Monday, July 23, 2012

The Crippling Power of Silence

Guest writer Mary Elizabeth Marshall, who describes herself as an ex-Catholic, recounts something from personal experience of Clerical abuse.

The video that goes with this is titled VileVaticanVille

My fear is that the anger/disgust at the crimes of the Vatican and the the call for Justice will dissolve as the general public grows weary of gross revelations of more abuse of minors repeatedly in the media worldwide. What is in the media is only the tip of the iceberg of the crimes. Long after myself and others have shuffled off our mortal coils there will undoubtedly be more atrocities revealed. I was born into a fiercely Catholic family which ensured decades of my silence coupled with my own misplaced shame. Hence I understand the crippling power of silence on many victims/survivors. I also want to state that there were Catholic nuns who were as sexually sick and perverted as Catholic priests. Both priests and nuns sexually abused children.

I am 53 years old and experienced physical and psychological abuse within the constructs of Catholicism from aged 7 years through to 14 years of age. The sexual abuse on me occurred at 14 years of age. All I can add is that I died but my heartbeat kept on. Nothing was ever the same again – something died forever in me.

I have retained a belief in God, am not an atheist much to the amazement of some and rage of others! My belief in God does not however mean I dumb down the truth. And this is the truth... One can never replace a damaged childhood ... one can only learn new ways to live and survive the helltimes of flashbacks, nightmares, grief and depression when they hit down hard.

Life has to go on and life is meant to be lived. Sadly many survivors have not lived long as adults due to depression and addiction directly related to the impact of clergy abuse. I have vowed to never give up no matter how bad the times can be – fight on and keep fighting the Beast til it is groveling, caged and totally disempowered.

Catholicism betrayed us Irish in so many ways but none so hideous as abuse of us children. And we survivors are telling you how profound the damage is on one even now as adults decades on – the impact on our quality of life.

My hope is you who read this will listen and act. Wake up Ireland wake up! And demand the Vatican be held to account for crimes against humanity.

A lot of people think time is a healer. I disagree. My own experience has been that the grief and flashbacks have intensified as I have aged and some may laugh at this – but I fear aging. Old people recall their youth. I never want to recall my life from 7 years of age to 14 years of age but sometimes it all crashes in. And that is the impact of abuse.

The following is what I wrote last year which is everything I have ever wanted to shout at the Vatican. The Vatican does not want to listen – I hope you do. It is not slick or intellectual or clever. It is words raw, real and birthed from a type of trauma that never leaves one alone.

Fighting the BEAST 2012

More than survivors
More than victims
More than labels
More than myths
More than money profiting, healing fables
More than PTSD
More than flinching when someone inadvertently touches your skin
More than the cringing, terrorised child who lives within
More than jerky disclosure and decades too late, tears
More than token sympathy coming our way
More than useless words and prayers today
More than shocked looks and rejection fears
More than times of washing and washing but NEVER feeling clean
More than that curse on childhood from the OBSCENE
More than vicarious interest of those spared this fate
(they have not a clue)
More than evil and more than that word Sin
Our Father who art in Heaven
Where the Hell were You?
ALL GLORY to the motivating, searing anger burning within
More than flashbacks
More than self hate
More than terror
More than residual childhood fear
More than media coverage
and survivor claims for Vatican blood money
More than the land of synthetic milk and honey
More than all of this
We are alive and will NEVER be silent again
We will FIGHT and we will fight some more
We will take on the Vatican Whore
We will fight until our heartbeats cease
We will die knowing we individually/collectively fought the Beast
We fight solely for the next generation to be safe and strong
The only healing worth promoting
The only way to right the wrong.
That is how we will serve our life sentence so
NEVER tell us to be silent
We will only rise up more - louder and louder
We are only beginning...
The fall of the Vatican
would be like Heaven
for some of us
BUT STILL the indoctrinated, teeming minions
continue to worship and drink the Whore’s pus...
NO MERCY - they showed us children none.
Now is our time to reciprocate.

P.S. I believe Jesus approves of this.


A powerful account by one of lifes hero's fighting a human evil which thinks they have a God like power to do want they want to other humans- Those catholic priests and nuns who plyed their trade against children, who abused children sold out their faith-

Mary Elizabeth Marshal still retains some faith which is her right despite her telling about the rage that others have of her belief- yet more haters against her-

" Our Father who art in Heaven- where the hell where you "
Where indeed- in the bible God saves the Jews at the Red Sea and his son woke a friend up from death but then they could not save this woman when she was a young girl yet she still believes- which of these sounds more God-like

When ‘Pope Benedict XVI’ went to England Ian Paisley said he was protesting against his visit as he was ‘angry about how victims of clerical child sexual abuse have been treated.’

I didn’t believe him. His real motives were that he hated the Catholic Church. He was using the accusation of abuse as a pretext. His ‘Babylonian whore’ comments gave him away.

Whilst I have complete sympathy with those who have really been abused by those who have betrayed their trust in the Catholic Church at every level, hierarchical and lay, I have also to acknowledge that many are using this as a pretext like Paisley to bash something they hate for other reasons.

When I see a phrase like;

‘We will take on the Vatican Whore’


‘BUT STILL the indoctrinated, teeming minions
continue to worship and drink the Whore’s pus...’

then I know that you have an agenda over and above any alleged abuse.

‘P.S. I believe Jesus approves of this.’

I can think of nothing so antithetical to our Lord Jesus Christ than such a hate-filled attack on His Church, which suffers enough by those who have betrayed it. It reminds me of those spitting at Him and mocking Him in His Passion.


a very heartfelt piece. Thanks for putting it our way. I particularly liked your PS. There is no way 'baby Jesus' would sit on a priest's knee. I guess had he really survived his own death and was about today the names he would write in the sand would be those of the Vatican mob.


those poor priests seduced by those feral kids. Terrible times. The hand of the devil. How is it his church when you say it has abandoned Catholicism?


"Our Father who art in Heaven- where the hell where you"

What a line. It sort of sums it up. A why have you forsaken me? type thing.

And still they will make excuses and continue in their attempts to order people's lives for them. The Church is absolutely entitled to its religious opinion but lacks any moral authority to impose its ethical framework on us. Moral practice precedes moral preaching

when john speaks of "his church" its hard 2 reconcile the idea that the church as an institution is wat jesus' message was all about

As always people are so quick and ready to jump to the side of the catholic church with words like Jesus and God littered about in the sentences as if these are almighty people who can do no wrong, to which I ask the question who the fuck are these fictional guys I don’t know them I have heard of them but I have also heard of Fairies and Leprechauns and like Jesus and God I give them as much heed as a dog barking.
The bottom line is kids have been abused by freaky men who believe in Jesus and God who are then protected by people who believe in fictitious characters called Jesus and God; these people are called Priests and Christian Brothers.
I do believe I have an argument when I say that people who believe in fictional characters live in cloud cuckoo land, but unfortunately that includes most people in power in most countries so what chance justice for the poor kids abused by real bastards using fictional characters as cover, even when we go to some courts around the world we have to swear to a fictional character before giving evidence,

Sean Bres,
“when john speaks of "his church" its hard 2 reconcile the idea that the church as an institution is wat jesus' message was all about”

The New Testament clearly shows that Christ established a Church which was commissioned by Him to teach in His Name and with His Authority.

Boyne Rover,
“As always people are so quick and ready to jump to the side of the catholic church…”

I haven’t seen much evidence of this.

“with words like Jesus and God littered about in the sentences as if these are almighty people who can do no wrong, to which I ask the question who the fuck are these fictional guys…”

To which they might reply, ‘who is Boyne Rover?’

“I don’t know them I have heard of them but I have also heard of Fairies and Leprechauns and like Jesus and God I give them as much heed as a dog barking.”

Those who abused didn’t heed them either.

“The bottom line is kids have been abused by freaky men who believe in Jesus and God who are then protected by people who believe in fictitious characters called Jesus and God; these people are called Priests and Christian Brothers.”

And kids have also been abused by those who do not believe in them. Most abusers are fathers, uncles, brothers, baby-sitters, teachers, taxi-drivers, painters, window-cleaners, etc. The one common denominator among those who abuse is that they reject the teachings of the Catholic Church.

“I do believe I have an argument when I say that people who believe in fictional characters live in cloud cuckoo land, but unfortunately that includes most people in power in most countries”

The universality of belief in a Deity is in itself evidence supporting One.

“so what chance justice for the poor kids abused by real bastards using fictional characters as cover,”

Wherever there is abuse it should be rooted out and the perpetrators dealt with.

“even when we go to some courts around the world we have to swear to a fictional character before giving evidence,”

So maybe the fictional character is ‘Boyne Rover.’

“those poor priests seduced by those feral kids. Terrible times. The hand of the devil. How is it his church when you say it has abandoned Catholicism?”

I guess those depraved abusers would see it as a ‘life-style choice.’ They should be punished with all the rigours of the law, ecclesiastical as well as secular.

The Church has not abandoned Catholicism, but many within it have. A little like Irish Republicanism will still be here when those who have betrayed it are despised footnotes in history books.

The Catholic Church deserves every stone that has been thrown at it.
The Church had an chance to act and go some small way to putting this right and they chose lies, deceit and cover up.
While you may have a point in relation to Paisley, it does not detract from the fact that the Pope's time would have been better spent in the vatican and on his knees begging forgiveness for turning his back on this absolute disgrace.
I agree with michaelhenry, that this is a brave piece written by a survivor.
It is just gut wrenching though that people have had to survive these terrible things and then recount them, just to make us aware of what it is like to have innocence destroyed by the very people who were presented to us children as the nearest thing to God.
If there is such a thing as eternal damnation (and I don't want to debate this with anyone)
I hope they get it full and plenty.

“The Catholic Church deserves every stone that has been thrown at it.”

The Catholic Church, (in its human side), is made up of guilty and innocent, just like every other group of people. It is always unjust to portray any organization as bad, unless it advocates what is wrong. In this case the Catholic Church does not, so if some, even many, have fallen, it is not the Catholic Church that has, but rather traitors to it.

“The Church had an chance to act and go some small way to putting this right and they chose lies, deceit and cover up.”

And those who have are indefensible.

“If there is such a thing as eternal damnation (and I don't want to debate this with anyone)
I hope they get it full and plenty.”

There is, and they will.

JJMcGirr I knew u would be in like a bullet on this lolz
RE: ‘I can think of nothing so antithetical to our Lord Jesus Christ than such a hate-filled attack on His Church, which suffers enough by those who have betrayed it. It reminds me of those spitting at Him and mocking Him in His Passion’

I u/stand are angry re strong critique of the corruption within a religion you adhere when it be put out there by an EX catholic. There is no agenda other than addressing the topic of systemic, pandemic abuse of minors under the cloak of godliness & in this instance occurring within the Catholic religion. I am obviously writing from an experiential perspective of a survivor & NB highlighting ongoing blockading of Justice & coverups by Vatican.

I am certain that others who experienced abuse as minors inside other religions (Islam, Buddhism etc) could write similar although every victim/survivor is a unique individual hence one should only imo share one’s own experiences/journey. I am not devoid of u/standing the suffering put on Catholics for their religious beliefs... saw first hand what can happen and does happen... I am 53 not 14.

All in all it is gross tragedy that the very religion so many of our people died for is the very religion that betrayed the many.

Some stuff for you to peer at & ponder:
Babylon is the Whore who controls over the rulers of this world hence Babylonian Whore is Oppressor controlling institutions, corporations etc – colludes, subjugates, controls. The usage of Whore of Babylon is metaphor.

NB Her full title is: Babylon the Great, the Mother of prostitutes and abominations of the Earth. Vatican/Rome is the Mother Church right John! And the usage of word prostitutes is not talking about impoverished sex workers scraping out a living by hawking their forks in case u don’t get it...

Some Hello Vatican!
‘Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean’ (Bible Matthew – 23:27)
‘...God does not live in houses made by men’ (Acts 7:48)

PS i would not trust a word out of Paisley snr’s mouth just like i wouldn’t the bearded one. He was right about one thing & one thing only. The Vatican is The Pox. Paisley would do well to look at abuse that occurred/occurs within proddy churches before running his mouth & also to look at all the blood on his hands... Who can forget the hate he whipped up that was enacted on innocent Catholics...

Anyone can say they are Christian but by their works you know them for what they are...NB It is ultimately not about religious adherence but about individuals integrity is it not.
The glory of man like a flower that shrivels in the Sun and falls... The Vatican’s day has come & is coming where it will be shown for what it really is – a disgusting mimicking of Christianity...

It will answer not just to God but in this life to the laws of the land...

@ michaelhenry ach i am no hero. The true heros/heroines are those who risk their lives speaking out against corrupt religions... Some religions carry a death penalty for this as u know... I can speak out knowing i ain't gonna get me head hacked off or a bullet to the back... I just get the McGirrs of this world ranting abit ahaha

Also contextually those children who suffered the absolute most were those who were brought up in institutions... They had no reprieve - no family no real home... I had a family and a home but had no voice or help because it was the era where the Church and priests/nuns were God. So effective was this indoctrination there was no way to tell anyone what occurred etc...

@ BoyneRover lolz abit at what u wrote & the rage u/pinning it --> I feel it too at times. Yes i know what u is saying... It is the rampant hypocrisy that is the worst part of religions... However to me God is real evidenced in nature (master artist/design) real in lots of way. What is not often real is the representatives of God...

The Catholic Church is not bricks and mortar, but rather the embodiment and representation of hundreds and thousands of Catholics all over the world.

Apart from a few who have spoken out, the majority have seemingly been silent about the cover up.

All our lives we have listened to their dictates, their repressive teachings.
We have been told that salvation can only come about through sack cloth and ashes, constant repenting and turning the other cheek.

Then this spills out, full blown and full blast. Children beaten and abused. Young lives ruined by those in a position of trust.

The Church advocated all of this. The day it made the choice to move the first paedophile to another parish.
They thought the rules did not apply to them John. The ten commandments were only for the people, the masses the mortals. They thought the people were too submissive to swallow this unfortunately for them they were wrong.
Maybe someone should inform the paedophiles priests and their protectors about the fires of hell.
As it is becoming clearer, what was used to deter us did not prove such a deterrent to them.

"And kids have also been abused by those who do not believe in them. Most abusers are fathers, uncles, brothers, baby-sitters, teachers, taxi-drivers, painters, window-cleaners, etc. The one common denominator among those who abuse is that they reject the teachings of the Catholic Church"

But John all the above you have mentioned do not have the luxury of a massive cover up that will be put in place when they are caught abusing the poor kids , unlike the guys in the catholic club whose punishment will be, that they are moved onto pastures new for more kids to be abused.
What that bastard Brady done to those 2 young kids back in the 70’s by threatening them to keep their mouths shut and do not tell a soul is beyond comprehension , and his reward , he is now head of the club that covers for paedophiles.
Can people not see through the biggest scam in history, even when the bastards are convicted and the abused are awarded damages these same evil bastards who run the institution that is the Catholic Church want us the tax payers to pay their debts, while they sit on a fortune in Rome. They are reported to be worth 300 billion and yet they want us to let them keep their ill gotten gains while we suffer the loss
Unlike fictional characters, John I am real , I just use my nickname as that is what all my friends call me, perhaps like me God and Jesus are the nicknames of Albert Stroller and Mickey Bricks ( Channel 157 )

Boyne Rover,

you obviously do not know what you are talking about. Good priests have been seduced by evil children. It is all the work of the devil. Mother Church can't be blamed for the evil that Lucifer gets some individuals to do. Nor has Mother Church recycled offending priests. That is a trick worked by the devil to deceive us and you have fallen for it.

Look to your local priest for spiritual guidance on these matters


you have a much better comprehension of what the Church is than those who try to make it eel like so that it can avoid any censure.

It is a human institution that has been shaped historically by men. There are more histories of the Church than what Literalist Christianity put out. The Gnostic history is fascinating. A good quick read if you are ever interested is The Jesus Mysteries. The questions it raises and the manner in which it frames the issue in terms iof history are very good. Read the reviews too as there are criticisms of the book. But anybody who thinks this is the first time the Church of Jesus trick has been played will get a good eye opener.

Sally Ride has died. One of the great women pioneers of space travel. Sally was gay and as such would have been targeted by the hate homo gang. Greta Christina had this to say on her blog.

Mitt Romney on the death of Sally Ride

July 23, 2012 at 8:28 pm Greta Christina

“Today, America lost one of its greatest pioneers. The first American woman in space, Sally Ride inspired millions of Americans with her determination to break the mold of her time. She was a profile in courage, and while she will be missed, her accomplishments will never be forgotten.”

Mitt Romney on the death of Sally Ride

Note: Ride’s partner of 27 years will be denied any federal benefits she might have gotten if they’d been an opposite-sex married couple.

Memo to Mr. Romney: If you don’t support our most fundamental relationships — if, in fact, you dedicate a significant amount of your political career to undermining those relationships, and make political hash out of marginalizing us and playing on people’s fears and hatred of us — you don’t get to speak about us with sentimental gushing after we’re dead.

Second memo to Mr. Romney: Fuck you.

Sometimes, the only way to say it

Fionnuala, Boyne Rover, AM,

The Catholic Church stands on the two pillars of Faith and Morals. In the 1960s elements within the Church began to question and then dump elements of both of these. Those who did this reached very high in to the hierarchy, (up as far as Paul VI), and as a result of whatever decisions were taken there it was decided to downplay the teaching in regard to hell and also to mitigate the canon laws which dealt with those accused of abuse.

It is high time that those within the Church realised that malign forces are occupying its positions of authority. I personally have not contributed one penny to their coffers since I realised in the 1970s that things were amiss, nor do I participate in anything they organize.

Many modern priests don’t even believe in God, let alone Heaven, Hell or the necessity of saving your soul. These are the ones who have insinuated themselves in to high positions. I have no problem with Brady and every Bishop in Ireland being held to account over this; or even others higher up, but I will never accept that it is the fault of the Catholic Church.

I use the analogy of 1986. PSF threw out their Constitution, (in this case Vatican II was 1986 in the Republican Movement) and thereby expelled themselves from the Republican Movement. Even if 95% of Republicans defected that did not mean the Republican Movement was to blame. In the case of the Church, the fact that 95% ripped up their constitution and threw in their lot with the world is a tragedy that is still being played out.

There are still some good priests who have been misled, just as there are still some Republicans left in PSF, but it is high time that both realized they have been duped and renounce the supposed hierarchy of each organization and rebuild. This will be done by going back to the Faith and Morals of all-time in the Catholic Church and reverting to the traditional Republican principles in the Republican Movement. Time is running out for those who blindly follow the tainted 'leadership' of each.

Now is the time for Real Catholics to emerge and reclaim the Church founded on Peter by Christ, without which we cannot be saved. Continuity not compromise!


Matthew 16:13-20 - Upon this rock I will build my Church
Matthew 18:17-18 - if he refuses to listen even to the Church ... (shows the importance of obeying and consequences of disobeying the Church)
Matthew 28:18-20 - Go Baptize and teach all nations ...(the Church's mission)
Mark 16:16 - Go to the whole world and proclaim the gospel.
Luke 10:16 - Whoever hears you, hears me, he who rejects you, rejects me.
John 14:16,16, 26 - Holy Spirit will be with you always to teach and reminder you of everything.
John 16:12 - the Spirit of Truth with guide you to all truth.
1 Timothy 3:15 - Church is the pillar and foundation of truth


Scandals in the Church

Jeremiah 32:32-35 - Old Testament leaders and priests offered child sacrifices
2 Kings 23:7 - Old Testament cult prostitutes in the temple of the Lord
Matthew 13:24-30 - parable of the weeds among the wheat
Matthew 13:47-48 - parable of the net that collects good and bad fish
Mark 14:43-46 - Judas betrayed Jesus
Mark 14:50 - they all left him and fled from the garden of Gethsemane
Mark 14:66-72 - Peter denied Our Lord, three times.
John 4:22 - In spite of their infidelity, salvation is from the Jews
John 20:24-25 - Thomas refused to believe in his resurrection from the dead
Romans 3:3-4 - will their infidelity nullify the fidelity of God? No!
2 Timothy 2:13 - if we are all unfaithful, God remains faithful


whatever rows your boat. As long as we don't have to sail in it with you, you can do your own thing.

I have always admired the way in which you put in so much effort to read and then reply to comments posted on The Quill, but I really don’t understand why you feel the need to try and convert and educate people to ways of the Catholic Church. One of your main aims is trying to convince me that there is a difference between what the priests get up to and this thing called the Catholic Church. Looking at the whole debacle from the outside I find it very difficult to understand. My personal view would have been that the Pope was the boss man and what he says goes, the buck stops with him, but oh no because they have spent hundreds of years perfecting the con they have cottoned on and decided if we can convince people that the pope and Vatican doesn’t know what’s going on we will get away with it, The perfect con

A prayer I learned in school
God made man and man made money
God made bees and bees made honey
God made hares to run along the grass
God made greyhounds to catch them by the ASS

Boyne Rover,

I only ever react when the Catholic Church is attacked. It is not my intention to try to convert anyone. In fact I prefer, as I have said before, to argue points outside of religion. The reason I prefer this is there has to be a shared ground of some sort for people to thrash out a response and I am very uncomfortable using Catholic reasoning among those who, in general, do not accept the Church. That is one reason why I tend to use Biblical quotations only when replying to SMH as she accepts the authority of Scripture. It would be pointless for me to quote the Bible to those who reject it, other than to use it merely as a historical document, which carries equal weight with any other. Having said that, I am notorious for forgetting all this in the heat of an argument and will sometimes contradict what I state here.

“One of your main aims is trying to convince me that there is a difference between what the priests get up to and this thing called the Catholic Church.”

We accept this distinction in every other sphere, so I don’t see why you don’t here. We don’t say that because McGuinness, Adams and others are traitors that the Republican Movement was a con. We see them as traitors who abandoned the cause they claimed to follow. Why does this not also apply to the Catholic Church? We are sustained in the Republican Movement by the memory of the leaders of 1916, the hunger strikers, and the tens of thousands of wonderful heroes who have given their all for Ireland. In the Catholic Church we have our saints and our countless numbers of devoted, selfless people who have given up everything to follow Christ. Right now the wolves seem to have got the upper hand, but they will be chased out, they will be seen as traitors who all but destroyed everything.

“My personal view would have been that the Pope was the boss man and what he says goes, the buck stops with him,…”

That is how it should be, but since the 1960s the Pope has become a mere ‘constitutional monarch’ and for this reason he has not acted. That is the scandal of what we are going through. Is it an excuse? No. Personally I do not accept Benedict XVI as being the Pope, on the grounds that he does not act like one. I suppose I regard the movement led by Benedict XVI as a counter-Church. If I were SMH I might be tempted to call it the ‘whore of Babylon.’

@ Fionnuala RE: 'All our lives we have listened to their dictates, their repressive teachings.'

Yes u truly see it all in all how it worked/still seeks to work... Not so long ago I was speaking with older Aboriginal Australians who were drinking themselves to death on the streets. Part of my job back then was to engage them into health services. Most of all i just sat and listened... u know the most important thing is to listen. Ignore the sryinges, bottles, punchups, piss, vomit & bullshit...

One day this woman called out to me "Sis do you believe in God?" Now that aint an uncommon question when u r in the role of a do gooder social work stuff... But i knew instinctively what she was going to tell me... And the rage... So i just says i am ex catholic.

and then it ripped forth... She shouted those Catholic priests & nuns they destroyed us kids... etc... Screw professional boundaries/never disclose personal stuff i usually rigidly adhere to...
I walked over to her and said It happened to me too and you are my sister. Told her never have I suffered like her & her people the depth of racism perpetrated by White Australia policy. And i held out my hand...

She took me hand and there was just silence all around in the group. Just silence U know the kind where everyone is crying but none of our tears can come out anymore... Fionnuala there are literally thousands and thousands of victims all over the world and what stands out to me is we are often native/Indigenous individuals. The most vulnerable groups.

@ Fionnuala followon to what i wrote.. forgot to addin I used (was a prolific addict IV etc) from 14 to 28 years of age. Got clean at 28. U know trying to blockade the pain/memories... That is why what i shared is so important to be told and i know too u will hear it properly. Stuff like that just rips me up that so many victims have self destructed with no letup. The Vatican MUST be tried for crimes against humanity.

Mary I have just read your post, been away laughing at the system thanks to Frankie Boyle, thank fuck there are people like yourself willing to speak out and expose those men in dresses,and the dickey dodgers who serve them,now we all know why the main facilitator Benny the bad runs around in an ice cream van. good post hon you are stronger by far than the weak bastards who abused you,the squirming and weasel words from those in the church here must at least give you a small bit of comfort, personally I,d put the fucking lot against a wall.


hope you enjoyed the break. Always good to get away. Mary did a very good piece. I don't think it is easy to be so forthright when so much hurt is involved. Credit to her

When Marx declared religion to be the opium of the people he was on the money. 'The meek shall inherit the earth, blessed are the poor, blessed are the peace makers.'
It was as if we were predisposed from birth to expect nothing but accept everything thrown at us.
The more you suffered the more likely you are to get a place at the right hand of the boss, could have been written for a sinn fein ard fheis.
Is it any wonder Calvin thought, fcuk this!

Having said that, I still believe as do many others that religion has a place within our society today.
I know some very decent Catholics who find what happened to Mary and all the other children and their families unbelievably abhorent.
I also know some incredible Priests who probably should not be wearing dresses, on the other hand I know some secular men who should.

What I find very disturbing about the Catholic Church and all churches where this dirt has slithered in.
Why have they not conducted a global study. A study which might go someway to providing the church, its flock and most importantly the victims with some explanation as to how and why this happened.
Like what traits and characteristics particular abusing priests had. Smyth looked the personification of evil, he was a rampant paedophile and yet the church saw fit to keep him, why?

Unless they open this up on a global tooth-comb nothing will ever change.
Young lives sullied and broken and mother church will sail on regardless.


I think you left us all feeling more than a bit priviliged by the fact you felt you could share this with us.

You are incredibly brave and the fact you have taken that bravery to places where other hurt people can be touched by it is so lovely to read.

I would have loved to have read this to my mother, as she always had something very philosophical and soothing to say like, it is amongst the dirt and the syringes and the vomit that you are more likely to see the face of Christ.

I won't say it, but I sincerely wish that somewhere in all of this you see the face of hope.


true. But he could also have said that Marxism was the opium of the Marxists!

2012 Australia - RIP John Pirona John - Catholic clergy abuse victim - 45 y.o. has been found dead - suicided.

His wife stated ‘It was always on his mind,’’ she said. ‘‘It’s like a poison inside of them that eats away at every part of their soul. They just want the pain to go.’’

Mr Pirona, a NSW Fire Brigades officer, was sexually assaulted by the priest, who cannot be named for legal reasons, in 1979. He was 13.

In a statement to police in 2008 he described the school as brutal, where he feared being bashed if people knew he had been abused.

‘‘Every day to me was just survival,’’ Mr Pirona said.

Thanks to u all who see & stand with us. Special thanks to Anthony for letting me put this up on blog. I just feel undescribable sadness re John Pironas death. It is almost unbearable reading what his wife was saying but felt it important to highlight it here. He is free now from it all...

Boyne Rover

‘kids have been abused by freaky men who believe in Jesus.’

That seems to encapsulate it so concisely and brilliantly. A very apt description.


I think what has been demonstrated by the hate filled attack on you was that John would rather defend the vile Church than stand up for your rights. Over here years ago when people were being tortured by the RUC the cops began to say that people in custody were beating themselves up in bid to tarnish the good name of the RUC. Now we have the same old tosh being reverted to when the institution is in trouble. It is the classic institutional lie.

‘The usage of Whore of Babylon is metaphor.’

Wasting your time. The biblical literalist can’t comprehend metaphor and allegory. That’s why they believe the earth is 6000 years old. Hence the Gnostics had such an intellectual advantage over them and for that reason had to be repressed.

It amazes me that anybody can have the audacity to claim that the Catholic Church stands on the two pillars of Faith and Morals. Faith certainly based as it is on no evidence. But morals? What position is the Catholic Church in to prescribe morals for anyone after its moral hari kari on child rape? As for the fools that believe in hell, it is not enough for them to fear it themselves, they want to threaten others with its violence.

Disreputable Christian thugs.
Every excuse will be found to absolve the Catholic Church of responsibility but Nuala nailed that very precisely.

I find it hard to suppress a smile any time I hear of that misogynist Peter being referred to as the rock upon which the Church was built.


"I find it hard to suppress a smile any time I hear of that misogynist Peter being referred to as the rock upon which the Church was built."

Can you supply ANY evidence to back this up? ANY at all? Or is this just another uninformed comment?


Wait for it. We will soon get the guff that he is really John Piranha who is pretending to be dead just to take a bite out of the reputation of the good men of god. It is all his fault. He should never have seduced the holy priest.


‘Can you supply ANY evidence to back this up? ANY at all? Or is this just another uninformed comment?’

Like angels exist you mean?

Go to the work of Elaine Pagels, Professor of Religion, and her take on Gnosticism. The quote in particular from the gospel of Mary in which she says to Jesus, ‘Peter makes me hesitate; I am afraid of him, because he hates the female race.’

Wouldn’t be like him, now would it?


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