Mick Hall from his own blog on 23rd October 2012
I have often wondered what it must be like to live in a seemingly idyllic village in Africa or India, and a transnational corporation turns up on your doorstep and sets up a business. The 4 by 4 land cruisers roll in and men with sun-glasses get out and walk up and down; then depart in a cloud of dust. After the bulldozers and earth movers have done their work and the project is up and running, your once productive plot of land which the family relies on to live, quickly becomes unproductive having been starved of water which has been diverted to the new golf resort or Coca Cola bottling plant.
When you turn to the State for redress you get nowhere as your local politician is in the pay of the transnational, or worse you end up being arrested and thrown into jail by the very police and judiciary who should be protecting you.
Last night while watching Anthony Baxter's documentary You’ve been Trumped on BBC iPlayer, I got a glimpse of what it is like to be on the receiving end of a nasty egocentric multi-national bully. In this case the billionaire property speculator Donald Trump. You might say the UK is not a third world nation, how could Trump possibly gain permission to build a £750 million Golf Resort which includes a golf course, hotel complex and approximately 200 time share properties, when planning was denied by the local council on the grounds that it was unsustainable, as it failed to conserve the sites natural heritage, for both current and future generations as the site was of special scientific interest, a unique habitat of dunes, one of the last of its kind. The Council's decision to reject Trump's plan was hardly surprising as the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, World Wildlife Fund, the RSPB all vigorously opposed it.
However, a greedy shyster like Donald was hardly going to allow a few local politicians doing their duty to stand in his way of making a fast buck, he had a plan, he started cozying up to Scotland’s political, media and academic elites. On one visit to Aberdeenshire, he was seen in the company of senior members of the governing SNP, the head of the BBC in Scotland, the head of the local university, and a senior police officer.
The elitist wheels churned, and in no time at all the refusal of planning permission was overturned by the Scottish government led by Alex Salmon of the SNP. Who seems of late to have fallen into the Blairite trap of bowing to the will of billionaires in the hope of getting some advantageous drippings from their table.
Above, the police who arrested Anthony Baxter.
Baxter filmed it all with his camera, even when Trump's 'site manager' arranged for the local police to intimidate him by arresting and throwing him in a cell. The way the local police appeared to be only to willingly to be used as Trumps private security firm, was so reminiscent of how corrupt police officers behave in a similar situation in the third world. As is always the way when such creatures are caught out, none of Trumps hirelings were prepared to go on camera, whether members of the Scottish government, or the Grampian police who illegally detained him.
Salmon has real questions to answer not only about his boast this project would create hundreds of local jobs, which an LSE professor called dubious to say the least, but also why he slapped compulsory purchase orders on his constituents homes. Yes, his constituents, for this monstrosity is situated in his own constituency.
However it was the way local residents were treated by Trump and his hirelings which was most shocking, Michael, Molly, Susan, Finlay, and David, who have all lived there for most of their lives and refused to sell their homes to Trump, were bullied and intimidated, their water and power illegally cut off. And their homes surrounded by giant mounds of sand which blocked out their views and light. The sand had once made up a unique habitat of dunes, one of the last of its kind in the UK and which the odious Trump had destroyed without a backward glance.
After watching this film, and with Alex Salmon as PM and his party the SNP in power, if I were a Scot I would think twice before I voted yes in the 2014 referendum, for if Salmon's dealing with Murdoch and Trump are anything to go by an independent Scotland is liable to eventually look more like Singapore than a modern social democratic state.
Above: How the area looked before Trump, and his minions went to work.
Superb Mick good to hear from you a cara I was on that beach a couple of months ago,a stunning and beautiful place truly, there was something in the local paper and tv about windfarms next to this proposed development Trump was on shouting the odds how they will destroy the beauty of the place and how inefficient they were,like he gave a fuck,his nimby attitude is what we have come to expect from this arrogant fucker,the thing on top of his head seems to be the main decision maker, anyway you,ll be pleased to know I had a hole in one on his golf course I had a dump on one of his greens,
David Letterman got him a cracker yesterday when interviewing him. Trump was saying how china was ripping the heart out of America when Letterman pulled out Trumps clothing range; ties & shirts, all of which had 'made in China' labels.
Think USA foriegn policy had more than a bit part in it all. Programe last night American road trip on Channel 4 showed a country falling down around itself while the Republican Party advocates more military intervention and spending. They wont rest until they get their dream cure...WW3.
Larry, I saw that programme and I thought the most shocking thing was that the programme makers were kind of portraying the poverty as a relatively new phenomonem.
I think the only thing new is that it is 'middle America' who is living below the poverty line now. The ghettos and cardboard cities have been ignored for decades by the media and that it seemed was ok, so long as it was out of sight and minds.
More military intervention. Yeah, that'd be about right.
good piece - but the title summed it up perfectly!
Belfast Bookworm
The programe mentioned that in the 1850s Chicago had a population of 12,000 (twelve thousand) so the USA was wide open for people denied social elevation at home. Today there are 300,000,000+ over there. So social elevation and a free tickets to wealth are no longer the case. I think like the brit industrial revolution requiring an empire to fuel it the USA now require constant wars to fuel the big lie of the American dream in 2012.
That dream spells nightmare for every other nation, if there's a WW3 the yanks are unlikely to be cast as heroes this time.
Larry; I think the problem with the American Dream was that it promised a free ticket to wealth; work hard and you will reap the rewards.
It ignored the social reasons that prevented most from getting hold of that free ticket; inequality, racism, discrimination, the strength of the old school tie network - masons, rotary clubs etc.
The gulf between the really rich and the really poor was widest in America always but as there was a middle class who felt they were getting a fair crack at the whip - they were comfortable, their kids had college funds, it was easy for them to carry on believing they were living the American dream in their middle class neighbourhoods. Just a few blocks away families were living in storm drains, in cardboard cities or if they were really lucky, in the projects.
I was saddened to watch that film. People are really up against it over there, but unfortunately it's nothing new - it's just happening to a different class of people.
If you haven't seen it already I'd recommend Michael Moore's docufilm 'Roger and Me'. It must have been made about 12 years ago but it's unfolding now right across the US.
Anthony; Roger and Me always makes me think of 'The Death of Irish Republicanism'! ., different issues obviously but a glimpse into the future.
You have it bang on re WW3, but I doubt there'll be any of us left to cast anyone as heroes.
Belfast Bookworm
The USA middle class has gone. The global banking system was contaminated/poisoned by wee parcels of shite in the USA sub prime market that were dressed up as 'financial-products'and deliberately pumped out around the world further contaminating already corrupt finance systems elsewhere. When the Brits refused to buy a heap of junk from one of the big Wall Street banks it finally precipitated the inevitable melt down.
The USA middle class was all based on debt. University students from USA at our campus are ending up in over $130,000 debt for a degree. And even if there were jobs out there it's merely economic slavery, and that's before getting a house and car. Where the fuck is the 'dream' in that? I visited friends and family in the USA in NY and up state NY and Boston. They aint living no dream, workin a 50/60 hr week and sharing a house. But they are coning themselves 'we're in America man!' Well I was in JFK airport gettin my hole home and thankful for it lol.
And yet the yanks need to spend zillions droning mud huts in Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal areas to maintain a sense of national self esteme. Slap it up em!!
I cant believe the hype this 'storm' over NY is getting on tv. What the hell is the agenda behind all the fuss? I see a 24 hr Irish bar in Atlantic city stayed open...kinda puts it in perspective. I was waiting on ARMAGEDON and doomsday prepers yelling 'told ya so!!' Looks like a january afternoon in Bundoran to me..nothin more. Wonder what the residents of New Orleans feel about the coverage on tv of a rainy night in NY.
'Looks like a January afternoon in Bundoran'
Has to be TPQ quote of the year. Anthony; any chance of a poll.
Belfast Bookworm
Can be pretty rough in Bundoran, best avoided lol
Some of the more recent footage coming in from NY looks rough. But still not quite the 'Day after Tomorrow' buil-dup it got.
I have to say I'm finding it a wee bit fascinating. Particularly when you see eejits dandering about in it.
Can only wonder what type of media coverage a Japanese tsunami event would get if it happened there. New Jersey looks like an 'erase and do over again' job.
What Mick as failed to state is that Salmond is only behaving in the true fashion of a constitutional British politican and so what he does shouldn't be so shocking...it happens here and it happens in the South and it's called Western Pro-Democracy Capitalism
the Giant's Causeway and the Creationsit influence within the National Trust who were balckmailed in to accepting the Cable Foundation influence or loosing their funding (DUP behind this)...the proposed golf course on the North Coast given the go ahead by Alex Attwood against the wishes of the community (pushed by Ian Jr (DUP and SDLP behind this)..and the proposed upgrade to the Ballygawley to Omagh road by the DUP against all the views of the locals but strangely enough there are those supporters of the Union who will stand to make a small fortune from the sale of otherwise poor farm land while the Croppy looses valuable land that makes what's left uneconomical to farm.....(DUP Behind this)...
As fro SF/MI5----don't even go there!
Larry; just heard Sandy has been called 'the worst hurricane in a generation'
Seems like the bold Katrina has already been forgotten.
Belfast Bookworm
The OTT predictions and initial pics had me posting on FB that it was all hype. Had to quickly remove those with a severe blush when I saw the day after pics in New Jersey. All them holiday homes look like they were hit with a Paki drone strike.
Had they called it hurricane Saville then they would be looking at minor damage.
That is known as 'pulling a Michael Fish'
Belfast Bookworm
Absolutely, guilty as charged I'm afraid. What a balls up on my part lol
Larry to be fair to you the yanks do have a tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Put it down to a boy who cried wolf thing!
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