Dr John Coulter is a Radical Unionist commentator and a former columnist with The
Blanket. He is currently writing an e-book about republicanism as an outsider
looking in. The e-book is entitled ‘An
Saise Glas (The Green Sash) The Road to National Republicanism.’ The
chapters are being published exclusively on The Pensive Quill. In this latest
chapter, ‘Participating with the PUL Community’, Dr Coulter examines how
National Republicans would build a new relationship with the Protestant,
Unionist and Loyalist community on the island of Ireland.
National Republicanism is not about the
politics of surrender or violence. It seeks to bridge the gap between Easter
Rising commemoration republicanism and 2006 St Andrews Agreement republicanism,
which created the Stormont power-sharing Executive between the Democratic
Unionists and Provisional Sinn Fein.
National Republicanism clearly recognizes that there is no longer a
military solution to creating an all-island agenda and that Irish republicanism
will have to work with, not eradicate, the so-called Protestant Unionist
Loyalist (PUL) community.
The collapse of the economic Celtic Tiger during this current decade is
proof positive that the traditional Southern Irish-based parties have failed to
make the concept of an independent republic a viable political experiment.
Republicans will have to swallow the bitter medicine that the failure of
the Southern economy now means they can no longer offer the PUL community in
the North a viable alternative to the Union.
Indeed, given the growing economic crisis within the Eurozone, the only
chance of an independent island is for the current Irish Republic to leave the
European Union and negotiate a new relationship with what remains of the United
Kingdom after the Scottish independence referendum.
National Republicanism would take Ireland back to the original
separatist concept as held by the founder of Sinn Fein, Arthur Griffith, in
1905. His ideal of separation was more akin to dominion status rather than a
full-blown, all-island republic.
key aspect which National Republicanism will have to address practically it how
it participates effectively and constructively with the PUL community so that
the republican strategy is not dismissed as mere empty rhetoric or propaganda
For many in the PUL community, republicanism is about the physical
ethnic cleansing and cultural extermination of anything and anyone who is
National Republicanism forces republicans to finally come to terms with
the reality that they are not living in 1966 – the 50th anniversary
of the failed Easter Rising.
that year, too, the Vietnam War was escalating and increasing numbers of
American troops were being deployed in South Vietnam to combat the threat posed
by the communist Viet Cong terrorists operating mainly from communist North
Almost a decade later, who can forget the humiliating scenes as the last
US helicopters evacuated people from the South Vietnamese capital Saigon as it
was then known, while the VC terrorists shot at those helicopters.
Regretfully, there are those who are now classified by the media as
being dissident republicans who now have a romantic notion – probably based on
the blood sacrifice of Easter 1916 – of New IRA terrorists blazing away with
their AK47 assault rifles as British Royal Air Force helicopters evacuate large
numbers of the PUL community from Belfast International and George Best Belfast
City airports.
That image of the so-called ‘VC Solution’ is a non-starter. For the
first time since the bloody 1641 rebellion in Ireland which prompted Oliver
Cromwell to come to the island and implement his military scorched earth policy
against the native Irish, republicanism will only gain its political
credibility by abandoning a military solution.
Every military campaign since 1641 to remove the English colonialist
from Ireland has been a disastrous failure, no matter how credibly republicans
try to dress up their ‘achievements’.
National Republicanism recognizes that to convince the PUL community to
become enthusiastic about an all-island scenario, republicanism must devise an
ideology and brand which the PUL community can work with as equals.
Partition is just a politically ‘dirty word’ with many in the PUL
community as it is to republicans. Many Unionists felt Co Donegal should have
been part of the new Northern Ireland.
And what about the tens of thousands of Southern-based Unionists and
Protestants who were abandoned to their fate in the new Free State after
partition? Northern Unionists once they had militarily secured their ‘new
Ulster’ adopted an ‘I’m all right Jack’ attitude rather than attempting to
address the growing plight of their Southern-trapped Unionist brethren and
Carson and Craig should have had the political guts to have invaded the
Free State in the months after partition.
Similarly, republicans cannot simply utter pious words about wanting
equality with their Unionist brethren. For many in the PUL community, the
republican terror campaign of whatever group was viewed as an emphatic form of
slaughter as witnessed in the civil war in the Balkans which tore apart the old
the republican community is to effectively engage with the PUL community, the
former must allay the latter’s suspicions that any ‘reaching out’ is not
another ploy to undermine PUL heritage and culture.
The Union flag crisis which erupted in December 2012 was not primarily
about a flag at Belfast City Hall, or a campaign to de-stabilize Alliance’s
Naomi Long’s East Belfast Westminster seat in the hope it returns to the DUP at
the next Commons General Election.
The key concern is that the PUL community, especially working class
loyalists, feel their political representatives in mainstream Unionism have
either been unable, or are unwilling to reap the benefits of the peace process
in the same ways in which Provisional Sinn Fein, and even to a lesser extent,
the SDLP, has gained for the Catholic working class community.
Indeed, many working class Protestants actually believe that the main
Unionist parties, the UUP and DUP, are more interested in cavorting with middle
class Protestants, liberal Unionists and even the pro-Union Catholic community
rather than securing major financial benefits for the PUL working class.
National Republicanism would encourage republicans to reach out a
practical hand of friendship and demonstrate to them how working class
Protestants can gain educationally and in terms of financial benefits from the
St Andrews Agreement peace process.
National Republicanism recognizes that while the 1998 Good Friday
Agreement was a political victory for the UUP and SDLP, the 2006 St Andrews
Agreement reaped political benefits for the DUP and Provisional Sinn Fein.
National Republicanism will devise a series of social action channels to
the PUL community to assist in this process. Republicans must not indulge in
the meaningless rhetoric of apologies for the terror campaign as the PUL
community will simply not believe them.
National Republicanism has identified a series of initial issues which
republicans and the PUL community can share a common interest, and could work
on a common platform.
These include post-primary education as there is a vastly increasing
number of young working class Protestants who are leaving full-time education
with very few – if any – relevant qualifications. For the PUL community, the
‘brain drain’ has taken on a whole new meaning.
the republican community, the ‘brain drain’ represents the equally vast number
of young Catholics who are leaving the island to find work or careers in
Australia, America and Canada.
National Republicans can influence the PUL community on the educational
front. The situation goes back to the conflict and the attitude of republican
and PUL prisoners in the various jails. Generally speaking, republicans largely
focused on using their time in prison to gain an education and qualifications,
while at the same time – generally speaking – the PUL community spent their
days, weeks and years in the jail gyms.
Likewise, in both urban and rural areas, rather than focus on aiming
towards a university education, from the 1960s onwards, PUL sons followed their
fathers into trades in Shorts and Harland and Wolff. In rural areas, the PUL
sons followed their dads into the farming industry.
The republican communities took the ‘long war’ view and encouraged more
and more Catholics to go to university and gain degrees. The net result of this
policy, especially in the post 1998 Good Friday Agreement era, was to produce a
generation of republicans who rather than a ‘ballot paper and Armalite’
strategy, instead focused on a ‘ballot paper and honours degree’ tactic.
Not only are more Catholics voting compared to Protestants, but the
number of well-qualified (university educated) republicans is vastly
out-numbering their PUL counterparts.
National Republicans can, therefore, urge their PUL counterparts to
pursue higher level qualifications.
There are other issues where National Republicans can reach a common
agenda. These include; abortion, combating austerity cuts, and attracting
National Republicanism has got to avoid the twin-track approach to
austerity which Provisional Sinn Fein has adopted – championing the cause
against austerity cuts in the Dail under Gerry Adams, the Louth TD, but having
to implement such cuts as part of the Stormont government under Mid Ulster MLA
and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.
There are other areas where National Republicans can encourage a common
front with the PUL community. A major area is in international relations,
especially in the crisis in Africa regarding the hunger and thirst dilemma
facing many nations.
National Republicans and the PUL community can campaign for the
re-colonization of the African continent. The only way that Africa can be saved
from internal destruction is for the former imperial powers to go back into their
former colonies and rescue those nations from tribal genocide.
While there was no such concept of the Irish empire in Africa, an
unofficial empire existed through the various Christian missionary movements
which saw Catholicism and Protestantism send dozens of Irish missionaries to
Surely National Republicans and the PUL community could agree a series
of joint campaigns in Africa in conjunction with the Irish Churches, given that
a central concept of National Republicanism is to re-introduce the teachings of
Jesus Christ back into the republican mind set?
During the Great War and World War Two, republicans and the PUL
community joined the various British and Commonwealth regiments, fighting and
dying together. Many are buried together in war cemeteries across Europe and
And given the looming crisis in Syria, Iran and especially North Korea,
there is the strong possibility that National Republicans and the PUL community
could be serving together as part of a United Nations peace keeping force.
The only way this island can have true independence is to regain its
national sovereignty back from the rapidly disintegrating European Union. The
island, both north and south, has a vibrant Eurosceptic tradition.
The June 2014 European poll is an odds-on certainty to see a massive
increase in support in Britain – and possibly Northern Ireland – for the
vehemently Eurosceptic United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP).
While there is little chance of UKIP organizing in the Republic,
National Republicans could revamp the former Irish Independence Party as a
mirror image of UKIP. The European cash cow has been milked dry, and the bitter
medicine is that it is now time for both the UK and the Republic to leave the
its heyday, the Irish punt was a strong and credible currency. National
Republicans and the PUL community can work together, not just to create a
situation where both sovereign states can leave the EU, but develop an economic
climate where the pound sterling can be established as the common financial
currency in both jurisdictions.
National Republicanism is an overtly religious ideology, putting true
Biblical Christianity back into republican politics. National Republicanism is
most certainly NOT about restoring Irish Catholic litany so that the Irish
Catholic Church can regain its reputation among the people of Ireland following
the sexual and physical abuse scandals.
Irish Catholicism has its religious holy orders, such as the Jesuits,
Passionists and Opus Dei; Protestantism has its own exclusively Loyal Orders,
such as the Orange Order, Royal Black Institution, the Apprentice Boys of
Derry, and the Independent Orange Order.
National Republicanism would attempt to have Catholics and Protestants
working together to ensure an 1859-style Christian spiritual revival across
Ireland. The so-called ecumenical movement will be ignored as simply a
religious publicity stunt.
this respect, National Republicanism would promote the concept of the
Freemasons as an organization which could campaign for a common spiritual unity
between republicans and the PUL community. Irish Freemasonry has been able to
attract both Catholics and Protestants into its ranks, rather than simply being
exclusion to one or other religious communities.
Pluralism or secularism is not the basis of National Republicans and the
PUL community working together. Neither is it an attempt to re-create the
extreme socialist talks between elements of the UVF and the Official IRA in the
National Republicanism will force republicanism to recognize that it is
operating in a new era of Anglo-Irish relations; an era where violent
republicanism can no longer rely on the 26 Counties of the South as a safe
haven from which to launch attacks on the North.
For the first time since the 1641 rebellion, republicanism must operate
on a purely democratic path if it is to be taken seriously. Purely democratic
means are the central cores of National Republicanism.
The South now has much less sympathetic approach to violent
republicanism. So-called dissident republicans who still believe they can use
the Viet Cong terror method of forcing the British and PUL community to leave
Ireland should remember their history.
The pro-Treaty Free State forces executed more anti-Treaty IRA members
during the Irish Civil War than the IRA lost to the Black and Tans during the
War of Independence.
While there may be no stomach or resources for a sustained ‘long war’
terror campaign against the British and PUL community from dissident
republicans, National Republicanism will emphasize to all republicans that
there is a significant mood swing against violence in the Republic.
National Republicanism will seek to rekindle the spirit of the radical
1798 Irish Presbyterians as a means to build a working relationship between
republicans and the PUL community.
In the next chapter of As Saise Glas (The Green Sash) The Road to National Republicanism,
I will be examining how republicanism can build a new international basis to
its ideology rather than simply the old, out-dated concept of raising funds to
buy guns and explosives. The chapter is entitled ‘National Republicanism and the
International Stage’ and will develop the concept of a pro-active foreign
policy for republicanism.
John likes to give others advice-but i dont think we will need the freemasons-
Martin McGuinness addresed the congregation in the 1st Derry Presbyterian Church this morning-far better outreach than going to the freemasons-
I enjoyed the first half of that article. He certainly got it right about the green sash and made some good valuable points.
The second half about Religion, Economy, Africa, non secular, European union certainly is not a blue print in which I could adhere acceptance. Now in saying that, this sort of thinking is encouraged, breaking from the old doctrine of doing nothing pleases the most.
It would be interesting to know how many on both sides actually practice there faith today, before they claim to be defenders of it....
Martybroy must have said to himself "home ,home at last thank Maggie the mighty I,m home at last "!
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