Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stay Granted at Supreme Court

A statement from Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre about today's developments in the US Supreme Court

Our lawyers, Eamonn Dornan, JJ Cotter and Jonathan Albano have won a fantastic victory at the Supreme Court with the approval of Justice Stephen Breyer that our request for a stay be granted and extended until the Supreme Court deicdes whether to hear the case. Here is the text of the decision:

IT IS ORDERED that the mandate of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, case Nos. 11-2511 and 12-1159, is hereby stayed until November 16, 2012. If the applicants file a petition for a writ of certiorari on or before that date, then the mandate of the First Circuit is further stayed until the petition is resolved by this Court. Should the petition be denied, this stay shall terminate automatically. In the event the petition for a writ of certiorari is granted, the stay shall terminate upon the sending down of the judgment of this Court. If the applicants do not file a petition for certiorari on or before November 16, then the stay shall expire at 5 p.m. that day.

 Congratulations to Eamonn, Jim and Jonathan!!


Its a start a cara,good luck.

A high before the big fall-

Your law team knows the law-

Progress is progress , Good luck, and lets hope you and ed are on a full winner this time.


Your such a dick , maybe you should learn the law.


how many mi5/mi6 agents within your pathetic BRITISH organisation (Royal Ulster Provo's/PSF) took the fall , or, were allowed to do a runner, "SCAP" , killing his own agents to save himself.
STAKEKNIFE I believe is still within PSF, It could be you, you know.
And i will say, you are correct in one part of your post, Anthony and Ed's team do know the law, otherwise they would not have got this far.
Oh , by the way ,I hope you have a nice sleep fella, and , while you try to have one, think about Marian,Gerry, and, Martin!!, maybe you will join them, seeing what a coniving lying deceitful piece you are and always were, and, as far as mi5 are concerned, you, like the rest of us are trash and disposable, I value my late grandfathers words, If your ever stopped by the peelers and questioned, You Know Nothing, Youve seen nothing and you heard nothing, Thats my motto to this very day, what i know, will come with me to my grave, no one will write about it.


wish father to the thought?

SLC Public Relations and Communications
14 W. Highland Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118

For release: Immediately Contact: Eamonn Dornan
(011) 44 7545978631
(011) 44 28 90823693
Sabina Clarke
(215) 509-2345
(215) 908-7960 cell

“Huge Victory” for Attorneys of Boston College Researchers..
As U.S. Supreme Courts Extends Stay on Handover of IRA Archives

(Belfast. Northern Ireland) As of today, October 17th, 2012 United States Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has granted an extended stay until November 16th, 2012 on the handover of the Boston College Belfast Project archives.

Attorney Eamonn Dornan stated, “My clients are encouraged by today’s grant of a stay of the mandate from the Supreme Court. Justice Breyer has already given their arguments careful consideration and in effect, found that they are at least meritorious and that there is a likelihood that irreparable harm would result if the stay was not granted. My clients have raised issues of exceptional importance, including the constitutional right to free flow of information to the American public in the face of a foreign subpoena, the protection of important academic research, and the harm which the release of these materials would cause. They also assert that this is the first time in U.S. legal history that a Circuit Court has permitted a foreign subpoena issued under an international Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) to go unchallenged and trump the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. “

In a joint statement, Belfast Project Director at Boston College Ed Moloney and researcher Anthony McIntyre said, “This is a huge victory for Eamonn and his colleagues in Boston. Myself and Anthony McIntyre wish to thank and congratulate them for doing such a magnificent job.”

If the petition for a writ of certiorari is granted, the U.S. Supreme Court would agree to review the decision of a lower court resulting in the termination of the stay upon the sending down of the judgment of the Court.

… 10/17/12

Good news mackers.

do be careful though, if you continue to defend Adams liberty with such ferocity he may confer his upcoming knighthood upon you haha

Given the arguments made by Mackers and Ed Maloney it is only right that the matter be decided by the Supreme Court.

It would only be right too if the American Sumpreme Court do go on to hear the case and find in favour of them.

The time is right too for the Americans to reciprocate Teresa May's decision earlier this week.

Cant fathom Michaelhenry's response, suspect neither casn Michaelhenry.

Is it not more likely that the British control of IRA internal security was more about protecting their agents and thus fingers were pointed to innocent people to that end?

Given all that has transpired I think the least we could do is give the benefit of the doubt to all those who were executed as alledged/supposed informers and put the hand out to their families.

Eddie in the house Sandy Lynch was being held it is said that at least 5, I repeat at least FIVE informers were present,pity they didnt get the chance to execute each other a cara,
Mickeybroy the opinion poll released by the Irish times today,the MRBI poll shows FF support up 4 points to 21% while Quisling $inn £ein support has dropped to 20% those auld greasy poles are hard to climb up,looks like the people prefer the lying bastards they know than the ones they dont.

great news for all who believe in truth and what is left of academic freedom.


20%- i would give anything to get that in a dail election-thats double what Sinn Fein got at the last election when 14 Tds were elected-the only way is up- it might be just me but i get a feeling that itsjustmacker does not like me-

A wee scot ex dummy tit was getting pissed in a bar in Dundee a few years ago with me Mickeybroy a cara, he said to me "I was spat on and kicked while stationed in Belfast Marty" I replied "It wasnt personal a cara it was the uniform" get my drift Mickybroy and 20% is a fair position to be in but I reckon the cute hoors in FF will claw even more of that back before the next election,


I have put my hand out to quite a few families, offering my condolences to some of those shot by the british/PSF/PIRA agents of death, and , I was far from happy about all those shot and disappeared, I used to ask myself Why disappear alleged touts, Why not just do it the normal way, Body on side of road or in country lane which gives the message, This is what happens to touts, then I realised, it was so the PSF could deny the murders, to me that is the most logical answer I can give myself.


You are correct, Agents killing Agents ,and, when Morrison was set up it was then they should have known agents were at work because they are far from being stupid, or ,it got to the stage that there was that many agents they were afraid to point the finger at each other, as most of PSF would have been murdered ,or, they are all agents, then they should have shot each other, Pity they didn't.


no comment fella.

Good news indeed. Hard to know how the Supreme Court might rule these days, but stay optimistic.

Hi Mackers, hope your keeping well and good luck with the case.



thanks for this. So good to hear from you

Stay Granted at Supreme Court":

Organized Rage/Mick

If the push over professors at BC and elsewhere have their way there will be nothing left of academic freedom.


Hard to know indeed. Just have to keep fighting.


in the house Sandy Lynch was being held it is said that at least 5, I repeat at least FIVE informers were present.

I wonder what odds a bookie would give you for a wager on Pew O’Neill not being in the Francach Five.


The time is right too for the Americans to reciprocate Teresa May's decision earlier this week.

For sure.


Is it not more likely that the British control of IRA internal security was more about protecting their agents and thus fingers were pointed to innocent people to that end?

What else? The case can also be made that one reason behind the control of the loyalist groups was to protect their agents in the IRA against targeting. How many lives did Brian Nelson save? 2. Scap who was an agent and Adams, who I don’t believe was an agent but who was nevertheless considered a strategic asset in the pursuit of the Brit goal of ensuring PIRA compliance with the consent principle.

Given all that has transpired I think the least we could do is give the benefit of the doubt to all those who were executed as alleged/supposed informers and put the hand out to their families.

You are right. Could you honestly take the word of P O’Neill that anybody was an informer?


do be careful though, if you continue to defend Adams liberty with such ferocity he may confer his upcoming knighthood upon you haha

The ferocity of a dead sheep!


I guess we need it.






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