Thursday, December 13, 2012



Her 'Internment' by Government constitutes corruption of Law, Denial of Justice, avoidance of trust, and absence of compassion for a very ill woman.
Mgr. Raymond Murray, former chaplain Armagh Prison. 

Marian's health has continued to deteriorate as a consequence of many months of solitary confinement and neglect. She is being treated for several chronic illnesses and despite six months of medical intervention Marian remains gravely ill under guard in an isolated hospital unit.

Medical experts have stressed that her condition will not improve in an environment that is not conducive to recovery.


Marian McGlinchey's health deteriorates whilst held in isolation even though not convicted of any offence.

British officials rely upon an alleged breach of licence conditions. Those conditions were removed by a Royal Pardon. She is unable to challenge the legitimacy of her detention as government officials assert that in 2010 they destroyed the only known copy of the Pardon. Marian was adamant that the RPM covered all offences BEFORE it was discovered that the document was missing from Buckingham Palace and Government archives.

As long ago as April 1980 she was released from prison as she was suffering from anorexia and mental health issues and freedom was granted to save her life.

The police rely upon secret information to justify her detention. The Defence will never have this evidence and she cannot make effective representations in respect of it.

Government officials revoked her licence after the Courts had deemed her fit for release.
This cannot continue.

Marian's Solicitor Peter Corrigan 

'True peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice' 
- Martin Luther King Jr. 

Sponsored on behalf of Republican Ex-Prisoners, the wider Republican Family and friends. 


Have amnesty international had anything to say about Marian Price??

I imagine it wouldn't make a difference to Patterson or Ford but have they drawn any attention to her case and treatment?

A SUPER NOTICE. well done to the sponsers of this ad in todays Irish News you have shown that there is still people who care..Marians plight is our fight...

extracts from documents RE-MI5.

Following the St Andrews talks the British government introduced two crucial Memorandums of Understandings (MoU) to ensure that Justice Minister David Ford and the Policing Board have no powers to scrutinise the actions of MI5.

Legislation in the first memorandum established that:

• The devolved Minister of Justice and Northern Ireland Assembly have no responsibility for any PSNI functions (past, present or future) that have any national security dimension, with the Secretary of State having sole responsibility.

• UK government will determine what information pertaining to national security can be shared [with the devolved Minister of Justice] and on what terms and that information on the modus operandi of MI5 and other agencies “will not be shared”

• NIO will retain ownership and control of access to all pre-devolution records while the Department of Justice will have no access to records relating to ‘national security’

That's why everyone is being arrested and Interned, the old RUC Special Branch now Integrated into MI5, I knew Ex RUC Special Branch were employed at PSNI/RUC, well I thought I did, "They are there", working for MI5 and can withhold evidence from PSNI/RUC on security grounds.
If the above link is not clickable, Please copy and paste and read the full article. some off you may have more knowledge on this than I, but its the first time I have read this article. My conclusion is, The secret evidence is coming from the old ex RUC special Branch, which MI5 use to have anyone arrested and interned., and, they are accountable to No One. Its an Uphill fight now to get anyone released, sorry, but on reading this article you will come to the same conclusion.This same law applies to the UK mainland as well.

I've just read that 'it'sjust mackers'. There is no point in a policing board.

“The documents we have discovered show an obsession with keeping anything with the label ‘national security’ secret from our devolved institutions and a total indifference to accountability,” Mr Gormally said.

The second memorandum stated that:

• The Policing Board “has no role in national security matters or related

executive policing decisions.”

• Policing Board members questions on matters that “indirectly touch upon

national security” should not be answered if it might damage national

security interests.

• The Chief Constable should refer any such requests relating to “past, present

or future” national security to MI5 or the NIO.

• The Chief Constable must not tell the Policing Board any information from or

relating to MI5 without MI5’s authority to do so.

If you want to post a link look here

For 30 seconds I'lI buy into the line that Marians Royal Pardon got lost or accidentally shredded (could have happened). Then I keep remembering a poster called Dixie (stand to be corrected) pointed out at least several months ago that it has to be transcribed somewhere in Westminster.

Marian Price was released with a royal pardon on humanitarian grounds (same as Dolores) but Marians RP went awol!!!! Surely the only difference on the wording would be the names of Marian and Dolores. No one has disputed she has one.

Seems to me on face value at least, someone decided to make an example out of her (same as Gerry McGeough, Martin Corey.....WTF is closed evidence?????).

What is it with SF. Can't they accept constructive criticism from people who put their lives on the line for 'the cause'?

I hope I'm wide of the mark here. But a re-run of the troubles within 10yrs is on the cards unless the Folks on the Hill start showing leadership.

This is directly from Wiki.

Fusco was freed on bail on 21 March pending the outcome of his legal challenge, and in November 2000 the Irish government informed the High Court that it was no longer seeking to return him to Northern Ireland. This followed a statement from Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Mandelson saying that "it is clearly anomalous to pursue the extradition of people who appear to qualify for early release under the Good Friday Agreement scheme, and who would, on making a successful application to the Sentence Review Commissioners, have little if any of their original prison sentence to serve". After the court hearing Fusco stated "I’m relieved it’s over", and that he would continue to live in Tralee with his family and work for Sinn Féin. In December 2000 Fusco and three other IRA members, including two other members of the M60 gang, were granted a Royal Prerogative of Mercy which allowed them to return to Northern Ireland without fear of prosecution.

Fair play to Angelo Fusco for being allowed to return home without the threat of jail over his head. If that rule can apply to him..Why not the rest of OTR's...?

We have wrote to Liz the brit "informing" her that one of her documents has been illegally destroyed or stolen i.e Marians pardon and we suggested that until it was either found or replaced Marian should be allowed to be freed on bail as per the courts decision .we have Buck palace,s reply hanging up in the bog here.. they sent our concern on to Downing st who in turn handed it to SOS Patterson(now Villiers) who said it really was nothing to do with him and passed it on to Ford who in turn passed it on to the parole commissioners who then said it was,nt really their decision and passed it back to Patterson.. this passing of the buck that passes for justice here is an example if needed how totally fucking useless the Ass-embly really is and who actually runs the show here ..


Thanks for that link, appreciated.

You are correct as to what Dixie posted, but it all boils down to the Old RUC/Special Branch and MI5, they are the ones who hold the so called SECRET EVIDENCE, There has to be a record of Marians Royal Pardon either in westminister/Buckingham Palace, Marian stated that her solicitor (now deceased) held it in front of her eyes and said, you have nothing more to worry about, I'm Baffled as to why he never made a copy , or, gave her the original document, but putting that aside, the dark work of the ex RUC Special Branch and MI5 has been at the heart of this so called LOSS, or, SHREDDED Royal Document, then they are admitting it existed. If you scroll to the very bottom of that page which you were reading, you can download the whole document 114 pages in PDF format, a lot of scary reading in the document, MI5/MI6 runs the whole of the British establishment, Cameron said to Mrs Finucane, If i were to say yes you can have a full public inquiry, there are people in these corridors who would prevent that, meaning MI5/MI6.

This will make you laugh, and, say, wtf, one law for Her and a different law for Marian, yet Both have been diagnosed with mental health problems, but Marian has more illnesses.
Fraud MP Margaret Moran given supervision order to have Mental health treatment at Southampton hospital for fraud, she claimed £53000 in expenses which she was not entitled to, she has never been on remand and escaped a prison sentence.
Marians solicitor should use this if possible as a reference.

Marty: MI5 and ex RUC special branch run the show.


Link to above story

So Marian Price is seriously ill, held in solitary confinement which adds to mental illness. While a former Labour MP gets a get of jail free card because she is suffering some form of mental illness. I still think she is in prison for one reason..Holding a paper at a rally.

Gerry McGeough is seriously ill in prison on a charge dating from around 1981 while Special Branch/Mi5 kill a laywer in 1989 are free

Loyalist can hold illegal protest, Republicans can't

Some republicans can print book's on the 'Troubles' and everyone is ok with that..While other republicans are either slated like Anthony, Richard o'Rawe etc... or sadly forced to take their own lives like Gearld Bradley because they put pen to paper

So is parity of esteem Orwellian (everybody is born equal but some are more equal that others)?

Marian has all but been physically and psychologically destroyed by a vindictive impersonal system for no reason other than her political beliefs. A proud Irish woman has been demoralised to the point of dispair whilst former friends and comrades have paid lip service to her plight. What value has one life, the happiness and wellbeing of one woman, if it does not suit the political needs of the party. The blind drive for power leaves no room for individual concerns or obstructive principles.

Anthony what happened in Cork on Thursday night is a continuation of the Bhroy Harrier mentality and heavy gang tatic,s of the late 70,s 80,s.but I would suggest this is now not just to suppress republicans,but to scare the fuck out of any other groups who may feel inclined to oppose the state especially in this time of austerity,the state really needs to keep their boot on the peoples necks,and those bastards in sb and uniform are only to willing to earn their pay..


The total toothless tiger called the Policing Board is pretty evident from this.

What is it with SF. Can't they accept constructive criticism from people who put their lives on the line for 'the cause'?

They despise criticism. It is like the bubonic plague to them. Even those who claim to be writers are ever so eager to suppress other writers. I keep thinking of Voltaire when he said if you want to know who desire to rule you just look for those who you are not allowed to criticise. It was a feature of the Sticks. Now SF have the virus.

Peter Mandelson saying that "it is clearly anomalous to pursue the extradition of people who appear to qualify for early release under the Good Friday Agreement scheme, and who would, on making a successful application to the Sentence Review Commissioners, have little if any of their original prison
sentence to serve".

Makes you think about the thinking behind the Boston College archive raid.


The Boston College raid reminds me sometimes of the scene in a Few good men where Tom Cruise (PSNI, SF and others) asks for answers and Jack Nicholson (Boston College) say's...

'You can't handel the truth"....

I am totally convinced there are lots of people in Whitehall and Stormount who can't stomach the truth and or are afraid of the truth.

I'll write to 'Call me Dave' again and explain that for people like myself who came through the troubles relativity unscathed but would like to understand what happened, will in the fullness of time find answers in the Belfast Project/BC tapes. If he replies, I'll post it here on the Quill.

I have said before on the Quill that I believe Marian Price is silenced for holding a piece of paper at a republican rally. In yesterday Belfast Telegraph , they confimed my beliefs.

She is charged with addressing a dissident republican rally where she was seen holding a page from which a masked man read threats against Catholic members of the PSNI.

I fail to see the difference in Marian holding a piece of paper and Gerry Adam carrying Thomas 'Bootsy' Begley's coffin. It's a case of dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

Even if they did have a South African truth and reconcilltion styled process, I don't think the whole truth would come out.

I'll try to 'dig' out the link but I remember reading a while back that a similiar excerise to BC project where former RUC,PSNI..state forces where prepared to tell their stories is now on ice (I think some of the interviews were being held in London<--I'll double check).

I read Hope & History while living in Evereux (small town close to Rouen in France) and I remember saying to myself..

"WTF..did I just read"

It is one sided, I'd go as far as saying a bastardised version of events.

I'm with Tain Bo when he say's

"they [anti agreement republicans] should unite and form a political party it is not a big secret armed republicanism will not remove the British.

@ marty, unfortunatly a lie gets half way around the world before truth gets out of the starting blocks..

Locking people up for 2yrs becuase of what they did in the 70's-90's and beyond only does one thing makes people angry. And serves no purpose what so ever. If the Brit Gov. really want peace the people they are targetting with HET enquiries hold the key. And by alienating people who can (and want peace) a nutshell that logic has gone well over my head.

@ itsjustmackers, I downloaded the PDF and printed it off..I'm working my through it.


“I fail to see the difference in Marian holding a piece of paper and Gerry Adam carrying Thomas 'Bootsy' Begley's coffin. It's a case of dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.”

The difference could be that Adams is an example of how the British want republicans to be and that the British are making an example out of Marian for not following the leader.

The punishment does not fit the crime and the Brits will keep the pressure on her until they are satisfied she is broken and if they decide to release her on humanitarian grounds they will reap the praise for their kind gesture.

It is sickening to think that is one of the better case scenarios under the circumstances in the case secret circumstances.

Tain Bo:

I understand why Frankie is making the comparison, Gerry Never Been In The RA! and Carrying Bootsy's coffin with Marian Holding that piece of paper, Gerry wasn't Lifted But Marian was.

"It is sickening to think that is one of the better case scenarios under the circumstances in the case secret circumstances."

That is a major hurdle which, In my eyes can never be overcome, the British are using the "SECURITY" scenario, like in todays crown court, The judge stated that Martin Corey was seen with a well known Anti Treaty Republican,"IRA",(MI5 Secret Evidence which only the judges can see) I'm curious as to why the judge stated that, "And Its a first", and I believe he was sending a message out, "BEWARE",There is no law for us anymore, If MI5 say "SECRET EVIDENCE UNDER THERE NEW LAW", it has to be accepted by the Judges., That's a sad fact of life for us Irish.


"I'll write to 'Call me Dave' again and explain that for people like myself who came through the troubles relativity unscathed but would like to understand what happened, will in the fullness of time find answers in the Belfast Project/BC tapes. If he replies, I'll post it here on the Quill.".

Do you mind if I ask you a question, Has none of your family told you what happened during the Conflict?.
I'm not poking my nose into your family life, I'm just curious.



Honestly, during the conflict my parents protected my brothers and sisters from it. I don't recall much politics discussed at home. Wether my parents talked about it among themselves I don't know. But I honestly don't recall either myself asking them about it or them explaining it to myself. I grew up thinking that riots, bombs, British army on the streets was normal. I just accepted it as life in Ardoyne. I was more intrested in going to Kens records in Smithfield markets and looking for orginal rock'n'roll music. I know that sounds simplistic but thats how it was for me.

I'm assuming you grew up in Ardoyne too. I was an alter boy in Holy cross from 1977 until 1989 (when I left Belfast) and my spare time I was part of 18th Belfast CBSI. I remember our first scout hut (portacabin) in the grounds of the chapel and every now and then loyalists would stone the place on Thursday evenings, then we moved to a safer den on Balhome Drive beside the Crumlin Star. It was actually a room behind Mckennas.

When I left Belfast in '89 I went to work in a Hotel in Blackpool for a few months and I remember walking into an M&S and putting my arms out to be searched and people looked at me as if I had two heads. I had always thought that getting searched or a security gaurd passing a metal dector before I entered was normal. Very soon I figured that Belfast wasn't normal. It was only then I started to ask myself questions.

As I said before here I use to believe that there was a good IRA (provisionals) and a bad IRA (officials), Thats how naive I was. A few months back marty said .."Frankie, take a look a Joe McCann"..

And to say it was an eye opener is an understatement. I'd honestly never heard about him.

Then when the Downing Street declaration was announced I really started to take an interest. And started reading about the troubles and found out truths and half truths. The first book I read that put things into some sort of prospective was Martin Dillions the Dirty War followed by the Shankill Buthers and a Killer in Clown town.

I'll fast foward to when I discovered the Blanket and found a wealth of information that explained to myself what really was going on. I then found transcripts of some of John Wares programs on the Dirty War and was shocked to say the least. I found the CAIN site around the same time and use to print of pages and pages (same as the Blanet) and spend hours reading and educating myself.

And since then I've been trying to make sense of it. I understand a lot more today than I ever did. And reading today about Ardoyne durning the 70's-90's and what really happened is a testiment to my parents in trying to protect my brothers and sisters from the reality of what was going on.

I've never been involved in a riot in my life. Sometimes I feel both embarrassed and don't have the right to post here. I'm aware alot of posters/readers on the Quill have been members of the IRA (RM)..But the only way for people like myself to understand what happened and why is on sites like this. If I get things wrong, I've no problems in anyone correcting me.

What I have learnt and looking back retrospectively is that there was very little difference between working class catholics and protestans. Sometimes I'd jump the first bus in front of Ardoyne shops and if it took me down the Shankill, I didn't care. I just wanted to meet up with my friends at corn market and listen to Rock'n'Roll music. But what I did see was the flats on the Shankill were the same as the flats at the bottom of the Falls road (I used to bunk off some classes when I went to Black Man Tech) and listen to music with a friend who lived in the Dvis flats. And the conditions where terrible. And that got me thinking too. I didn't understand why protestants believed they were better off than catholics. To me on the outsdie they both lived in crap housing and they (both sets of flats looked the same to me on a bus)..


Frankie makes some excellent points and is sharp as a razor.

The secret evidence cases are frightening the standard has been set the silence on the issue might suggest a well as long as they are not coming for me all is well on the road to a police state.


do not sell yourself short mate I am sure by now you have noticed this wee community has an open door policy as Itsjustmackers said it is about dialogue not personal origins.

Have you given any more thought to writing an article here?


You just gave me your life story, Your Parents should be congratulated for keeping you all out of trouble, and, Yes, I was Born and Bred in Ardoyne,Northwick Drive , and, I think it might have been a bit before those on TPQ , July 1944. Been through a lot of crap, but not as much as the blanket men and those who went on Hunger Strike and lived, I think I am very fortunate, I keep myself fit, both Mentally and physically, but You have my full respect for wanting to know all about the past conflict.

Tain Bo:

"Frankie makes some excellent points and is sharp as a razor.".

I like reading Frankie's posts, he is on the mark at all times, and, he is right to be inquisitive about the past, but, also the present and what is to come in the future, as you stated about the secret evidence, its scary to say the least, but not just for those living on the Island of Ireland, it also takes in everyone living on Mainland Britain, run by MI5, they have even changed the law from that at the ,so called GFA, which is now called MI5 Law, or, secrecy law, on the word of an agent they can have you locked up and to me it means your in until you conform, As has been seen in both Marians and Martin Coreys cases, No Judge can grant bail, MI5 just has it overruled and that is a very worrying situation, democracy has gone out the window on legalities as far as the British are concerned, if taken to the european court of human rights, britain just has to state, "Its a matter of National Security"


I'm from Northwick Drive too. I guess that this big bad planet is smaller than it appears at times.

@ Tain Bo...

if I wrote an article here, it would end up as a lot questions directed to SF. I have asked once or twice for members of SF to answer a few questions I posed on the Quill and i didn't get a reply. I've tried asking on 'SF' sites and again got not reply (they didn't even print my views)..

I was able to read this forum until the admin team closed it. So I tried to set up an account and post on it but someone decided my views or opinions wouldn't have added to the discussions. I contacted the admin directly asking why my profile wasn't 'actioned' and I'm still waiting for a reply.

The last time I was able to freely read the forum was when ONH allegedly had a mortor/gun attack at the PSNI this summer. And if my memory serves me here the discussion turned out as a slagging/finger pointing excercise. I wanted to ask the posters why are they acting like school kids.

I'd be surprised if SF, PSNI, spooks don't read the forum I can't post on. And they probably draw the same conclusion as myself. Some of them behave like kids throwing their toys out of a pram when they don't get their way..


Yes, you are right, what a small world, My best mates in My early days were, Northwick Drive #52 Hughie Bradley (R.I.P.), #45 Danny Gibney, # 54 Larry Donavon, #42 Fatso (Patrick Fennel) R.I.P. Time to me is moving to quickly, I lived at #53.
Don't expect to much from the "ie" site, some blogs are locked.


I feel so ashamed, I forgot another of my best Mates, Charlie Mc Cann (Premature explosion on lough neigh) R.I.P. a very religious family.Formally From Toomebridge.

It must be the auld alzheimer's getting to me.


I can understand the Brits selective internment policy but trying to fathom the limited SF response/silence raises as with most things SF more questions than answers. SF being where they are with very questionable behind the scenes dealings and on the issue of selective internment I would hope they are working behind the scenes but again if they are the question would be are they working for it or against.


SF is selective and exclusive they do the asking. That is asking for blind support for money and votes. Apart from Mickey Henry I can’t recall any member of SF posting here I could be wrong.
If you sing their praises, you would be welcomed but pointing out flaws or asking a genuine question usually gets the same response silence and tagged anti peace.
I don’t visit the other forums I can’t remember the thread but Tiarna who posts here at times summed them up as football hooligans wanting agro instead of watching the game.
As for having a laugh at the ONH mortar story we can be grateful, that was the only result of their claim.
Frankie much like yourself I followed the Blanket and come here more so to keep learning.


extracts from documents RE-MI5 ... two crucial Memorandums of Understandings (MoU) to ensure that Justice Minister David Ford and the Policing Board have no powers to scrutinise the actions of MI5.

That serves to remind us of just how shallow the arrangement on policing and justice was. Good for you in flagging it up.

Tain Bo,

there used to be a Shinner posting here. Think he used the handle Westy. He was decent enough and made his case. Don't know what happened to him; if he got the heavy hand from the party or simply lost interest.


you are right I forgot about Westie I think him and I went at it about the Ardoyne riots.
That was back in 2009 .


I was stopped with an anti Good Friday Treaty republican in Belfast just before Christmas. Not much hassle but it seems being in the company of one is enough to get you jailed a la Martin Corey.

I think Westie lost the argument and the bigger boys told him not to play around here any more in case his wee brain got melted..


I know were your coming from with that, sad thing is, Too Many eagle Eyes about, and, Yes, Martin Corey is but one example, I would also put Marian in that category as well, although she held a script up for the speaker, that does not make her an active freedom fighter, well, not in my eyes anyway.

"I'm from Northwick Drive too. I guess that this big bad planet is smaller than it appears at times.".
That ie site you visited is for a 32 county socialist Republic, very very strict rules and they hold the copyright to everything which is posted and are allowed to pass it on to other sites with your name attached to it, No Links are allowed on it either.

"Loyalist attack short strand early this evening"

An Buachaill - "Have amnesty international had anything to say about Marian Price??"


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