Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hicksville Hickey

It is invariably funny when some crusty auld conservative stands up in one of those funny bishop’s hats to hector people on how to conduct the sexual dimension of their lives. They don’t seem to get it that on issues of morality they are paid as much attention as circus performers. Who would have their sex life prescribed by Bongo the Clown? As Valerie Tarisco intimated, ‘if paedophile payouts weren’t enough to convince you the Catholic leadership is often anything but moral ...’

Australian bishops seem not to like their foreign colleagues hogging all the ridicule and occasionally go in search for a piece of it themselves. Georgie Boy Pell, the Aussie cardinal exemplified this by explaining to the world how Jews were intellectually inferior to the Egyptians and that the Germans were punished like no other people in history. During a televised interview the audience clapped as the presenter cut the tripe out of him.

Now Ireland has seen another one that has escaped from the circus. Barry James Hickey is Archbishop Emeritus of Perth in Western Australia. The Aussies can produce them for sure.  Internationally renowned for the didgeridoo, the dingo, and the dinosaur – the latter embodied by the Young Earth Creationist looper Ken Ham – convicts and others were often sent from Ireland to Australia. Now it seems the Aussies are sending them back.

Hickey told the Eucharistic congress last month that ‘the truth is not respected when couples defy church teaching on contraception.’ Which just means that his opinion, not the truth per se, experiences a respect deficiency. When ignored or laughed at, which is frequently the case, his sense of entitlement is offended.  ‘Such defiance ... causes mistrust of Christ’s mandate to teach on matters of human sexuality.’ Why defiance rather than dissent? There is no moral authority there for people to defy, just a religious opinion to be disagreed with. Conceit alone sees disagreement as defiance. How dare you defy your bishop little man and woman; deference not defiance is his due. You must give it to him.

How could the Church teach on anything pertaining to sex when it has been so immersed in the sexual abuse of children? It may continue teaching of course, just as the Caleb Foundation can continue insisting that the earth is flat or younger than Sumerian glue. But if people decide they no longer want to learn from the Church their right prevails and the Church has no further say on the matter. Hickey may protest that the world has ignored and even ridiculed Catholic teaching on sexuality. He can hardly claim to wonder why.

Hickey, like most of these creatures of the cloth, seems not to like same sex relationships. Not happy enough to decline to indulge he wants to stick his nose into the affairs of others who seek to make different choices. Because of ‘the pressure to change the very definition of marriage from a union of a man and a woman to a union of two persons of the same sex ... the Christian ideal of marriage is under great threat.’ This, like so much these men of god spout, is simply not true. Christians are still allowed to marry. They cannot be coerced into marrying someone they do not want to, although they insist on forced marriage themselves by opposing divorce, compelling people to remain within a marriage long after its shelf life has expired. Christians are under no compulsion whatsoever to enter a same sex marriage. To the contrary, Christians of the Hickey mould want to force people out of such unions.

What is being eroded is not marriage at all, but the idea that the ‘Christian marriage’ can be imposed on others who do not want it including the vast number of people who are not Christian. Hickey’s comments that ‘increasingly marriage is being promoted as only one of many options in human sexual relationships’ shows that the real concern here is that the power of the Catholic Church is being diluted as it is increasingly denied a monopoly on defining what marriage is. Not much wrong with that in a world that can live with pluralism and diversity.  Practice your religion but only on yourself.

As for Hickey’s almost despairing comment that he can only ‘pray that the world will listen.’ Not much chance of that when what is being prayed to never listens either.


For those Catholics who refuse to follow what the Church teaches, the answer is simple. Leave, be honest to yourselves, walk away. Then contracept and abort yourselves out of existence.

We Catholics will be fruitful and multiply and divide the spoils with the Moslems.

Why join a golf club if you insist on playing tennis?

because they are both a load of balls

John McGirr.

We Catholics will be fruitful and multiply and divide the spoils with the Moslems.

You can't be serious.

The MUSLIMS are for taking over the world, don't think for one minute that they give two hoots about you or I, MUSLIMS don't multiply, they, quadruplicate , which also equates to , "Multiply".
Is it not written, "Go Forth And Multiply"?; for what, to feed the Pope's,Cardinals,Bishops, Priests.?, all religions are exactly the same, when we were kids, the priest put the fear of God into you, "Until you left school and started earning a living", but, I changed before I left school, I got sick to death of a priest walking down my street whilst we were having a game of football, "With a tennis ball", and, he expected us all to stand still and say, "Hello Father", They are just like you and I, "Human", there is nothing Godly about them, "Its a job to them, to vreate as much income as possible from the poorest area's , But, some of them were sub human abusing children. So if you realy think that the Muslims will share with you?, That will never happen, they want to domineer the world, No education for those who are Female, Those Females are not allowed to show any part of their body while outside off their own household, ie, covered from head to foot, I call this a weakness in a man, Jealousy would be more appropiate a word, Yet, they can have 3 wives and still seek sex with any woman, whom are mostly European?, inter breeding?.


Quick thinking and straight to the point.

because they are both a load of balls.

That made me run to the bathroom holding it in. ffs can I have that we book you read them from. lol

LMBO!! i dunno what i am laughing at more The article or the comments!!

@ JihadJohnMcGirr
RE '...Then contracept and abort yourselves out of existence.'

We ain't feeling the godly love radiating from ya bro!


"He spoke also this parable: A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it, and found none. And he said to the dresser of the vineyard: Behold, for these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it done therefore: why cumbereth it the ground? But he answering, said to him: Lord, let it alone this year also, until I dig about it, and dung it. And if happily it bear fruit: but if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down."
(St Luke, xiii,6-9)


there must be a more sane, more rational, more intelligent way of promoting religion that bible thumping. I often wonder why religious types so often cede the game before getting onto the park. The worst advocates for religion were always those who would go on Talkback ranting biblical quotations .


Strangely enough, I agree with you, AM. But I am not promoting religion. I merely posted that to counter the comments of SMHeretic. As I have said in another post, there is no point whatsoever in posting biblical quotes unless the person addressed accepts their value, and SMHeretic claims to do so. That is why I addressed it to her.


I am aware of what you said earlier but still feel it undermines any argument you make. I think it is a long time since bible bashers were taken seriously. That is a different argument from saying religious people are not taken seriously. They often are particularly so when they avoid biblical quotations.


"I think it is a long time since bible bashers were taken seriously."

I only talk like a Prod when I'm addressing a Prod, Anthony.

You should know that we Catholics chained the Bible up to stop people from reading it!


"So if you realy think that the Muslims will share with you?, That will never happen, they want to domineer the world,.."

I omitted to say that we would 'divide the spoils' after a bloody confrontation where we both attempt to wipe each other out. In the process it is likely that they will have made advances over the decaying corpse of Europe.

JJMcGirr You are a religious TROLL & need to take responsibility for your prolific outpourings of overt religiosity. NO-ONE appreciates cut & paste rollouts of scriptures as responses apart from you obviously as they no doubt pump up your self importance & sense of religious superiority.

RE: 'But I am not promoting religion. I merely posted that to counter the comments of SMHeretic. As I have said in another post, there is no point whatsoever in posting biblical quotes unless the person addressed accepts their value, and SMHeretic claims to do so. That is why I addressed it to her.'

But you ARE promoting your religion in every way you can by constantly holding it up as the only way. You are obsessed with proving Catholicism is superior to all others convictions/viewpoints. Initially it was hilarious Now it is just boringly lame and negates intelligent discourse as your responses are predictably religion saturated leaving no room for you to hear other voices or develop insights/u/standing.

We are constantly subjected to your outpourings of religiosity & the tone of hate for anyone who deviates from what you deem the righteous path... Seems u live in a wee vortex aka the Catholicism obsessed village idiot somewhere in Ireland springs to mind

Don’t use me as an excuse for you being a religious troll Grow some balls and grow up – alternatively start a blog titled Jihad John and argue with yourself. You will always win the arguments that way and be sated with self importance.
How u come across ahaha prompter is the indoctrination Like Skinners rat!


I don't believe you ever were a Catholic. Evidence: you have stated on many occasions that Catholics give divine worship to statues. The moment you wrote this I knew you were just another cyber liar with an axe to grind against the Catholic Church.

I don't believe you ever were abused by any priest; you have probably never even met one. It is more likely that you are some fundamentalist protestant, obsessed with the need for attention in your Satanic frothing of the mouth at all things Catholic. Any one can claim abuse. Your fantasies just don’t ring true, nor have you offered any evidence.

You are a modern day Maria Monk, living a world of fantasy. In fact you probably get your lines straight from her trashy lies that were exposed when she, too, lied like you, delusionally thinking that she could defeat Christ's Church.


always remember when confronted with bunkum that as Superintendant Chalmers from The Simpsons insists - there is no place for facts in organised religion.

'as Superintendant Chalmers from The Simpsons insists - there is no place for facts in organised religion.'

A propos the Simpsons, what would you expect from the likes of Larry Doyle and others?

"As disgusting as this article is, it should be read…if only to remind ourselves of the festering intolerance and bigotry that dwells in the hearts of the liberal media."



I got about three lines down and saw it was about Rick Sanatorum, then switched off. You would need to try that one on somebody who was ignorant of both US religion and Rick Sanatorum.


"I got about three lines down and saw it was about Rick Sanatorum, then switched off. You would need to try that one on somebody who was ignorant of both US religion and Rick Sanatorum."

The hatred is directed at his religion, not at him, (whoever he is). Anti-Catholicism does not discriminate. Any Catholic will do who adheres to the 'whore of Bablylon', worships statues, and engages in 'cannibalistic ritual. Mention, too, of 'dirty' body parts and 'Nazi' Popes.

Par for the course for many on the PQ.


I see you have been spreading Christian love again today


"I see you have been spreading Christian love again today"

Oh, I forgot; give a 'green light' to birth-control, abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality and you consider it love. Oppose them and it is hate.

Sometimes I forget that the 'world' has its virtues changed to values and then inverted.

It was 'Christian love' that drove the Crusaders, it was 'Christian love' that guided the Holy Inquisitions and it is 'Christian love' that will conquer all the enemies of Christ.


I am just sitting here radiating in the Christian love you have been sharing with me. Praise god

@ McGirr Now i know you are deeply disturbed never mind the vitriol & mocking of me. Whilst it is as low as someone can go it is also predictable but usually found within the headhonchos of the Vatican realm... Do you think survivors of clergy abuse have not been told we made it up – oldest trick in the Vatican’s strategies... nearly every victim/survivor was told this by them in some shape or form with NB the facts/evidence clearly showing otherwise

The truth has been told – one voice of the many and for the many with no voice and I am grateful to atheists who have supported us and continue in exposing the crimes... Anthony being one of them.

Btw John that is my work ID foto on my blog – if i was delusional no way would I be employed in trust positions of counselling individuals. And it is also linked to an organisation i worked for & still visit the clients. You should be ashamed of yourself but I think you are way past the point of any insights re your actions or even self accountability.

You would be a cowering coward if confronted in realville but internet warrior of religious hate & madness is all you really are...

RE: ‘it was 'Christian love' that drove the Crusaders, it was 'Christian love' that guided the Holy Inquisitions and it is 'Christian love' that will conquer all the enemies of Christ.
You are really off the air John and it is tragic... HOLY Inquisitions!!

NB I hope you have friends in realville who reality check you from time to time because this your rants are getting really sad, mad, bad and r not even funny...


You accuse me of being a troll, but I do not decide what is put up in this Blog. If there are a lot of posts about God, about the Catholic Church about Creationism take that up with AM. You sound the sort of person who wants to run a dictatorship. Do you have a problem with free-speech? Are you seriously suggesting that when a flood of anti-Catholic messages are posted that no-one should be entitled to answer them, unless it is to say “well-said, Anthony,” “string up them clerical-paedos, Anthony,” “you’re so right, Anthony,”? To quote a recent un-ladylike post “Grow some balls and grow up.” Stop being such a sycophant, (or in your case stop being psycho-fantasist)!

What type of hypocrite would write this:
“NO-ONE appreciates cut & paste rollouts of scriptures as responses”

just after quoting this, (for the umpteenth time):
“‘Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean’ (Bible Matthew – 23:27)”
“‘...God does not live in houses made by men’ (Acts 7:48) “

I see why you don’t like Scripture posted, (don’t you remember when you several times condemned me for NOT quoting Scripture.), when it defeats your prejudices.

Your vitriolic use of a picture of an 89 year old, disabled, bed-ridden nun, (implying that she was guilty of abuse), is unconscionable. How dare you use a picture of an innocent woman in this way? Oh, I forgot, she is a Catholic. Normal rules don’t apply.

You are fuelled by hatred of all things Catholic, which knows no bounds, a hatred that you then perversely attribute to anyone who sees the injustice of your lies. Your irrational, self-obsessive paranoia at all things Catholic makes Der Sturmer appear like a weekend supplement in comparison.

You remind me so much of that hate-filled Jewess, Sarah Silverman:

“Good! I hope the Jews did kill Christ, I'd do it again. I'd F*cking do it again in a second!”

Every time you spew your hatred of Christ’s Mystical Body, (the Catholic Church), you are crucifying Him again.

I ain't feeling the godly love radiating from ya ‘sis’!


Love and the bile spat at you never strike me as things that go together. Some people use religion to spread their love while others use it to spread their hate.

I tend to find the quoting of scripture by rote a derangement.
‘You are obsessed with proving Catholicism is superior to all others convictions/viewpoints.’
I think that is right although he does it very poorly. His Catholicism has become something of a joke here even amongst Catholics.

‘it is just boringly lame and negates intelligent discourse.’

But it serves a purpose, although for atheism. Seriously, anybody reading that is not going to become a believer.

It is always the molten hatred that captures my attention.

I guess his outburst against you summed up his attitude to victims of Vatican violence. They are to blame! Larry was right all along, even when I felt he wasn’t. John has no real interest in the victims. What he did to you was basically accuse you of victimising the Vatican.

But Napoleon’s maxim is always worth following in these things: Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself. He is probably the best ad against religion that the Quill has. Think about it: do you reckon that my arguments or Marty’s do more to alienate people from religions than his? Not a chance.

If we remove John from the discussion so as not to personalise and just talk about the general type of person who is given to bizarre outbursts of religious fervour. I sometimes wonder when a person is afflicted by this type of thing, if their loved ones actually know about it. There is something of the flasher about it. They run out, flash at the passers-by, and then go back home and behave normally until the urge hits again. The type of thing you would not want you wife and kids to know about.

When we listen to dung like ‘It was 'Christian love' that drove the Crusaders, it was 'Christian love' that guided the Holy Inquisitions and it is 'Christian love' that will conquer all the enemies of Christ’ we can only roll the eyes. Given that the first two were exercises in mass murder and torture I guess we can reliable assume that the third will be no different. Christ like the peace process, another myth, needs its enemies.


"His Catholicism has become something of a joke here even amongst Catholics."

There are no Catholics on the PQ, at least none that I am aware of, but maybe they are just keeping quiet.

No Catholic would stay here for long. The filth uttered, not to mention the perverse ideas are incompatible with Catholicism.

Here is a link for your next campaign:


It equates well with your sodomy agenda.

@ AM re the disease of McGirrism
'But it serves a purpose, although for atheism. Seriously, anybody reading that is not going to become a believer.'

lolz if one could not larf one would go mad... yes u r right... it is enough to make anyone go screaming for the hills of secular sanity just glancing at stuff he rants on with...

& yes re
'I guess his outburst against you summed up his attitude to victims of Vatican violence. They are to blame! Larry was right all along, even when I felt he wasn’t. John has no real interest in the victims. What he did to you was basically accuse you of victimising the Vatican.'

Yes i kinda knew he had not a shred of interest in Justice for victims and Vatican to the Hague... I laughed at one of his comments - so papist speak '... i have the deepest sympathy for victims' or some lame little insincere sentence he trotted out somewhere...

Pub get me to the pub on time LOL
I am off to the pub Thank God for atheists, sinners and believers who are not off the air & u can have a yarn & a larf LOL


‘deeply disturbed’

Hatred in people often makes them appear that way. Religious hatred I suppose is like other irrational hatreds. They just dress it up as love

‘nearly every victim/survivor was told this by them in some shape or form with NB the facts/evidence clearly showing otherwise.’

This I think separates the wheat from the chaff. We can safely assume that the reasoning behind that comes from a desire to cover up and not from a recognition that the Church is responsible for serious child abuse. Targeting the victim: the trademark of the culpable and always reprehensible.

It is not only atheists who support abuse victims. Lots of believers do likewise. Those motivated by Christian love I am sure do. Those motivated by religious hatred can really only hate.

You hardly need explain yourself to John, or anybody else here for that matter, anything about you or your occupation, background inter alia.

‘internet warrior of religious hate & madness’

Seems a fitting description.

When Christian love burns people at the stake and tortures them it is clear that we are in a sphere of Orwellian doublespeak.


‘ I do not decide what is put up in this Blog.’

Praise the good lord for that otherwise it would be like a prayer meeting given your animosity toward free thinking.

‘You sound the sort of person who wants to run a dictatorship.’

SMH doesn’t want to be a pope. You argue for what you call a benevolent dictatorship WTF that means.

‘Do you have a problem with free-speech?’

You asking her that given all the problems you have with it!


Who determines that – some auld bishop?

‘You are fuelled by hatred of all things Catholic’

For someone driven by Christian hate that is funny. I genuinely doubt if anyone identifies the slightest taint of what could be remotely described as love within you. There are people who have asked me if you are actually a real character. They think I have invented you to make religion look ridiculous.

‘Your irrational, self-obsessive paranoia’

Use the mirror for shaving

Jihad Johns comments kind of remind me of those guys from the waffen ss I vus only obeying the orders ja


‘No Catholic would stay here for long.’

Self indictment.


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