After a mock citizens arrest Bliar cancelled his UK book signing. Was that a terrorist threat or a terrorist afraid? Thought Ryan Tubrity was less than thorough with him on tv. WMD ok and 'war criminal' I'd like to ask why Tubrity was coming from a premis that the UK or USA had any right to invade anyone! Never mind the UN resolutions that was just political bullying to try and put a face on Nazism.
Blair conducted himself very well much to my disappointment on the Late Late. I would like to have seen him on alongside Richard Boyd Barrett. That way we could have had his answers probed much more searchingly.
The thought struck me that had SF a leader capable of Blair like TV performances it would be in a much healthier position than it is, particularly now in the current climate.
Adams was shown to be made of straw in 2007 on RTE that time with Madowel discussing the economy, or NOT discussing it in Gerry's case, I think the master plan of a surge in the South bit the dust on that night. Mackers, I'm like a lot of others, disolusioned almost to the point of giving up totally. People want centre road capitalist chancers, so if FF get their act together and the RC community has representation with direct Dublin links it may be as good as they deserve. Wouldn't be surprised if there was sufficient RC vote to remain British in any future referendum nor would I be surprised at another Carson emerging in the event in Loyalism. But your right about leadership quality. The Brits were negotiating with themselves in regards to the SF leadership and Adams is merely an actor. The cause is just 'we are the cause'therefor we're home in a boat mentality i think.
my view is well stated on this. I see no way forward for republicanism. I have friends still plugging away trying to raise its profile and I respect them for their efforts and dedication. But republicanism delivering a united Ireland is a false god, like all gods, and you know my view on gods.
I think as we look back we see how the Brits played a clever game. They built up the myth of a great team of SF negotiators, so good in fact that none were a match for them. This allowed the grassroots to maintain confidence in the SF leadership while everything was lost in negotiations. I think now we have to see the negotiations as an integral part of British state strategy, prosecuted with a mixture of skill and cunning.
Absolutely, and the rangs inside helped to cement the unquestioning charachter of the movement. Anyone who was involved during the last campaign and is still in SF must be devoid of both principal and a second brain cell. I went from 94 to 96 and waiting for the straw that was surely to break the camels back. In and around 98 I accepted reality and turned my back on the lot of it. In regards to Republicanism, I agree also,I respect anyone plugging away but pitty them for the fact they're beaten already in my view. Even SF people that I knew I give them their dues in regard to their stated persuits. But if they dont feel they were used or duped then they need to lay down on a couch and talk to someone. As for the SF leadership I just see rotten liars and egotistic rats who knew what they were up to. I pray they'll get payback. Liars just like Bliar but not as savvy, and not quite as bare faced as he sat refusing to admit even now what he did in Iraq was so wrong.Just evil in that respect. Maybe thats his edge. anyhow up Down..c'mon the nordy's!!
AM and Larry, you're really depressing me this Sunday morning. The great leader and his deputy will not be around forever as hard as that is to believe. Like everything in history and politics and life in general, things change and evolve. Just be patient. Republicanism may be down right now but it is surely not out, it will make a comeback. More and more people every day are seeing that they were misled and lied to. Sure there will always be donkeys like Michaelhenry who will believe anything thats sold to them but they're becoming rarer every day. Keep the faith
not sure ive time or inclination Ryan, as for donkeys, you really shouldn't be following Michaelhenry into the 'powder room' but i get what you mean. Just not sure anyone can be arsed. That's the SF legacy as far as I'm concearned.
Larry, my son once asked me, 'why it was impossible to dislike Tony Blair?' Tony was most definitely the master of the mask, however, it slipped that day in Dublin. He was horrified by that reception at Easons, obviously, he had formed the opinion that Irish people were incredibly easy to fool.
There is no doubt that he was a 'savvy' character, however, like Adams, Blair was an ambitious politican with his eye on an even bigger prize . People such as them, do not have a problem with lies, the end will always justify the means. A journalist once wrote 'Blair had a voice for every room' with his voice and Gerry's face they could have had an amazing double act.
A bit off-topic, but as for a Blair-like character as foil, see Roman Polanski's latest film, a modest, but solid Hitchcock-like "Ghost Writer." Intriguing backstory.
just like to apologise to Paddy Fox..i was using the term geriatric in a previous post to emphasise the depths Billy Wrights 'war' was able to sink. The term was not intended as a personal slight. Sorry Paddy. I only saw your comment tonight browsing the blog.
I think bLAIR thought he would recieve a hero,s welcome in Dublin as the man who slienced the guns and brought peace to norn iorn,and that this could be a great jumping of spot for his upcoming book launch tour with all the expected positive publicity, thank you all those people who ruined his day,there,s hope for the auld sod yet!
Marty, where do you keep sleeking off to? Albert, thinks there is more to it than meets the eye. Just thought I would tell you we might be coming into a few quid ourselves, all this compo for being interned, where else would you get it?
Aye Nuala and I think you,ll probably find that when Liz and the chosen few are catered for the well will suddenly become dry and everyone else will be told to move on the past is behind us,after all the oath is gone as per Mickeyboy what else can ya want!
Marty, Albert would not entertain the idea, but I have been hearing mixed reports, some people think it's a good idea, others like him think not!
We were told the ideal candidates for the test case are those who never blotted their copy books after internment! Something which Coiste have since denied?
I,m laughing at Liz et all taking their cue from Obama,s grandfather re compo claims re internment, I floated the idea many a time re compo for the theft of land during the plantation,but I suppose that would be considerably more than would be handed to a few of Gerrys cronies,
So a right good lad like Charlie Mac Murray from Andytown, who was interned like many others for resistance activities,who upon release devoloped drink problems,ending up being turned into a tout and executed by the biggest tout of them all,now where I wonder will the likes of this man or others like him end up in Coiste,s eyes in the compo stake race,one definite set of winners will be the usual legal suspects, check that,l do nicely sir
‘AM and Larry, you're really depressing me this Sunday morning.’
Sorry to disappoint but it was called separately as we both saw it. What comeback republicanism will make will only be limited. And because of the nature of internal organisation and the licence it gives leaders it will inevitably produce the type of leadership that do what has always been done.
I remember the case of Charlie Spud McIlMurray well. Was in jail with him and he was a real decent guy. So tragic in the end for him and his family.
Former IRA volunteer and ex-prisoner, spent 18 years in Long Kesh, 4 years on the blanket and no-wash/no work protests which led to the hunger strikes of the 80s. Completed PhD at Queens upon release from prison. Left the Republican Movement at the endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement, and went on to become a journalist. Co-founder of The Blanket, an online magazine that critically analyzed the Irish peace process.
• Libelous comments will not be published. Do not abuse the Anonymous facility or your posts will no longer be published.
* A Structural Analysis of Modern Irish Republicanism: 1969-1973, PhD Thesis, Queen's, (1999).
* Modern Irish Republicanism and the Belfast Agreement: Chickens Coming Home to Roost, or Turkeys Celebrating Christmas? in Aspects of the Belfast Agreement, (2001).
* Provisional Republicanism - Internal Politics, Inequities and Modes of Repression in Republicanism in Modern Ireland, (2003).
After a mock citizens arrest Bliar cancelled his UK book signing. Was that a terrorist threat or a terrorist afraid? Thought Ryan Tubrity was less than thorough with him on tv. WMD ok and 'war criminal' I'd like to ask why Tubrity was coming from a premis that the UK or USA had any right to invade anyone! Never mind the UN resolutions that was just political bullying to try and put a face on Nazism.
Blair conducted himself very well much to my disappointment on the Late Late. I would like to have seen him on alongside Richard Boyd Barrett. That way we could have had his answers probed much more searchingly.
The thought struck me that had SF a leader capable of Blair like TV performances it would be in a much healthier position than it is, particularly now in the current climate.
Adams was shown to be made of straw in 2007 on RTE that time with Madowel discussing the economy, or NOT discussing it in Gerry's case, I think the master plan of a surge in the South bit the dust on that night.
Mackers, I'm like a lot of others, disolusioned almost to the point of giving up totally. People want centre road capitalist chancers, so if FF get their act together and the RC community has representation with direct Dublin links it may be as good as they deserve. Wouldn't be surprised if there was sufficient RC vote to remain British in any future referendum nor would I be surprised at another Carson emerging in the event in Loyalism.
But your right about leadership quality. The Brits were negotiating with themselves in regards to the SF leadership and Adams is merely an actor. The cause is just 'we are the cause'therefor we're home in a boat mentality i think.
my view is well stated on this. I see no way forward for republicanism. I have friends still plugging away trying to raise its profile and I respect them for their efforts and dedication. But republicanism delivering a united Ireland is a false god, like all gods, and you know my view on gods.
I think as we look back we see how the Brits played a clever game. They built up the myth of a great team of SF negotiators, so good in fact that none were a match for them. This allowed the grassroots to maintain confidence in the SF leadership while everything was lost in negotiations. I think now we have to see the negotiations as an integral part of British state strategy, prosecuted with a mixture of skill and cunning.
Absolutely, and the rangs inside helped to cement the unquestioning charachter of the movement. Anyone who was involved during the last campaign and is still in SF must be devoid of both principal and a second brain cell. I went from 94 to 96 and waiting for the straw that was surely to break the camels back. In and around 98 I accepted reality and turned my back on the lot of it. In regards to Republicanism, I agree also,I respect anyone plugging away but pitty them for the fact they're beaten already in my view. Even SF people that I knew I give them their dues in regard to their stated persuits. But if they dont feel they were used or duped then they need to lay down on a couch and talk to someone. As for the SF leadership I just see rotten liars and egotistic rats who knew what they were up to. I pray they'll get payback. Liars just like Bliar but not as savvy, and not quite as bare faced as he sat refusing to admit even now what he did in Iraq was so wrong.Just evil in that respect. Maybe thats his edge.
anyhow up Down..c'mon the nordy's!!
AM and Larry,
you're really depressing me this Sunday morning. The great leader and his deputy will not be around forever as hard as that is to believe. Like everything in history and politics and life in general, things change and evolve. Just be patient. Republicanism may be down right now but it is surely not out, it will make a comeback. More and more people every day are seeing that they were misled and lied to. Sure there will always be donkeys like Michaelhenry who will believe anything thats sold to them but they're becoming rarer every day.
Keep the faith
not sure ive time or inclination Ryan, as for donkeys, you really shouldn't be following Michaelhenry into the 'powder room' but i get what you mean. Just not sure anyone can be arsed. That's the SF legacy as far as I'm concearned.
Larry, my son once asked me, 'why it was impossible to dislike Tony Blair?'
Tony was most definitely the master of the mask, however, it slipped that day in Dublin.
He was horrified by that reception at Easons, obviously, he had formed the opinion that Irish people were incredibly easy to fool.
There is no doubt that he was a 'savvy' character, however, like Adams, Blair was an ambitious politican with his eye on an even bigger prize .
People such as them, do not have a problem with lies, the end will always justify the means. A journalist once wrote 'Blair had a voice for every room' with his voice and Gerry's face they could have had an amazing double act.
A bit off-topic, but as for a Blair-like character as foil, see Roman Polanski's latest film, a modest, but solid Hitchcock-like "Ghost Writer." Intriguing backstory.
just like to apologise to Paddy Fox..i was using the term geriatric in a previous post to emphasise the depths Billy Wrights 'war' was able to sink. The term was not intended as a personal slight. Sorry Paddy. I only saw your comment tonight browsing the blog.
I think bLAIR thought he would recieve a hero,s welcome in Dublin as the man who slienced the guns and brought peace to norn iorn,and that this could be a great jumping of spot for his upcoming book launch tour with all the expected positive publicity, thank you all those people who ruined his day,there,s hope for the auld sod yet!
Marty, where do you keep sleeking off to?
Albert, thinks there is more to it than meets the eye.
Just thought I would tell you we might be coming into a few quid ourselves, all this compo for being interned, where else would you get it?
Bob doh brains asked Gerry Itwasntme," A doh boss do you have any books on suicide"? Gerry Itwasntme says"f##k of you wont bring it back"!!!
Aye Nuala and I think you,ll probably find that when Liz and the chosen few are catered for the well will suddenly become dry and everyone else will be told to move on the past is behind us,after all the oath is gone as per Mickeyboy what else can ya want!
Marty, Albert would not entertain the idea, but I have been hearing mixed reports, some people think it's a good idea, others like him think not!
We were told the ideal candidates for the test case are those who never blotted their copy books after internment! Something which Coiste have since denied?
I,m laughing at Liz et all taking their cue from Obama,s grandfather re compo claims re internment, I floated the idea many a time re compo for the theft of land during the plantation,but I suppose that would be considerably more than would be handed to a few of Gerrys cronies,
So a right good lad like Charlie Mac Murray from Andytown, who was interned like many others for resistance activities,who upon release devoloped drink problems,ending up being turned into a tout and executed by the biggest tout of them all,now where I wonder will the likes of this man or others like him end up in Coiste,s eyes in the compo stake race,one definite set of winners will be the usual legal suspects, check that,l do nicely sir
‘AM and Larry, you're really depressing me this Sunday morning.’
Sorry to disappoint but it was called separately as we both saw it. What comeback republicanism will make will only be limited. And because of the nature of internal organisation and the licence it gives leaders it will inevitably produce the type of leadership that do what has always been done.
I remember the case of Charlie Spud McIlMurray well. Was in jail with him and he was a real decent guy. So tragic in the end for him and his family.
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