Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ICAN: Problematic Stories: Documenting Conflict during a Peace Process

“Problematic Stories: Documenting Conflict during a Peace Process”
Saturday, 24 March, 2012
NINE TENTHS UNDER – Performing the Peace

Playhouse ICAN – International Culture Arts Network in partnership with School of Creative Arts at Queen’s University, Belfast

Chaired by Declan Keeney, Queen’s University, Belfast and Dr Cahal McLaughlin, The Prisons Memory Archive and University of Ulster. This symposium will focus on the issues of recording memories from the Northern Irish conflict in the context of a peace process. Journalist Ed Moloney will talk about ‘The Belfast Project’, a controversial archive of multiple testimonies from former combatants involved in The Troubles. Dr Cahal McLaughlin will speak about The Prisons Memory Archive and an archive of 175 filmed interviews of people connected to the Maze & Long Kesh Prisons will be shown. Other speakers include filmmaker Alison Millar, and and Claire Hackett, who will also speak about Healing Through Remembering project, and Falls Community Council’s oral history archive, Dúchas.

Continue to read the text of Ed Moloney’s talk.



Sorry I missed that talk from Ed,the thought has entered my head that this charade is just part of a bigger plot by those with the most to hide to give a kiss of death to any chance of the real truth about our dirty little war ever being told,rather than any exercise in gathering information,this would most definitely suit both sides.the project was and is a worthy piece and should have been encouraged rather than hounded,but then again when we see the scumbags who led and prosecuted the war here its is no wonder that they would never want the truth to come out.


Ed’s was a good talk and it seemed to be well received. I went up with Carrie. Richard O’Rawe was there as well.


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