Monday, December 24, 2012

This & That: Take 18

From Depraved Unionist Party to Traditional Unionist Vice.

Dirty Davy Tweed made the switch from DUP to TUV in more ways than one. The belligerent bully who was wont to lead the mob hurling abuse at Catholics - and fellow unionists who were not as raging as himself - seemed more Davy Weed than Davy Tweed in court when found guilty of abusing young girls. Gone were the bluster and the bellowing as the Beast of Ballymena stared at his first Christmas behind bars.

The thug heard the judge say: ‘the offences with which you are charged are not only vile and wicked, they are particularly disturbing and distasteful crimes.’

The big brute had it all going for him. International rugby star turned politico, and now all the esteem and regard he worked up has gone down the plug hole to the sewer where it will languish to the end of his days.  He has every right to ruin his own life but none to destroy the lives of his victims or families. In the course he has usurped his own family’s peace of mind with turbulence.

When a bully, like Salman Rushdie’s tyrant, gets their comeuppance, a society’s shadow lightens and only hypocrites grieve.  

Kentucky Fried Humanists

In the US state of Kentucky there is a homeland security law that ‘requires the state’s citizens to acknowledge the security provided by the Almighty God - or risk 12 months in prison.' More religious freakery, the law first came into effect in 2006 and despite some legal flurries the Kentucky Supreme Court has so far refused to review it although it is in clear breach of the First Amendment which separates church and state.

The law is sponsored by Tom Riner, a Kentucky State Democratic Party representative who is also a Baptist minister with links to the Centre for Moral Clarity. Riner has been defeated in a number of cases by the American Civil Liberties Union which has challenged his firm belief that the Ten Commandments should be emblazoned on plaques in front of public buildings. Michelle Goldberg in her splendid book on the rise of Christian Nationalism details some of the battles fought around this issue as the Christian right including judges try to shove their religious opinion down the throats of others.

American atheists have gone to the US Supreme Court in a bid to have Riner’s law declared unconstitutional. Hopefully they have it dismissed as unjust, unreal and unremittingly vindictive.

Tracks and Toes

According to a poll published in October around two thirds of Irish citizens support same sex marriages. The momentum for greater rights protection in Ireland is an encouraging development as society here continues to unshackle itself from centuries of repression by the Catholic Church.

A few evenings back I caught the start of a television show examining the impact of TV on religion in Ireland. Some of the images were startling. One woman viewing them for the purposes of commentary expressed the view that she could understand it had they been filmed in the 1500s but not in a 1960s European society. The deference to the dog collared rogues of Catholicism was embarrassing to watch as the anonymous pressure of the group coupled to the Church power to marginalise led people to assume humiliating public postures.  But as Tanaiste Eamonn Gilmore pointed out attitudes today would be unrecognisable to the Ireland of thirty years ago. Now, a priest is more likely to have his sense of entitlement shoved up his fundament if he tries to pontificate. Anybody falling to their knees to kiss the bishops’ ring these days would be regarded as deranged. Then it was the thing to do. John Chares McQuaid and his like had to power to label as deranged those that did not tug the forelock. Central to any notion of Irish freedom is the means never to go back to that.

As the authoritarian structure of the Irish Catholic Church continues to wilt in the face of a relentless surge towards more human rights and greater liberty, a willingness on the part of clerics to go quietly into the night is none too evident. Bishops have grown more strident and have taken to marching in the streets in a bid to deny greater rights to women. Let them stride barefooted around the Dail all they wish, but if they move to once again step into their jackboots and lash out with their  croziers, time then for society to stomp firmly on their toes and halt them in their tracks.


Davy Tweeds wife walked in on him having sex with a can of corned beef"you said you were at work" she screamed dirty Dave replied "I said that I was in a meat tin"...
So the pope has sent his first tweet on an Apple(phone)I do hope he checked that out with god first,as the last time someone had an apple against gods wishes the shit got real...

It must be that time of year when people with strong religious opinions appear on our streets and bellow about the rights and wrongs of the world Has anyone else had the misfortune to meet one of these guys .Well I did, he was shouting to all around him about how “Jesus Saves” and when I asked him did he save with Anglo Irish, the guy spurted venom towards me, Thinking I had hurt his feelings and must have struck a raw nerve , I told him to contact Spiderman he saves with Post Office
Happy Xmas

Great we book to read. "A challenge to Democracy, Militant Catholicism in Modern Ireland". Maurice Curtis. This book examines the role and activities of the catholic lay organisation and militant catholicism on politics in Irish society. Good read how it copperfastened public opinion and catholic irish identity to the drafting of the irish constitution 1937 to present. Bascially, what I took from it is that the catholic church is a right wing organisation using fear, superstition,political leverage to impose catholicism with limited use of morality. Paisley may have been right, when he claimed the "agents of rome". Praying devils Boyne river, they are praying devils.

Davy the molester is in the TUVs prison wing [ Tweed Under Villains ]
I remember reading a few weeks ago that the TUV was not going to kick
tweed out of its party ranks- he was loyal to everyone, except to young girls-i hope
none of the other prisoners take a notion of tweed and make him do things against his will-

The demise of RC church authority and meddling in politics is to be welcomed. But i'm not sure it goes hand in hand with same sex marriage.


only you!

Boyne Rover,

I would just love to have witnessed that: him spraying you with Christian love.


you always seem to recommend gems but I not them but haven't yet got round to reading them.


I hope none of the other prisoners take a notion of Tweed and make him do things against his will

Your Xmas wish?


there would appear to be a correlation

I just like to wish all you hound dawgs and your families on the Quill a rockin christmas and I hope 2013 is better than 2012.

So you can all now dust of your blue suede shoes and bop...and rock around your christmas tree..

A relaxing enjoyable Christmas to all

"Bishops have grown more strident and have taken to marching in the streets in a bid to deny greater rights to women."

Most pre-birth murders are carried out against the weaker sex. Not much of a 'right' to establish femininity and destroy!

Even the Pagans weren't keen on abortion:

"In the 12th century before Christ, more than 3,000 years ago, Provision 53 of the Ancient Assyrian Code stated that any woman who procured an abortion should be impaled upon a stake and left as food for the carrion eaters, whether or not the abortion killed her."

At least they didn't have abortion when the Prince of Peace, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, was made man,or we would never have been saved from Original Sin.

You may continue in your free-falling reversion to Paganism, Ireland is Catholic, Ireland will remain Catholic. We will never allow abortion, nor homosexual marriage. Christ, the God-Man, is our King, His Blessed Mother is our Queen.

Mary Christ Mass to one and all on the Quill!

Well, nothing like a bit of religious madness to kick off the merry season!! Have a nice day John with your family and we can all fight tomorrow!


recon the abuse cover-up and arrogance had more to do with the fall of church authority than a miniscule number of same sex 'marriages'.

merry xmas.


without doubt. But as that grip loosens the greater the potential for same sex marriage and other freedoms for those who wish to avail of them. Merry xmas and don't hit the hard stuff until about 3!! I am like a spoilt child here or a dog with two tails, not knowing which one to wag

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Happy Christmas Marty to you and all at home. There won't be too much web browsing today!


Jihad John "bishops have taken to the streets" Seán a cara thats where
whores usually operate from.

you are out of order. There is a lot we can tolerate on this site but for you to suggest that a prostitute might bring herself down to the level of a bishop is a bit much!!

Just noticed that the comment has disappeared or been removed. Don't know how that happened. Might be a glitch or gremlin at this end. It says it was removed by a blog administrator rather than by the poster.- only me or Carrie can do that as blog administrators and netieher of us did at least not intentionally. So I guess I have messed up.

Jack Daniels maybe deleted it lol

im livid, i fell asleep and missed the Queen's speech.

If you get comfort by believing in sect and you don't hurt anyone, I suspose in the grand scheme of things there is no real harm done.

But I think you have one too many sherries and or when making your christmas pudding in October you probably added a bit too much of Obama's pot in the ingredients.

You may continue in your free-falling reversion to Paganism, Ireland is Catholic, Ireland will remain Catholic. We will never allow abortion, nor homosexual marriage. Christ, the God-Man, is our King, His Blessed Mother is our Queen

Which God are you talking about? In the very first book of the Bible they talk about GODS. Go and read it yourself, they [authors] very rarely use God in singular (hardly ever in fact). Seriously check it out for yourself John, don't take my word for it.

His blesssed mother was either the first person to have a test tube baby or the victim of an Alien abuction. I don't want to offend your beliefs by sayings she was having an affair with Gabe. I am sorry to burst your bubble but no one waved a magic wand and made her pregnant in the way it's told in the gospels.

Can you while we're at it explain why Jesus was voted in as the son of God around 325AD in Nicea.

At least they didn't have abortion when the Prince of Peace, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, was made man,or we would never have been saved from Original Sin.

Instead Herod was more upfront and decided to kill them (babies) instead. Original what!!!! This is a guy or girl (I'm all for equality), who people call a loving God but asks one of the founders of modern day catholism to kill his own son. Slighty worse than eating a bloody apple.

Watch this wee video, its probably closer to the truth than anything you've read..

Final thought, John why are so many christian holy days based on pagan dates and festivals. Why couldn't the christians pick their own dates? I've more bad news for you, this guy Jesus wasn't born on the 25th Dec. Some reckon around May some reckon around September..But if deffo. wasn't the 25th Dec..

I personally don't care what religion anyone follows and as I said, if it brings you comfort etc, more power to your elbow. I'm not a great believer in fairy tales. I take them for what they are..

You have to watch this or this

(For the record I think both George Carlin and Dave Allen are legends)...


“But I think you have one too many sherries and or when making your christmas pudding in October you probably added a bit too much of Obama's pot in the ingredients.”

Chance would be a fine thing. Just after completing third month in the Pioneers, so totally, stone-cold sober. Must have been the sheer excitement of Christmas that got the better of me.

“Which God are you talking about? In the very first book of the Bible they talk about GODS. Go and read it yourself, they [authors] very rarely use God in singular (hardly ever in fact). Seriously check it out for yourself John, don't take my word for it.”

They are early allusion to the fact of there being three Persons in God. Also, we use scissors and trousers in the plural too, but we generally only mean one of each.

“Can you while we're at it explain why Jesus was voted in as the son of God around 325AD in Nicea.”

The fact that we can know God through the use of our reason wasn’t defined until the late nineteenth century. Do you think that means He didn’t exist before that? A definition is given as and when a given dogma is denied.

“Watch this wee video, its probably closer to the truth than anything you've read..

Is that the same Movie "steeped in far-right, isolationist, and covertly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories", whose little truth “is liberally – and sloppily – mixed with material that is only partially true and much that is plainly and simply bogus”? (Wikipedia article).

“Final thought, John why are so many christian holy days based on pagan dates and festivals.”

Why not? Conquer a temple and turn it into a Church, excellent policy.

“I've more bad news for you, this guy Jesus wasn't born on the 25th Dec. Some reckon around May some reckon around September..But if deffo. wasn't the 25th Dec.”

Do you have any evidence that rules out December 25th? That date is good enough for me, but sure if you can give a different date, so what?

“I personally don't care what religion anyone follows and as I said, if it brings you comfort etc, more power to your elbow. I'm not a great believer in fairy tales. I take them for what they are.”

Only fairy tales I see are those that think the prince will marry a prince. Not in Ireland. No abortion either. Not in Ireland.

Happy Saint Stephen’s Day!


how could Stephen's Day be happy waking up to this? Go back on the drink, you were less bonkers!!

My mother would tell me about the Pioneers. Met a guy last week who is a Pioneer and who never even tasted the stuff in his life. I always imagine it would be easier to stay off if a would-be Pioneer tasted it just once. First time it is horrible.

Happy Stephen's Day

Chance would be a fine thing. Just after completing third month in the Pioneers, so totally, stone-cold sober. Must have been the sheer excitement of Christmas that got the better of me.

After reading your views, I'm still inclinced to think it was eithers Obama's pot or the sherry..

They are early allusion to the fact of there being three Persons in God. Also, we use scissors and trousers in the plural too, but we generally only mean one of each.

Sissors and trousers are used in the plural because there are two off each. Sissor (one blade) sissors (two blades) and trousers because they are made from TWO pieces of cloth. The three in one is a new testement line of thought. And all through the old testement the are references to a god of love, a jealous god..a vengeful god. What about dinosaurs?

The fact that we can know God through the use of our reason wasn’t defined until the late nineteenth century. Do you think that means He didn’t exist before that? A definition is given as and when a given dogma is denied.

I don't think he exists. I'm undecided at present I think we are either a freak of nature or a genetically modified experiment.

Is that the same Movie "steeped in far-right, isolationist, and covertly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories", whose little truth “is liberally – and sloppily – mixed with material that is only partially true and much that is plainly and simply bogus”? (Wikipedia article).

The person who introduced me to it is a Jew. And she doesn't find it anti-semtic in any shape or form..And some people could say the same thing about wiki articles.

Why not? Conquer a temple and turn it into a Church, excellent policy.

Conquering someone and stealing their wealth. Isn't that exactly what the British have done in Ireland..? You really think thats a great policy?????

Do you have any evidence that rules out December 25th? That date is good enough for me, but sure if you can give a different date, so what?

I'm not even going to quantify that with an answer. Fcuk it I will...The 25th Dec owes more to the worship of the sun than anything else (google 'sol invictus)

Only fairy tales I see are those that think the prince will marry a prince. Not in Ireland. No abortion either. Not in Ireland.

A prince marrying a prince. Thats gay (I've nothing against gays, the fact I don't even think about being bi-curious has nothing to do with it)..but that was gay John. I've more bad news for you Ireland has 32 counties (not 26) and recently a clinic opened in Belfast that gives women the choice to have...guess what John, ABORTIONS.....

Happy Saint Stephen’s Day!

It will get happier when I sink several cold tubes of Bud and watch Man Utd beat Newcastle.


If what you claim is true, that the date was chosen to reflect that the feast was to replace that of Sol Invictus, it precisely makes my point, as the ‘Sun Unconquered’ has now been conquered by the True God and his pagan feast transformed into a victory of the Catholic God. Of course if you did a little further you will see that your view is not, by any means, universally accepted, even today.

“I've more bad news for you Ireland has 32 counties (not 26) and recently a clinic opened in Belfast that gives women the choice to have...guess what John, ABORTIONS.....”

I think you will find that ZERO abortions are currently being offered there, (with no thanks to the loony, apostate, once-Catholic left). Our Protestant brethren will force them to close shortly due to our Catholic Rosaries being offered to the Mother of God on its doorstep. (Such joint cooperation in the face of evil could even help unify our Nation.)

I thought you might a little liturgy:

The twenty-fifth day of December -

when ages beyond number had run their course
from the creation of the world,

when God in the beginning created heaven and earth,
and formed man in his own likeness;

when century upon century had passed
since the Almighty set his bow in the clouds after the Great Flood,
as a sign of covenant and peace;

in the twenty-first century since Abraham, our father in faith,
came out of Ur of the Chaldees;

in the thirteenth century since the People of Israel were led by Moses
in the Exodus from Egypt;

around the thousandth year since David was anointed King;

in the sixty-fifth week of the prophecy of Daniel;

in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad;

in the year seven hundred and fifty-two
since the foundation of the City of Rome;

in the forty-second year of the reign of Caesar Octavian Augustus,
the whole world being at peace,
JESUS CHRIST, eternal God and Son of the eternal Father,
desiring to consecrate the world by his most loving presence,
was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
and when nine months had passed since his conception,
was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judah,
and was made man:

The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh.

I do read quite a lot. I am a strong advocate of lifelong learning. When I read from a blogger a certain angle to any piece, if I have read something, which could add a shared knowledge and understanding, I would just name the book. I hope you dont mind. Like wise for other bloggers to my comments. All appreciated. I only leave comments, sure I hope this doesnt stop you reviewing the books you have that I mentioned that you aint read yet...I would feel like I was cheating you out.


keep naming the books. They sound interesting and in particular the Snakes in Suits one. I will review them when I eventully come across them. There is about 60 to be reviewed at the minute!

kudos Anthony...

That was funny..

Jesus never received any birthday presents until Easter,thats when he got a little cross..
Gerry Anderson creator of Thunderbirds has died aged 83,he,s got one of the best spots in heaven after pulling a few strings.

I can understand why Jimmy Saville wrote letters to Maggie Thatcher,they had a lot in common,both enjoyed fucking miners...

Jesus..This is the guy who was born on Christmas, died in Easter. He didn't hang around along time.


how 'indulgent' of you!

I suspose this is the best place to put this (as to not go of topics). Its basically a different account on how the ASU/Cells within the PIRA came about and the shooting dead of James Bryson.

Anthony, I can't find the Al Pacino article ( it's my fault)...

Anyhow,..Tony Montana & Hitler

Here's some horse jokes I've seen doing the rounds...

A woman has been taken into hospital after eating horse meat burgers from Tesco -
Her condition is said to be stable

So they have found a Horse burger in Tesco. -
What's next, My Lidl pony?

Not entirely sure how Tesco are going to get over this hurdle.
Waitress in Tesco asked if I wanted anything on my Burger.
So I had a £5 each way !

Tesco Quarter Pounders:
The affordable way to buy your daughter the pony that she's always wanted!

Had some burgers from Tesco for my tea last night....
I still have a bit between my teeth

Unused HMV vouchers are now being accepted at Tesco.
Just tell them HMV means 'Horse Meat Voucher'

Tesco are now testing all their vegetarian burgers for traces of uniquorn

Anyone want a burger from Tesco? yay or neigh?

I guess Tesco just listened.

Tesco now forced to deny presence of zebra in burgers, as shoppers confuse barcodes for serving suggestions.

A cow walks into a bar. Barman says 'why the long face?'
Cow says 'Illegal ingredients, coming over here stealing our jobs!'

I hear the smaller version of those Tesco burgers make great horse d'oeuvres.

These Tesco burger jokes are going on a bit.
Talk about flogging a dead.. NO! NO NO NO!

Said to the Missus - these Tesco burgers given me the trots!

To beef or not to beef.
That is equestrian

Is it a coincidence that HAMBURGERS is a anagram of ...SHERGARS BUM..

Tesco's have released a new liquor to compliment their range of burgers, - they're calling it 'Red Rum'.

What did Shergar say to Red Rum..."Think they'll Findus in here"?


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