biggest of post GFA 'railroadings'. fukn disgrace.
What was done in DDLK shopping centre was just the work of people with no concept of political morality.


is there a split of sorts in the camp? Looks like Robbo’s deputy came under pressure to say something he would rather have not. And the cops have slapped him down. Brings to mind the hollowness of his boast that SF would put manners on the cops.

I heard Raymond call for Marian’s release but none of the others. Their silence is the logic of where they have taken the project. We know the unionists are laughing and snickering when they hear King Cuckoo tell armed republicans they live in Cloud Cuckoo land. He ruled over the same and for decades.


Too true. The McKevitt case was a legal farce. It abandoned every safeguard and basically infused its legal standing with the ethos of Rupert.


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