Friday, August 16, 2013

Upcoming 1916 Societies Events

Below is a list of upcoming 1916 Societies events

Sunday 18th August - vol.Patsy Quinn & vol.Dan McAnnalen, 40th anniversary, Edendork Tyrone 1.30pm: organised by the Thomas Clarke Society Dungannon.

Friday 23rd August - Sean MacDiamada society Ard Eoin are holding an Irish night, Shamrock Club 8-late, music by Erin go Bragh / local artists £5.

Saturday 24th August - historical tour of Belfast republican graves 1pm, Sean MacDiamada Society Ard Eoin are pleased to provide the tour as part of the Ardoyne Fleadh Cheoil.

Saturday 24th August - hungerstrike commemoration, Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin 2pm Seán Heuston Society.

Sunday 25th August - wreath laying at vol. Brian Mullins grave at Dunmoyle after 10am mass.

Sunday 1st September - 25th anniversary of Drumnakilly Martyrs , vol. Brian Mullin, vol. Gerard Harte, vol. Martin Harte, Loughmacroy Tyrone 3pm.



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