Thursday, July 4, 2013

Yes I am a whore

Throughout the ages, dissenting women have always been called whores. I know I have many times.
My response? “Yes, yes, I am a whore…”

Read below Taslima Nasrin’s poem called “You go Girl”, which she read out during her speech at Atheist Ireland’s Dublin conference “Empowering Women Through Secularism” (and which by the way made me sob uncontrollably…)

You Go Girl!

Taslima Nasrin

They said—take it easy…
Said—calm down…
Said—stop talkin’…
Said—shut up….
They said—sit down….
Said—bow your head…
Said—keep on cryin’, let the tears roll…

What should you do in response?

You should stand up now
Should stand right up
Hold your back straight
Hold your head high…
You should speak
Speak your mind
Speak it loudly

You should scream so loud that they must run for cover.
They will say—’You are shameless!’
When you hear that, just laugh…

They will say— ‘You have a loose character!’
When you hear that, just laugh louder…

They will say—’You are rotten!’
So just laugh, laugh even louder…

Hearing you laugh, they will shout,
‘You are a whore!’

When they say that,
just put your hands on your hips,
stand firm and say,
“Yes, yes, I am a whore!”

They will be shocked.
They will stare in disbelief.
They will wait for you to say more, much more…

The men amongst them will turn red and sweat.
The women amongst them will dream to be a whore like you.


I am a whore! Seen this on Carrie's Facebook the other day, good one and thanks for sharing

If standing up for what is right and just makes a person a whore ,dissenter, tory(old gaelic for rebel)so be it ,sticks and stones etc.


now that you mention it I recall when the Shinners were whispering 'whore' about some of their female detractors. And it has long been said that when a 'whore' marries a screw she drags herself down to his level!

What about the old jibes during riots-

You brit whore-you fenian cunt-

what dark emotions were hidden in those insults-

A very strong Poem , "The Truth Is Within". I congratulate Maryam.
But let not us "So Called Christians forget", A whore bathed Jesus feet, But, which Mary was it?.


I remember in Ardoyne when the brits started running dances in Lyndsay Thompsons mill in flax st ,and all the young girls started flocking to it, everyone was classed as a whore and a tout, a few were singled out for tar and feathering, but the main ones who went to it stated, they were there to get names of the touts, ffs, no one new who the touts were in them days, old women living on there on were being targeted, hearsay is a crime on its own, as is pointing the finger at others to take the heat off themselves. They were the bad old days, until most of the touts were found out, and also, those outed by the brits.

A brilliant and heartfelt poem! Well done to the poet. I am also a dissenter and a whore feminist! Hell to the yeah!!!

So some people think women with attitude's & opinions are whores. Using that rational, must mean I've had breakfast with lot's of sluts.

Taslima has been up against it with these misogynist bigots. Hard to believe but this is what religious idiots do


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