Friday, November 9, 2012

The Arrest of former Provo commander Padraic Wilson: Some Thoughts, Some Questions.

Mick Hall with a piece on the arrest of Padraic Wilson from his own blog on the 9th November 2012

Since the UK Tory led Coalition government came to power in 2010, there seems to have been a sea change in how the British government deals with the Irish peace process. There are worrying signs of a return to the dark days when consecutive British governments used the police and security services as its main arm of government within the six counties.

Padraic Wilson
Over the past two years the Secretary of State for northern Ireland rubber stamped the imprisonment of Irish republicans without following through on the judicial process. In recent weeks we have also seen disturbing signs that the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is targeting members of Sinn Fein who were senior volunteers during the Provo insurgency.

Plus the PSNI is currently using the US legal system to gain access to the ‘Boston College Oral History Project tapes,’ which consist of a series of interviews with former members of the Provisional IRA. The tapes were compiled by Ed Moloney and Irish writer and historian Anthony McIntyre, who conducted the interviews. The participants were given a guarantee by Boston College the content of the tapes would not be released until after their death. The advantages of such an academic project should be obvious to all but those who believe in the ‘secret state.’

As the case has gradually moved up the US judicial process on its way to the US Supreme Court, it has become increasingly clear the PSNI/British government are targeting the tapes for two reasons, Firstly, to ensure the spoils of history go to the victor they are hoping to intimidate any republicans who might at some time in the future be willing to talk about their role in the conflict. Secondly, they wish to gain access to the tapes in the hope they might find incriminating evidence against Gerry Adams and other senior members of the PIRA who are still active politically today.

Last week their campaign went up a gear when they arrested for IRA membership back in 2005, Padraic Wilson, SF’s international representative. It could hardly have been a surprise to the British government that Padraic had once been an PIRA member, as he was the former O/C of republican prisoners in the Maze during the years of the peace process negotiations, when the British government twice gave him leave from the Maze prison to attend crucial IRA Conventions. He was also the Provisionals main link with General John de Chastelain during the decommissioning of IRA armaments.

Sinn Fein's reasoning as to what is behind these events is fanciful to say the least. They claim there is a rogue group of detectives within the serious crime unit acting on their own initiative. Could such a small cadre of officers really control a judicial process which is liable to go the US supreme court?  They must have one hell of a war chest. Would they have the power to arrest a prominent Republican such as Wilson without London’s approval? I doubt it myself. The Shinners lame reasoning reeks of their securocrat nonsense whenever they came up against an unforeseen curve in the road during the GFA negotiations.

Myself, I have always believed the Irish peace process is a close cousin of the Oslo Accords, which managed to reel in Yasser Arafat, only to discard and destroy him once he had outlived his usefulness.

So what is going on? An article by Ed Moloney, author of A Secret History of the IRA, who asks this very question is well worth a read

.* On Tuesday 6 October Padraig Wilson appeared before a judge at a Bail hearing, the PSNI opposed bail due to the alleged risk of interference with witnesses.

However, the prosecution conceded there was no evidence to support their fears, with the concern based only on the nature of the charges. The judge granted Mr Wilson bail, releasing him on two sureties of £900, and banned him from making any contact with the complainants and ordered to report to police twice a week.


My take on the Boston College Tapes is simple. A few yrs back Denis Bradley and Robert Eames were tasked with trying to get a truth and reconciliation process in place so everyone could at least have a better understanding of not only went really went on but how society broke down..

And the BC tapes at least go part of the way in telling the truth.

Should they be kept in the vaults as agreed. Yes. If only out of fear of reprisals by others.

When you had the Blanket Anthony you use to have quote's at the top of each edition. One was by Arthur Schopenhauer (All truths pass...)

One day the truth will out and you and Ed will be vindicated.

Anthony please post the 2nd post a cara I repeated a line twice in the first one ,my fucking head is thumping a cara i got a flu jab last week and it worked now I have the fucking flu

As usual Mick has thought this one out in great detail, what passes for justice here is like a game of cards ,the dealer in this game being a one eyed ,one handed British secretary of state (on orders from Whitehall) the chances that there is an out of control cabal of ex ruc detectives now working for the psni working on their own agenda to GET Adams and others in turn wrecking the "peace Process" is fanciful thinking indeed by Kelly and his cronies in quisling $inn £ein, everything the Brits do and that includes their employees in the psni or the jails for that matter is controlled,just in the same way the uvf,uff, uda are, they only do as they are told. like Arafat the leadership of quisling $inn £ein have been dealt a bum deal.and the result will be the same if and when they become a liability,last nights news here re the Enniskillen bombing threw a shot across the table at Mc Guinness warning that the HCT unit has uncovered new evidence on this, nervous days ahead for Gerry and Marty.. quisling $inn £ein should have known better than to play cards with the British they have the aces the $inner,s got a busted flush. the sign indeed said "poker in the rear.....but that can have a double meaning as those boys and girls will find out in due course..


four of the same comment came through. So if I got it wrong repost and we will sort it


I agree that Mick makes some great points here. When the BC thing started I took the view after lobbying opinion that individual cops were trying to screw big Shipman over and the thing was running on automatic pilot. One person described it to me as rule bound behaviour injected with a autonomous wankerdom.

But as things have gone along it is becoming very difficult to argue that these things could just be happening without approval and even prompting.

At the same time the Brits have the Shinners over a barrell by having them come out and demand political policing. The Unionists must be delighted. How this whole process has been one mighty sop to unionism. From Free Ireland to Free Presbyterianism, as Leonard Cohen sings, wasn't it a long way down?

when people feel completely safe and secure that the potential for a return to trouble is gone the SF vote will probably dwindle. As a blogger said earlier in another threat the 'dissidents' are keeping them in jobs just now.

Anthony as Dylan( Stolen from Behan allegedly)said "only a pawn in their game"!

Read Ardoyne Republicans blog "British Political Policing Continues".. I also read Gorbels Gibneys article in the vatican times yesterday, the poison dwarf stated that Paddybroy Wilson was part of the republican leadership which had tried to help the Mc Cartny family, yeah like fuck he did... first members of prm murder Mc Cartney ,then they forensically clean the place,then they inform all the witness,s to say nought,after starting a riot to keep the cops out of the area, then when it looks bad for the boys they send in Paddy Wilson to HELP the family kind of like when Paddy was tasked to help Joe (ya we lost) Cahill,s niece a victim of sexual abuse by a member of the movement Paddybroy and others brought their considerable revolutionary skills to bear in seeking truth and justice for those victims and their families and in true republican fashion the people got fuck all,Gibneys belated weasel words in calling for justice for Marian and Martin are nothing more than a blind to cover the fact that INDEED political policing does take place here and they are part of it not a victim of it..

Your link about the reprieve doesn't seem to working..At least not here.


this is the content but it works at this end.

Updated from Boston Globe: Researchers win a reprieve from Supreme Court in Boston College Irish Troubles interview case
Boston College case, Supreme Court

Researchers win a reprieve from Supreme Court in Boston College Irish Troubles interview case
By Globe Staff
Boston Globe
Oct 17, 2012

Two researchers who were involved in interviewing former combatants in the Irish Troubles for a Boston College oral history project have won a stay of a federal appeals court order that one of the interviews should be turned over to the British government.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer ruled today that the order from the 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston should be stayed, while the researchers prepare a writ of certiorari, seeking a Supreme Court hearing of their case. Breyer set a deadline for the request of Nov. 16.

The order will be stayed until then. It will also be stayed while the court considers the researchers’ request. If the court doesn’t agree to hear their case, the stay will expire. If the court agrees to hear their case, then the order will be stayed until the court issues a ruling on the case, Breyer’s order said.

Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre vowed in August that they would take their case to the Supreme Court after the Boston appeals court decided not to rehear — or have the full court hear — the case. A three-judge panel of the appeals court had previously rejected their appeal in July.

Today’s Supreme Court order was “significant in the sense that it keeps alive the chance of getting Supreme Court review. … At least they’re alive to fight another day. That’s really what it says,” said Jonathan Albano, one of the attorneys representing Moloney and McIntyre.

On behalf of unidentified law enforcement officials in the United Kingdom, federal prosecutors have issued subpoenas seeking information related to a 1972 slaying in which the Irish Republican Army has admitted involvement.

The subpoenas were issued under a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty between the United States and Britain.

But the Belfast Project, the goal of which was to document the Troubles, a decades-long period of violence, promised both Irish republican and British loyalist former combatants that their statements would not be released until their deaths. The project began in 2001 and interviews were recorded between 2001 and 2006.

The order by Breyer blocks a subpoena for an interview with former IRA member Dolours Price. Boston College, meanwhile, continues a separate legal battle in appeals court over a second set of subpoenas seeking other interviews, said Albano.

Albano said Moloney and McIntyre want the right to object to both sets of subpoenas.

The whole political policing argument on this one baffled me.

Surely it would have been political policing had the peelers NOT lifted PW.

Thanks Anthony..

For talk sake...If the PSNI believe that Gerry Adams was behind the abduction, killing and burial of Jean mcConville. Why don't they simply take him to Antrim police barracks and question him? Or is that taking political policing to far?

What are the PSNI hoping to find that isn't already in the public domain? Maybe Gerry has something on them. If I was accused (or anyone else reading this was) I'm sure beyond doubt that the PSNI would have had a quiet word with me inside some police station.

Unless of course they want to airbrush events and people from the history books. So when future generations try to understand what it was all about they'll get a bastardised revionist version of the truth.

Good point Belfast bookworm.also of concern to me is that ,allegedly the Mc Cartney sisters only recognised Paddybroy Wilson from the internet recently,well smack my bum and call me fr, but wouldnt you think the peelers would have shown the sisters a montague of all ra members when they said they had been first approached by the movement,leading to the arrest of both members representing the AC.policing here has never been anything other than political,Wilsons arrest is I think just a warning to those in quisling $inn £ein that they are just bit players in a bigger game.or as yer man said in the Braveheart film "the Irish are cheaper than arrows"

On behalf of unidentified law enforcement officials in the United Kingdom, federal prosecutors have issued subpoenas seeking information related to a 1972 slaying in which the Irish Republican Army has admitted involvement.

Why don't they read Voices from the Grave, watch the documentary on youtube....Or read what Dolores Price is allegedly meant to have said in an interview. Why don't they look at the investigation carried out by the RUC in 1972..?

And as I said in my last post..Simply call Gerry in for questioning?

And these unidentified law enforcement officials. Are they the same fellas who decided to lock up Gerry McGeough, Marian Price etc?

frankie much as they would like to the cops dont have the power to lock people up here .that decision is taken higher up by some politicians.

Mick Hall-

" They claim there is a rogue group of detectives within the serios crime unit acting on their own initiative "

Good to see that rogue unit getting its claws clipped with the bold Padraic being let out- they dont like big protests outside the Knock headquarters-not good PR for Baggot-

While there is still an armed campaign by Republican groups then SF are useful tools of propaganda for the Brits and any half decent workman looks after their tools.

Naw, I think the McCartney Sisters put pressure on the PSNI to charge Wilson otherwise they'd kick up a storm.

The problem with the shinners is that they are having problems coming to terms with the fact that their friends in the PSNI aren't always looking out for them.

Things like this makes their claims to be able to hold them to account sound ridiculous and makes them look foolish in the eyes of those already foolish enough to have believed them.

Also if the Brits or RUC wanted to shaft Adams why didn't they do it away back when Aine first reported his brother as a paedophile/Rapist?

It would have made some headlines back then would it not?

Then why wait until now to shaft him?


if that is really true why has SF not put a protest outside Knock against internment?

Marty; granted it des seem absurd that the McCartney sisters have apparently only recently identified PW, but I can't for the life of me see why they would come forward now at the behest of the cops. What would they gain from it? A conviction for someone who wasn't even there when Robert was murdered?

Yes, the Shinners bent over backwards in trying to make the 'problem' that was the McCartneys go away. I'm in no doubt that it was for nothing only to save more embarrassment to them that they offered to 'deal' with those allegedly responsible but does the McCartneys hatred run so deep for SF that they'd be willing to be used as pawns for the cops to 'get' someone who wasn't actually involved. Is their grief so misplaced?

Maybe they would or maybe I'm missing something very obvious but I'm not convinced.


' Why don't they simply take him to Antrim police barracks and question him? Or is that taking political policing to far?'

In all of the whole subpoena thing this one sentence has hit me like a ton of bricks. Absolutely spot on.

Chris Bray wrote a great piece a while back - about subpoenaing a candy wrapper (or something like that) and that piece was along similar lines. Why not lift him? Why drag the project through the courts, undermine it and crucify Anthony, Ed and the anonymous interviewees at the same time?

Michaelhenry says,

" they dont like big protests outside the Knock headquarters-not good PR for Baggot-"

As I already pointed out, mickyhenry, there was only at most 150 at that protest. Now SF says they came from across the country and we know they had buses on.

Yet that was all they could come up with, 150 people who are paid for their loyalty?

FFS Mickyhenry go to Derry Sinnfein on Facebook [its spelt like that] and look at the photos.

You'd think it was a dole queue.

Belfast bookworm the Mc Cartney and Quinn murder,the Northern bank, Jean Mc Conville,we are either dealing with the keystone cops or those who pull the strings are letting their mannequin,s have a little other words a cara if revolutionaries are just politicians with bombs then the cops are just thugs in uniform .


are you sure they are not just honing their claws there is a great distance between being let out and being free.


" If that is really true why has SF
not put a protest outside Knock against internment? "

They should and i have heard others saying so-but other groups have now been shown the way- good PR anyhow-

Belfast Bookworm-

" But i can't for the life of me see why they would come forward now "

One of Roberts two sisters who named Padraic,Catherine-lost a long unfair dismissal court case recently which she expected to win-
perhaps this is just sour grapes with this new case-

Good to see that rogue unit getting its claws clipped with the bold Padraic being let out- they dont like big protests outside the Knock headquarters-not good PR for Baggot-

Michaelhenry..maybe it wouldn't be good PR for SF if Padric was locked up. The PSNI don't care who is locked up. SF on the other hand do very much.

Bookworm I suspose we'll have to put it down to one of the many mysteries of the universe as to why Gerry hasn't at least been questioned over the allegations.
There something else I don't understand. The top end of the PRM has former PIRA members on it's pay roll. Surely simple logic has to say that they would have a good idea who or who not is involved in phyiscal force republicanism within their own areas. So why don't they do their own dirty work and tell the PSNI who they think is doing what, instead of asking Joe Blogs in the street to become an informer? Why don't they (top end of the PRM) lead by example. After all isn't that what leaders are susposed to do..Lead...

Marty; maybe you have a point. Maybe the Brits are just manoeuvring the puppets into even more compromising situations, allowing them enough free rope while they gather the dirt until the time is right to expose them.


Good to see that rogue unit getting its claws clipped with the bold Padraic being let out- they dont like big protests outside the Knock headquarters-not good PR for Baggot-

Yep, 100 to 150 bused in and they all got expenses!, but, at least you admit that there is a rogue ruc unit, they are the same ones who advised the Mc Connville children to sue adams, they haven't gone away you know!.
As AM stated, why don't you get those protesters back and protest against Internment, Oh, I forgot, you only protest for your own.
The only reason he was let out on bail was, MI5 contacted the judge, FFS mh, you cant be that stupid,but the big question is, who are MI5 protecting, who contacted them and stipulated that PW should be released or given bail with minimum conditions, or else!!, now, why did I use the word; "OR ELSE"?. The agents are still within and still high up on the the British Queens (MI5) Payroll.
I for one am watching this case with great interest.
The old saying ; todays news is tomorrows history, well, those days have gone as far as Im concerned, I never forget, I might be getting a bit older and the auld memory is not what it used to be, but I can still place my memory back to the morning of Internment, when I was in Ardoyne, the agents were at work even on that fateful morning, info has it that the agents were pin pointing addresses of ,and IRA members on the streets hidden in the pigs, would you remember the "PIGS" mh, I do!.


Things are looking up, and, I hope the continue to do so, To be honest, and, I'm not trying to put you on a false winners situation, I firmly believe you and Ed will win this case, The judges realise the amount of work you , Ed and your Briefs have put into this case, and, I believe that they are looking back to when the RUC never even tried to investigate the disapearence of The Late Jean McConnville ,Thats why You will win this case.


Why don't they look at the investigation carried out by the RUC in 1972..?

There was none.
This all came to light by two bitter Ex RUC men, who advised the McConnville family to sue adams, those two same men are training afghanastan police on dirty tricks policing!

Michael Henry;

'other groups have now been shown the way'

Do you realise how silly this attempt at arrogance sounds?

There are real people, republicans locked up in Brit gaols and you're so flippant and dismissive of the issue.

And you have heard others say there should be protests at internment. What others? Your mates in sinn Fein who facilitate it, cry out for it?

I actually look forward to the day when the shinners dump you, because they will you know, once they get tired of you showing them up on t'internet. You're what is commonly known as a bucketmouth.


Something crossed my mind recently and i'm hoping you in your capacity as a SF concilor can clear it up for me. When martin McGuinness and Gery Adams die with their names go on the roll of honour plaques for dead IRA volunteers?

If so will chief constable Baggot's name go on there too?


perhaps that is why Conor Murphy is protesting. He treated a Protestant very unfairly and the tribunal found against him on it.

Larry, Martin McGuiness from my understanding was a volunteer . So yes his name can go on the roll of honour. But Gerry never was in the IRA so...No (but I think they'll make an exception to the rule for Gerry Adams)
itsjustmacker..Thanks for clearing that up for me about the RUC not investigating Jean McConvilles death ..
Michealhenry..You are a SF member. Can you please explain to me (I've asked twice already)..Why are SF asking people to become informers? Why wont they do it themselves?
Alex Attwood said this Sinn Féin's position is, on one hand, to call on people to provide information to the police but, on the other hand, not to do so when it relates to a Sinn Féin member. This is how shallow Sinn Féin's position is and no-one should buy into it.
MH I am serious. Why don't SF(PRM) go and tell the PSNI all they know about republicans who refuse to put away their guns? Answer that one simple question.
They are quick of the mark to ask 'Joe Blogs' to to just that. I remember martin McGuiness saying this..
While you are at it..explain this..(listen to what McGuiness said..)

(fingers crossed the links work)..

FFS Dixie are you suggesting that there are members of Derry $inn £ein on the DOLE How very dare you!

Larry I dont know about Martybroy maybe they,ll feed him to the fishes, but Gerrybroy hard to bury something that never was , maybe a hole on a lonely beach with a plaque on it with the legend "It wasnt me !!"


" why dont SF go tell the psni all they know "

Thats up to anyone whos heard or seen anything worth reporting-as for me i have seen nothing or heard nothing your honour-

" While you are at it..explain this "

Martin never named anyone-but i have a copy of the sunday world in which the spoksperson for the 32 sovereignty actually does name a person-her OC-can you explain that-
ohh the hypocrisy from the few-

I thank heavens i'll NEVER be on any of those walls.


according to a journalist with the Independent (London) Adams named people to him as being in the Real IRA during the course of an interview

Anthony I believe I read that as well wasnt it an interview given in a plush Dublin hotel.Mickeybroy if you believe Dolores then it means you think Gerrybroy is a liar,cant have it both ways doh wait a mo ,mmmm yeah ya can when your a member of quisling $inn £ein.. political policing lock them up-let us out!

MichaelHenry..I didn't say you know anyone involved within armed republicanism today (don't try to twist my words or avoide the question). Why wont the current leadership of SF-PRM do the informing themselves? Before you tell me you can't speak for anyone but yourself...You talk about SF's actions, policies etc in almost every post.
The peice/interview that Marty & Anthony talked about Gerry Adams mentioning names of RIRA members can be read in full here..

In part 3 of the interview where Gerry believes...
"This is the only IRA campaign that has succeeded"

He proceeds to claim that several figures in the Real IRA – again, he names them, but for legal reasons I can't – are in the pay of the British. But why? What's in it for Britain?

"This is the only IRA campaign that has succeeded"

sounds like Winston Churchill after Dunkirk. If yer gunna tell a lie tell the biggest one you can dream up.


as Morrison argued, it succeeded in achieving a surrender

Yip Anthony never mind the long war it really was surrender for slow losers,

Told a couple of university buddies today about the stakeknife book and marty's comment that post 1979 all touts were killed by friendly fire. Greeted with suppressed laughter and shock.


the chances that there is an out of control cabal of ex ruc detectives now working for the psni working on their own agenda to GET Adams and others in turn wrecking the "peace Process" is fanciful thinking indeed by Kelly and his cronies in quisling $inn £ein, everything the Brits do and that includes their employees in the psni or the jails for that matter is controlled

Certainly starting to look that way.

As much as I might have liked Gibney on a personal basis his writing is irredeemably sycophantic.


One day the truth will out and you and Ed will be vindicated.

Hope you are right.


We simply don’t know for certain what the motives are behind the subpoenas. We rely on the best argued explanation. In recent days some people have been expressing a view I have held for a while – that an element in Brit thinking is to curb the SF push for inquiries into Brit behaviour by letting Adams et al know that they may be dangerously exposed on this one.

The Brits we know could have arrested Adams in the past had they wanted to. I don’t think any one perspective on this issue explains all the motivations persuasively without taking account of competing perspectives. I guess there is a multiplicity of motives and agencies involved.

What we do know is that both the Brits and SF want a revisionist version of the past.

The PSNI don't care who is locked up. SF on the other hand do very much.

The cops tried to prevent that guy from Derry getting bail on the grounds that they were concerned about his safety. Rubbish. Not one toss do they give. SF only care if it is their own people locked up. But even here they now know how exposed they are on the issue. They want political policing to be used to protect their own membership.

In terms of leading by example do you not think many at a senior level have been doing that for years without telling those they were leading? I imagine this is what made the current position so acceptable to them. It seems to me agents of influence abounded.

Belfast Bookworm,

I think you are right. I doubt very much that the family of Robert McCartney came forward at the behest of the PSNI. I think they have made a wrong move here but they probably feel that it is important to tackle those they think were responsible for the cover up just as much as those responsible for the killing.


I hope you are right but I am forever the pessimist.


Pessimism and I don't agree.

Most of us on tpq know the ruc didn't investigate Jean McConville's execution, they couldn't because no body was available at that time,and only those involved knew were her body was, as for the "Dark", Brendan Hughes (R.I.P), he had no reason to tell lies, I think I met him on three occasions, I found him to be a very honest and genuine comrade, As I stated in the above post, If your brief's have stated that no investigation was ever carried out by the ruc and all this came to light by disgrunted ex RUC/Special because they did not like the name of the old RUC being lost and they approached the McConville family and told them to sue Adams, those same two started a security company and are hired by the british govenment to train afghan police, or, should i say, "Taliban Police", just goes to show what a cock up they are doing over there. Be positive Anthony, never look on the down side, it can make you ILL, we all have been to hell and back,But you been there more than I. Chin up.

Is this the same Padraig Wilson that set up the Loughgall Martyrs and the Gibralter 3?

It is the same PW but there is no reason whatsoever to believe any of those allegations against him. Even his critics would dismiss them with contempt.


Some sites are set up by MI5 to throw out

disinformation , thus , Making people think its the

truth. The British are the biggest propaganda liars in

the world, and , they will never change. unfortunately

SF have followed suit.

In the halls of whitehall , the heart of the British

Government , is a corridor which is controlled by

MI5/MI6, even David Cameron admitted this to Mrs

Finucane when she went, thinking he was going to say,

Yes mrs Finucane, we are authorising a full public

inquiry into your late husbands murder, but no, he

didn't, he said, "There are people within these

corridors who would no allow it", meaning MI5/MI6.

As for PW , I have met him a few times in the early

days , considered to be a bit of a hard man, yet , I

have never seen him having a go!, But , He has the

gift of the gab . But , then again ,food for thought,

a lot of names have been put forward Regarding the

Loughgall and Gibralter asasinations .

I doubt very much if PW would lower himself to that


Don't forget Donaldson , outed by the Brits and

disowned by them, after 20 years of being an agent to

be executed , "ON WHO's ORDERS? , Could it be within


That's just my opinion though , and me considering

myself to be logical.


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