Ex-Blanket columnist Dr John Coulter is an ardent supporter of the state of Israel. In this controversial column which he penned for the Irish Daily Star of 25 February, he argues the contentious case as to why all Irish Christians should follow his example in his support of Israel.
Irish Christians needs to take their heads out of the sand and start openly supporting Hamas-battered Israel. With the North’s marching season already kicking off weeks earlier because of the Union flag dispute, already Israeli and Palestinian flags have started to flutter in loyalist and republican strongholds.
The Irish Churches must understand that whatever happens in the Middle East in the coming weeks, too, will have serious implications for the so-called Christian West.
Two people have had a real impact on me in writing today’s column – Daniel Taub, the UK’s Israeli Ambassador, and a young Palestinian Christian girl, who can only be called Christy, because of the persecutions against her family in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.
What scares me is just how close the West is to World War 3. While I have always regarded Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinegad as a complete nutball, Ambassador Taub left me in no doubt how serious Iran’s nuclear threat has become.
Mad Mahmoud’s nuke programme has produced seven tonnes of enriched uranium – enough for FIVE atomic bombs! And guess where this Iranian nutter wants to drop them, yes you’ve got it – on Israel!
The hard reality is that the West needs to pull out of Afghanistan and get ready to go into Iran before Mad Mahoud starts pushing red buttons all over the place. And it’s no use sending a drone to blow up the Iranian President. His supporters will just replace him with another nutter.
Syria is just as unstable. It is simply one bunch of Islamic militants fighting another equally sadistic band of Islamic militants.
Egypt, once the pillar of stability in the Middle Eastern Arab world, is dominated by the hardline Muslim Brotherhood movement, which is second only to Ahmadinegad in its hatred of Israel.
But the real danger seems to be in the Sinai desert, scene of some of the great Arab/Israeli tank battles of the 20th century. Many of the radical Islamic gangs in this area have been armed by weapons smuggled out of Libya after the death of tyrant Muammar Gaddafi.
The big problem is that many of these heavily armed gangs are linked to the global Al Qaeda movement.
This crisis cannot simply be dismissed by the Irish Churches as a muslim, Jewish or Middle East problem. The American State Department has already warned that at least half a dozen Islamic radical terrorist cells are based in Ireland, north and south.
There have even been suggestions some elements of the dissident republican movement have reached a terrorist agreement with Islamic fundamentalist groups, in the same way the Provos teamed up with the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.
But the real ethnic cleansing in the Middle East is the killing of Palestinian Christians by radicals, especially from Hamas, which wants a new Holocaust against Christians.
Christy said the Christian population of Bethlehem had dropped from 85 per cent in 1987 to 9 per cent last year. A common taunt from the Islamic radicals to Christians is – “First we finish with the Saturday people, and then the Sunday people.”
The Irish Christian community needs to stop any trendy Israel-bashing and start shouting out about the plight of the Jewish people and Palestinian Christians; the latter getting virtually nothing of the global aid going to Hamas.
And if you want to know how bad it could become if Christians don’t stand up for Israel – just visit the Auschwitz death camp in Poland where one and a half million Jews were butchered.
Not one word of Israel's nuclear capability nor of the ongoing assassination of Iranian scientists and army top brass. Not a word of the terrible suffering of the Palestinians: Child murder, home destruction, land siezure, the killing of detainees, population control, economic strangulation, prisoner hunger strikes, ceasefire breeches, and much more.
Dr Coulter ignores the factors giving rise to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Israle's refusual to deal honestly with the secular Palestinian organistations in the PLO created a confidence defict amongst the Palestinian people. The PLO under the leadership of Arafat failed to find a fair and just solution to the Palestinian question. Israle, for its part, reneged on every peace accord leaving the secularists exposed and vulnerable to the more radical trends.
What scares me is just how close the West is to World War 3. While I have always regarded Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinegad as a complete nutball, Ambassador Taub left me in no doubt how serious Iran’s nuclear threat has become.
You are part right. We are close to World War 3. But the biggest threat isn't from the middle east but from North Korea. There may be the outside chance of a limited nuclear war/strike in the middle east bit nothing more ( one is wayyy too many already). Anyone who hit's israel is fcuked. Period, let's make no mistake about that. Irsrael is going no where.
Syria is just as unstable. It is simply one bunch of Islamic militants fighting another equally sadistic band of Islamic militants. .
John you don't understand middle eastern politics, if you think like that. You are an investigative journalist. Why don't you try Judge Falocne's angle and follow the money. A good starting point would be talking the board of HSBC and ask them about knowingly laundering at least 18 billion green backs of Mexican drug cartel's money. And only get fined 2 billion (not a bad return).
The big problem is that many of these heavily armed gangs are linked to the global Al Qaeda movement.
John, they are all linked together. Mi5/6, CIA, DST, DVLA, Inland Revenu..... And are funded by the same people and by the same banks. They all piss in the same pot.
The American State Department has already warned that at least half a dozen Islamic radical terrorist cells are based in Ireland, north and south.
I've no doubt in that. In fact I'd be surprised if there wasn't/isn't sleeper cells.
John Coulter r you the new histrionic clown of the Pensive Quill? I preferred John McGirr because he was grounded in history and had deep substance when one peeled away the Catholic indoctrination blathering... You are right however about the killing of Christians (and Jews) with radicalised Islamists targeting them.... BUT that does not mean Israel is right, has been right nor has clean hands.... In fact it is Israel that created this ongoing hell... and has killed/targeted Arab ppls...
Israel has exhibited time and time again mindless hate towards the Arab ppl and this goes back to the time of Ishmael... There is tribal stuff there ... deep, heavy stuff... Read ur Bible John and know what you be about... Besides you present yourself as a Christian believer - well what did Iosa Criost say? Trouble would come on us believers right and on the non believers! And trouble is on the world. I wouldn’t trust Israel as far as you toss ‘em
What is called the State of Israel is manmade & is a pseudo spiritual number being played out... 666 ring a bell John... Ding ding ding! Red code alert. Don't swop the witch for the bitch now...Tis all in Revelations... from the poxy Vatican river of filth to the false pseudo spiritual Israel. It is actually in Israel the Anti Christ is to be revealed.... Sit back and digest that... (insert a set of rolling eyeballs here)
What you could have perhaps highlighted is the dif between radicalised Islam and non radical Islam else you buy into broad spectrum statements.. This then ups the ante and creates paranoia/hate towards Muslim communities.We are birthed into our cultures and associated religions John It does not mean we chose the religion rather it was hoisted on us....
I wouldn’t get stressed about a third world war simply because with the advanced weaponry we will all be melted to Kingdom come. Read the Quran – it tells the story of what the objectives really are if you want to get insight... But then very few have read it even nominal Muslims... in for a shocker of a surprise when they do...The infidel does not fare well but nor do westernised Muslims...
Re ‘There have even been suggestions some elements of the dissident republican movement have reached a terrorist agreement with Islamic fundamentalist groups,...’
That is old news really old... (insert a set of twitching, paranoid eyes here)
RE ‘The American State Department has already warned that at least half a dozen Islamic radical terrorist cells are based in Ireland, north and south’
Really! CIA trained and all... I would think London has the edge on that.... It is only slightly amusing how the bigger terrorist warns of the lesser terrorist threat and we r all supposed to twitch with fear... all a load of politricks...Republicans waving Palestinian flags does not worry me as it is a sign of solidarity with those whose land was taken and ppl subjugated... What however is troubling is many don’t u/stand the politico/religious stuff... and the ramifications...
One could easily end up a pawn in the games if not clear what is what. (insert a hysterical, shrill scream here) sin-e
Of all the pro Israel arguments I've heard this has to be the weakest and laziest.
Attention seeking for attention seeking sake. Yawn.
This appears like an Alan Shatter broadcast, the boul Dr. of course forgets that while Iran pursues a nuclear power option, the nuclear weapons in the middle east are held by those who occupy Palestine, murder indigenious children as they hide behind their father's and resist anything which may provide a peaceful resolution to the war they began.
Oh one other point, when most of us were growing up the number of Jewish people murdered by the Germans in WW2 was c. 3 million, nowaday's they claim 6 million, what will it be in 20 years?
They are liars and their lies are supported by Britain, France the Germans and the US, they also managed to supply the loyalists with money and weapons and the brits with survellience equipment, some of which was found in 1994.
John jew-due a good story soon-
" The hard reality is that the west needs to pull out of Afganistan "
You any more good ones john-the west brits are being kicked out of there as we speak like they were kicked out of IRAq- you still cant bring them facts up about the beaten brit army-
John's peace talk ends when its about Isreal-spit out the truth because you have proved that you cant write it belittle john-
Super post Mary ,John if the good guys from the west and Israel get shot of the "nutters" in Iran and Syria would we guaranteed world peace or would those bastions of decency and democracy unearth another "nutter" somewhere else preferably with oil,gas ,or coal,gold,if you ask me a cara the real "nutters" are a lot close to home than you may think!
Surley Bates/wilkes file material
no, I don't believe it is. It is a piece I have no sympathy for but it does not fit in that category.
Perhaps David has a point though. Holocaust deniers would be chucked in there and what John coulter has written here is just as bad.
I can almost hear him lament;
Christians! Join ranks against those filthy Muslims! You've more in common with the Jews than those awful
I stopped taking this guy seriously a long time ago but he's excelled himself this time.
He reminds me of a girl I was at school with; always trying to say something controversial because she'd nothing of substance to say at all. This way she at least got some attention.
As a moderate supporter of the State of Israel even I have to say this piece is a horrid piece of junk. We are not even close to World War 3. That would have to involve the superpowers lining up against one another. US vs. China/Russia while adversaries neither party wants that. Maybe a low intensity conflict resembling the one month israel/Hezbollah war of 2006 but it's hard to see how we are on the brink of a world war.
Holocaust deniers would not be put in with that lot. There is a page where we boot the racists and the Nazis but not because of Holocaust denial. If someone wants to make an argument beased on their belief that the Holocaust did not occur it would not go into that section. It is when they go on their anti-Jewish rants using the work of proven falsifiers that we boot them over there. And we allow for the possibility that we might on occasion get it wrong. But as objectionable as John's piece might be I don't believe it qaulifies for the Der Sturmer slot.
" We are not even close to world war 3 "
I think you are right-but it only takes one idiot leader in a country to press their button-[ and there are plenty of those about the world ]- Seen that NBA star Dennis Rodman with north korea's Kim jong-two assholes making idiots of themselves-but long may it continue-When Kim Jong is happy his finger is of his trigger-
Michael Henry;
'I think you are right-but it only takes one idiot leader in a country to press their button-[ and there are plenty of those about the world ]'
Yes. Yes there are. And we need look no further than your own Il Duce to illustrate your point.
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