Occasionally The Pensive Quill, like most other blogs and websites probably, gets visits from racists, Nazis, cranks, crackpots, fetishists, trolls, sockpuppets, hate merchants, obituary defacers, obsessive stalkers and a sundry of others whom we generally ignore, just hitting the delete button the minute a comment from them appears without even reading the content. TPQ hosts a wide range of discussion which is sometimes heated as perspectives and opinions clash. It is not a gable wall where the parade of the pariahs is asked to assemble with a licence to spray hate grafitti.
We already have a page, In the Sewer With Der Stürmer, to where we re-direct the racists and Nazis. There, visitors can observe them thrashing around in their own muck. Now we have decided to create a new page, a sort of Crank's Corner where the rest who, whatever their hatreds, don't necessarily fit into the Der Stürmer category.
We have named it Bates and Wilkes Central. Norman Bates and Annie Wilkes were two obsessive stalkers created by Alfred Hitchcock and Stephen King respecively. The older film buffs amongst us should have little difficulty in recalling the films Psycho
and Misery.
All comments from the Cranks Contingent will be re-directed to this page. A word of advice to our normal readers who might come along for the fun: treat it like a visit to the zoo - look but feed at your own risk.
Jeanne! Jeanne! Jeanne!
Put me on the mood to watch that brilliant film 'Misery'
I know Kathy went OTT a tad but never faulted her for tying James Cann up, much too rough with him though.
Fionnuala; in the book she chopped his feet off!
One of the best movie scenes ever (still makes me cringe)..I feel the whack of the hammer everytime.
Belfast Bookworm
She was a very volatile woman. Life on the edge and his poor feet suffered.
liked reading Misery a lot more than watching it on the screen-
Still waiting on Doctor Death-part 2 of the shining-another wee while yet-
I still get sympathy pains when I think of that scene :-/
Great film but I can't watch that scene ever again. Too disturbing. More and more women in real life these days remind me of Kathy Bates character.
Stalkers and pervs eh!hope its a hell of a big hole (excuse the term) but the catholic church from exbenitict to cardinals ,bishops and priests and those dickeydodgers,throw in the pervie physco bigoted pastors and ministers and the place is half full,then we have the politicians and those who play at being politicans from Nelson Mc Causland to quisling $inn £ein and to stick with the film theme quotes ,well slightly"We,re gonna need a bigger hole"
I have to agree with you on both counts. My way or your feet.
Fionnuala; great comeback to Ryan's little fishing expedition.
Just to let some of the posters know, James Cann made a full recovery. He was in the movie Elf and his feet didn't seem to be troubling him at all.
Feel te love; ' and his feet didn't seem to be troubling him at all.'
He's such a good actor that he convinced you they weren't sore.
Just google "Jodi Arias" to understand what I'm talking about. Not so long ago broken relationships resulted in a strongly worded letter or at worst a slashed tire or two. Now it's 29 stab wounds and a shotgun blast to the face.
"Stalkers and pervs"
Let the battle begin!, corruption at its worst, Cardinal against cardinal.
I WANT TO BE THE POPE, VOTE FOR ME, THE REST ARE CORRUPT! priest's accusations ,is it not written, Satan will come out of rome, who is satan?, a myth embedded in our brain, so to me the logical thing to do id; blame SF for all of it, They started it.
"Mór mo náir:
Mo chlann féin a dhíol a máthair"
I think that says it all a cara.
Teacher asks wee Robert to spell pope,wee Robert says "there is no pope" "just spell pope"she says "ok then POFPE"wee Robert says, teacher says "there no f in pope"wee Robert says"thats what I,ve been telling you"!!
Women are usually the abused not the abuser and that is not a generalisation it's a fact. Women who do step outside their perceived social roles have been considered doubly deviant. As a said I have met a couple of the misery type women in the most unsuspecting places recently but as a rule I tend to have friends who stick to the more conventional methods of letter writing or tyre or slashing
Comment went before I had finished I was going to add for most women a relief to get their heads showered.
Feel the Love.
So glad James Cann lived to fight another day, some pup on the God Father.
From Jeanne Griffin:
And the Republic of Ireland came about by winged leprechauns bearing brimming pots of gold, four-leafed clovers and the dove of peace?!!! The same Free State which blew IRA prisoners to bits with landmines!!! Oh but no, Jeanne Griffin is a mad obsessive liar; only the heathen Brits and rapacious Israelis are capable of torture and violence according to the revised school of history here at The Pensive Quill. Meanwhile another woman is stoned to death somewhere under the auspices of Sharia Law.
Anthony; ok.
Now I get what Bates and Wilkes Central is for!
Was the above comment put on wrong post? What has either of these films got to do with the Free State or IRA prisoners? Hidden message perhaps!
No Nuala. The right post.
People who practice illeism amuse me to an extent. This says so much about their character and personality; manipulative, narcissistic, hungry for attention, egotistic, and they don't even know it.
Bob Dole does this. So does Johnnie Adair.
Enough said.
first I heard the term. Instructive.
Blame Belfast Bookworm for conjuring HER up. lol
Something that needs dumped in Anthonys new tip is the new car from the manufacturers of the Kia model their new car is called the provo, now a chairde for fucksake dont even consider buying one if its anything like its namesake it will betray you at every turn the Sat Nav destination finder will take you in the completely opposite direction that you want to go,it will devour only British Petroleum and loads of it,its handling could land you in the pokey and as many others have found out it could get you killed.some people have asked me how many bodies can you get in the boot ,we asked Gerrybroy the chief deals on wheels man he said two in the back two in the two in the front and one in the head !
Itsjustmacker; sorry! I saw the name of the original post and I couldn't help it!
Marty; thanks for giving me my first real belly laugh in about a fortnight!
Surely that term cannot be used as a generalisation, not all the Provos sold out.
People now speak about the Provos in an abstract way as a them and us. It's as if they have the name and the rest of us are tarred with a different brush when in actual fact only the leadership and their followers sold out.
A bit of a faux pas on my part, well I think! Not too sure what's going on here?
Fionnuala; as you know this is the loony bin section of TPQ where all the headers' posts (that aren't fit to go on to the main blog) get chucked.
You may not know Jeanne but she's basically Ruth Dudley Edwards in drag. She crawls out from under her wee stone every now and then to rant. When Anthony opened this post up I suggested she might be at home in here... Hence Itsjustmackers quip.
I've just realised though that all posters considered normal are now posting in here and this alarms me!
it sort of means that normal discussion can go on. The obsessive stalkers and such like get shunted over here where they can rage at will and work out whatever it is that ails them. And then if they settle down they can come back with the rest of us.
Ruth has much more cop on. She has views which I could never agree with. But she is not racing around the sites begging to be noticed. She is the source of her own validation and does not need it from elsewhere.
Anthony; you are correct.
I wonder who does HER wikipage??
Should I not have put my reply to the comments about the Provos on this page?
Or have I to say I found the comment funny when I most certainly did not ! Confused?
Do normal people cover themselves in their own shite? Enough said. Now go back to your circle jerk over the latest dead Provo. What is ironic, Anthony is that the character of Annie Wilkes actually physically resembles your own wife more than it does me. Even down to wearing the same type of clothes.
Like the moth to the flame the obsessive stalker will always return for one more stalk. Some things are irresistable!
When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.
you can comment whereever you like. It seemed a better comment for a serious discussion.
You grow up the day you have your first real laugh......at yourself !
Ethel Barrymore.
Maybe Ethel should have added it helps to know what can be passed of as humour and what can't.
I have never thought the self-obsessed did humour very well.
I'm not self obsessed but please God I will never be reduced to accepting that as humour.
I have lost you. Simply no idea what you are talking about
If you read the post prior to my last post, surely that's what you are saying . If I cannot find humour in Martys piece then I must be sefl obsessed??? If it did not mean that what did it mean?
I was not referring to you at all. You didn't even enter the debate.
Marty made a comment citing Ethel Barrymore which I took to be a putdown to the author of the comment about Carrie.
You came in with a comment which I took to be an endorsement of Marty. Again a put down to the self obsessed.
I mentioned both comments to Carrie before I left the house.
I came back approving what I took to be your putdown of the self obsessed.
Now we have this ...
I am lost also now? I wasn't bothered whether it was directed it at me or not? I was just re-stating my position.
confusion all round. You have never struck me as self obsessed or lacking in humour. But this is like one of those discussions during the Blanket protest between Seamy Kearney and John Connolly where they would be having this conversation out the doors and both talking about totally different things. It could go on for an hour and we would roll about laughing as John was taking the piss and Seamy was not copping on.
But this page is best left to those for whom it was created.
Yes maybe your right!
Daily Mail Headline
Grave robbers who dug up female CORPSES in China to sell as 'ghost brides' are jailed - but where are the women they stole?
We have one of them posting here it seems.
Anthony in relation to Jeanne and apologies to Groucho Marks "either that woman is dead or my watch has stopped"
The Joe Cahill "ya we won PERPETUAL cup "why are they still not playing?
There goes Jeanne the 'feminist' again. Get in there love, nothing like attempting cheap shots at another woman to reinforce your own self-worth!
I assume she has some sort of problem with your wife Anthony.. Let's hope Carrie doesn't lose TOO much sleep over it!
Carrie is like me - laughs at the silliness of it.
It all started as a result of a debate betwen her and Carrie on Ruth Dudley Edward's site. Then the stalking started. I have never as much as spoken a word to the woman but she began these stalking forays because of some soat she had with Carrie. The sheer amount of it was the hallmark of an obsessive. Obsessives tend to behave like this. I think giving them a wide berth is perhaps the best approach. They rant and rave before moving onto the next obsession.
Wtf? Stalking for real?
This isn't even funny. Don't let on to her who I am, sure you won't? I deal with enough mooncats without her :-))
cyber stalking is the term.
I didn't know RDE had a website. I'm away for a nosy.
I could be a while :)))
it is a facebook page. Did you get the e mails?
Just did.
The news this morning is unlike the curates egg its all bad,as usual,the manufacturer of the new model KIA car the Provo has succumbed to screaming and stamping of feet by the churlish rants of the dup, and have withdrawn their new model from sale in norn iorn which means a provo can not be bought here unlike its namesake where quite a lot have been,and cheaply to.predictable ?quite possibly.fact definitely!
from ralph4america:
http://americaphile.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/hey-psni-dont-feed-jamie-bryson-to-the-popes/ on Dirty War, Dirty Church
From Brian Clarke
Went to Hollywood, did he?
From Brian Clarke
Posted by Brian Clarke to The Pensive Quill at 1:45 AM, June 16, 2013
are you the same Brian Clarke from Ardoyne?. the SF carpet who is treated like a lump of shit by the same, and, laughed at in public. I'm sure MH knows you well. Trolling all sites who do not agree with SF's sell out. Get a life fella, your classed as a clown, and , a British one at that.
This Brian Clarke is a disso-your welcome to him-lol-although he likes to give AM bad manners on his site -he once had a go at little old me as well-I still follow him on Twitter-
From Brian Clarke
Would there be wee drop involved?
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