Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Brian Mór

Remembering cartoonist Brian Mór on the first anniversary of his death. 

View Brian's cartoons on The Pensive Quill
 to scroll through all of them, use the "Older Posts" link at the bottom of each page.

A small selection of his work:


The wee dog will piss on us if we forgot Brian Mór the guy was a genius.

He was one creative guy. Always loved his imagination. He could really lift the facade that concealed so much

A genius, with an aptitude for shear wit, Sketched it in a way that the viewer could understand it, and, it was all truth. Be hard to find anyone with such class and dedication in the near future.

Brian would have some crack with this interview . He would have gotten a thousand cartoons out of it.

I swear that lazer surgery melted whats left of his sense, he really is a fucking clown.

A very talented man who saw right through the bullshit.

A big loss but a talent that we will always remember.
Put a smile on a lot faces and he done it on day's that there was little to smile about.


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