Sunday, November 11, 2012

End Brutality in Maghaberry

Leaflet Drawn up at the request of the Taylor Family


Pauline Mellon gave me the account in graphic detail how Tony Taylor was brutally beaten,when we thought we had left this stupidity behind, then up pops the thugs and bigots in uniform in Maghaberry,like their mates in the loyalist bands they will not be made obey any rules or agreement that may give respect to taigs.someone in quisling $inn £ein needs to seriously explain to the nationalist population ,apart from absence from a fucking useless war what exactly is the peace dividend we hear so much about. it surely is not justice and due process for Marian and Martin or dignity and respect for Tony Taylor or the other republican prisoners..

The wife of Tony Taylor went to Derry's edition of An Phoblacht regarding the beating he received.

She was told that SF had advised the paper not to report on it.

Now given it was carried by the BBC it shows that paper is a cowardly rag on a par with the Andy Tout News.

QUISLING $INN £EIN Dixie and by fuck are,nt thet good at it!!!


Derry SinnFein has the story about
Tony Taylor on their facebook and Twitter accounts today under- Probe underway after struggle at prison- dont know what you are trying to drive at-


how the worm has turned, turned being the operative word I suspect. But how many times did you hear the Sticks speaking out against the brutality of the H Blocks?

Why would the Sinn Fein paper highlight this assualt? Did not McCartney say recently that he has never supported the prisoners in Maghaberry. Raymond and the others will never fool those who know the beast's heart from the inside.

Facebook is a powerful thing. It seems the Derry Journal has carried an item on it's web page today, Monday 12 November 2012 regarding it after a weekend of publicity on facebook highlighting the fact that Tony's wife was told SF had advised against publishing it.

no suprise who give the opening speech/quest speaker at the annual antytout news asiling awards on thursday night,none other than chief jailer david ford surprise surprise.


Tony Taylor can expect little form that quarter. The template is always to be found with the Sticks. SF are born again Sticks. Which makes their killing of so many Sticks over the years all the more reprehensible.


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