‘It isn’t a sin, a crime or an offence to forget about something’ (even Liam electioneering) – Gerry Adams
It must be in the water. If it is then it is that bottled water Sinn Fein have been marketing this past while back. Only Our Fibbers Run Free or something it is called.
Most of us have heard of flying the flag but Sinn Fein in its innovativeness has come up with something new. It has dropped the F and is now lying the flag. The party gives full credit to its state of the art propaganda machine, Porky Productions.
What possessed Raymond McCartney to go on Radio Ulster and claim authorship of an op ed piece about flags in the Derry Journal that he most certainly did not write? After being challenged on the authenticity of his claims to be the author Raymond claimed without equivocation:
It was an opinion piece, it was in my name and I penned it. There is no one trying to pretend. The opinion piece was from me and then used by other people.
If so he must have written it five years earlier and put Mitchel McLaughlin’s name on it. The Irish News rumbled him by showing an image of the article in a July 2006 edition of An Phoblacht.
Something tells me this is the handiwork of the Big Lad. You can just imagine him standing in the Felons with a crowd of them worshipping at his feet.
How great do you think I am?
Infinitely so Master.
Enough to give up your dignity for me?
Even my industrial wage great leader
Later, Tom, later
Me first Master, me first, I will sing everlasting praises to you.
Jim, you do that in the Irish News every Thursday anyway
A thousand praises in the next column Master
No change there then.
Unchanged, Unchanged utterly, Master
Will you stand up in public and gratuitously spout the same bollix I do?
Yes Master, Yis Siree Bob.
My bollix, not Bob’s. Mine will suffice. Don’t worry there is enough to go round all of you .
Yes, yes.
So what shall it be?
Your bollix Master, yourself alone.
Ok, Raymond, you first.
Now we know it didn’t happen that way but it is so easy to imagine how it could have. The Big Lad, not too long ago got up and spoofed on Talkback that he had been singing the song ‘Always Look on The Bright Side of Life’ in the H-Blocks in 1978. Ok if it had not been for that awkward little fact that the song wouldn’t be released until the following year as part of the film The Life of Brian. It is highly unlikely that the Ministry of Funny Walks despatched a freebie copy to the Ministry of Money Talks so that the Master could sing it in the H Blocks just to annoy the screws with the sure knowledge that he knew something they didn’t.
After that Igor, the Master’s long time manservant, launched a rescue attempt. But Danny Blunders is no Otto Skerzeny and like much else he has done in his career this met with about as much success. The Big Lad remains stranded on his remote little lieland. Danny who readily admits to remembering that he remembers Gerry over the past 40 years – but not through the IRA as Gerry has no memory of being in that – approvingly quoted the novelist Karl Greenfield that ‘a falsehood can be deposited in the brain and reinforced almost as easily as a true-life experience. Memory is fallible, we all acknowledge that.’
Unless of course you were on the Blanket protest in the H-Blocks circa 1979 and therefore must surely remember Blunders and some court case he was caught up in because Blunders was a very important person and republicans don’t forget the very important people in their lives. That’s how he remembers Gerry Adams for forty years.
The fault line in the manservant’s apologetics was of course that even when told by David Dunseith that the song was not released until a year after Gerry thought he was rendering it, the Big Lad continued to insist that he had been singing it. When you are infallible you are always right regardless of the evidence. Old habits die hard so when the Big Lad found himself in a hole in the ground he just kept digging in the hope that the problem would disappear.
Few will understand why Raymond simply did not do what Michelle Gildernew had the savvy to do. She released a statement after the article that Raymond didn’t write had also gone out in her name. Explaining that she had been on holiday and that the piece appeared without her knowledge or clearance, she will take no hit for it whatsoever. Raymond need merely have said something similar instead of placing himself in the stocks for everybody to throw eggs and rotten fruit at.
The DUP will laugh, riff and poke fun at SF members’ intellect, as Jim Wells did in his reference to the ‘literary masterpiece’, but little else will come of it. It suits the DUP to have such a limited lot making the case for nationalism. Ultimately Raymond will survive even with a lot of egg on his face and the odd jibe in public debates from here on in. The real effect will be a reinforcing of the belief that the party functionaries are a band of wallies resembling a crowd of clones, incapable of independent thought. A few twists of the Master key in their backs and off they go chanting in unison, ‘Victory to the PSNI’ and suchlike. When caught in the headlights they lack the wit to jump out of the way before getting run over.
Ah well, no need to despair; Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life – 1978 version. One copy only, on the record label HMV - His Master’s Voice. Truly, a collector’s item.
That article really shows them up for the clones they really are,Gildernew at least had the wit to put her arse into reverse gear,I said it before that Disney should make a sequel to the Lion King starring those wallies in psf and call it the Lying Bastards.
Time heals all. After enough time people will tire of SF bullshit + fancy suits and a new generation with no past involvement in or memory of the conflict [like too many SF representatives funny enough]will require results. A mere taig presence at Stormont wont cut it.
Then SF will just be seen for the oportunist unionist fart suckers they have become. 2016 + a 'united Ireland' coming up pronto!
Found this a few minutes ago. What relavance it may have may lie only in the word flag! Thought it interesting all the same.
'There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum' - Arthur C. Clarke
Breaking news;
Lybia, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq have requsted the U.N. vote for regime change in UK after popular uprising.
Germany to impose a 'no-fly' zone over southern England.
SF calls for use of plastic bullets against immigrant looters in UK. I'm lying, but sure it's catching on, so it is.
How do you know when Adams AND Mc Guinness and the rest of psf are lying? Answer...Their lips move.
London,s burning FUCKIN GREAT!
Londons burning pt.2. from a unionst viewpoint methinks ,"bring in the army. intern them. hang the ring leaders,
The biggest deterrent to the rioting would be to show the rioters what we produced here through rioting and everything else. And they may then conclude that those who lead today's riots will be calling future rioters traitors.
It is funny to listen to the Tories saying the riots are operating on the principle of greed! They must be capitalist rioters.
is that a SF statement?
Or Anthony they maybe ogra psf after all if it worked for Marty and Gerry why not ! burn baby burn !ya know it does ya good.
Now I know what they meant when they said "there,l be a warm welcome awaiting everyone coming to the London olympics!
PSF statement as written by 9 different mla,s at the same time.As someone who has experienced the futility of needless violence,I call on those traitors who are burning our capital city on the mainland to desist,dont you realise the damage your doing ,Gerry and the boys and girls have apartments there and this could directly affect their value and in an already global downturn in property prices we have pensions to think of, also it may be necessary for a recall of psf and our dup friends and colleagues from our holiday homes and villas to the assembly to issue a jointly worded statement calling on the home secretary to bring in interment and issue our police service live rounds,we cannot allow unemployed thugs to destroy the businness heart of our beloved country, our president td Gerry sends his condolences as does groveling Mary the other president.
You might have coined a new term “capitalist rioters” the irony has me is stitches.
Perhaps the good Loyalists of Ulster can jump in the back of the RUC Jeeps and defend the streets of London against these dissidents.
Anthony could you imagine a load of huray Henry,s making and chucking petrol bombs made from Dom Peringon and Brut champange bottles and yelling "take that you bounders" "tally ho the revolution" "hooray what ho!"
Tain Bo a cara welcome back I thought your other half might have pushed you of a cliff or you somehow had got in to gaol to keep Marian company
that was so funny. You could imagine the two clowns up shouting at the London rioters. The rioters at least have not been digging secret graves. Do you know who was arguing at army council meetings for Caroline Moreland to be disappeared as late as 1994? What sort of traitor would that be?
Seen a silhouette of a cop in riot gear tonight,and he looked to me like one of Cromwells roundheads,and you can bet they be just as brutal.
I had all but forgotten that girl Anthony, I had to think about her for a while, yes indeed a cara what sort of traitor would consider disappearing her body?could it possibly be the same traitor who persuaded Frank Hegarty to come home?.
brilliant and funny. I'm sure there must be times when they are required to drink his pee, well not all his big cars would be en-suite.
"Anthony could you imagine a load of huray Henry,s making and chucking petrol bombs made from Dom Peringon and Brut champagne bottles"
No, but I can imagine them ordering police thugs to fire plastic bullets on London's streets, and using armoured land rovers as weapons, and fitting up countless young people so they can be sentenced to disproportionately long prison sentences.
Remind you of anything lads?
why would I think you are on the money?
I was watching that advert on TV. The one for some broadband or other based on the Kings New Clothes.
There was the King prancing round naked with his entourage fawning in the background, he turns and they nearly hit their heads on the ground bowing and curtseying.
Fuck! Says I, thats Gerry and Sinn Fein!
Thanks. I would have better luck being pushed of Napoleons’ nose than Marian has of getting out. I am sure they are digging through everything to try and find more charges they can level against her.
Mick as we have said that was what norn iorn was all about, a training ground for tatics for what was to come on Englands home turf,and you can bet its the unemployed kids who will suffer the worst, its just not cricket that has the ashes now!
you would appreciate reading this. It leaves little room for an alternative conclusion
Twas 40 summers past
as they lay in their bed,
dragged from their sleep
with guns to their head
Stoned from their houses
watch them burn to a shell
Belfast and beyond
had just turned to hell
Tortured and beaten
some shot,some slain
with no thought for their families
the grief or the pain
40 years on
That anger is still yearning,
so forgive me today for smiling
As I watch London burning...
Tain Bo
Good to see you back. Capitalist rioters is one interpretation we could put on it if the Tories are right in saying it is motivated by greed! They run a greed-driven society.
I wonder how Marx might have read it. Would he have seen it as a working class rebellion or a lumpenproletarian outburst?
Read that piece Anthony,a well written and thoughtfull piece and nothing I could find fault with,I,d recommend that piece to everyone here to read, thanks a cara for that.
I think Marx would read it as the latter, lumpen proletariat.
Really cannot see any similarities between what is unfolding in England and recent events in places like Ardoyne. Maybe such things only beome clear when you are one of the 'lads'
Thats not a real riot in London.could you imagine a peeler riding into Ardyone shops on horseback,they would be eating corn beef for a month.. Tottenham have just singed a new blacK Italian striker...Grabatelli...
I guess you are right. It would be hard to describe them as the most class conscious section of the organised working class. The Left need to come up with a solid credible analysis of this phenomenon.
It is probably true that the recent UK riots cannot be completely blamed on poverty and deprivation. Certainly mindless thuggery and opportunistic thievery played a part. Yet the smug, right-wing explanation that the causes are the welfare state and single motherhood just doesn't add up.
Firstly, from what I've read, unemployment benefit is a fraction of the weekly minimum wage in the UK, which is itself very difficult to live on, so the idea that the dole is an attractive option for young people seems silly. Also, there are plenty of EU countries with more advanced levels of social protection than the UK, such as Sweden and Denmark, and those countries do not have anywhere near the same degree of antisocial behaviour that the UK does.
Secondly, though it does seem to be true that children from single-parent families are more likely to have problems, this might not be due to the fact that there is only one parent in those families. It could well be down to the disadvantages that single parents typically face, such as low income, poor education and a lack of a decent family support network. It would be interesting to read a study of single-parent families that do not have these problems. Of course, the ideal circumstances in which a child should be raised is a stable, two-parent home. What's more, the absence of father figures could plausibly cause problems in young men's development. However, poverty is undeniably factor in all this, particulary in a country that has endured 2 years of austerity and has nothing to show for it.
What occured in London was serious social unrest involving the young and marginalised in society. The fact there was little or no organisation behind the riots leads one to believe that this was the sponteanous venting of pent up anger and fruastration emnating from large numbers of alienated youth with no jobs, no incomes and no hope. Debilitating inequality, social exclusion, unemployment and poverty all play their part in this rising tide of hopelessness and dispair.
The ruling class is terrified by these events seeing, as it does, the inexplicable disintegration of the social order in to a state of mindless yobbery and anarchy. And the media, controlled by the rich and the privileged, promtes that class view.
The shooting dead of a young black man, the spark that ignited the fire, in highly questionable circumstances is conviently forgotten as the focus zooms in on the mob. Who will articulate the grivances of the dispossesed and disadvantaged? The answers are to be found not in the behaviour of the rioters but in the economic organisation of society.
"The shooting dead of a young black man, the spark that ignited the fire, in highly questionable circumstances is conviently forgotten as the focus zooms in on the mob."
Mark Duggan pulled a loaded pistol on a police officer. That much does not seem to be in dispute. I'm not sure what else the cop could have done in that situation. Nevertheless, this case should be thoroughly investigated, for the Met have lied about the details of shootings before. Anyone remember Jean Charles de Menezes?
The facts surrounding the shooting are still being contested, Alfie. Police claimed initally that they were fired upon which has been discounted by the forensic information. Whatever the facts of the matter the underlying causes of the rioting were political in narture. When 2000 protesters marched on the police station the police refused to awknowledge the protest. Black working class neighbourhoods have been the focus of very agressive policing methods for quite some time. Stop and Search tactics have become a major bone of contention for minorities in London and other major cities.
In the current economic environment it is the poor who are paying the price for the profit driven greed of the rich by having their basic benefits and services slashed. Social unrest does not happen because a group of young marginalised males decide to have some fun.
"Mark Duggan pulled a loaded pistol on a police officer."
Are you sure about this? True it was what the met and its tame media originally claimed, but they also said Duggan shot at an officer whose life was saved as the bullet hit his radio. We now know this to have been a lie as the bullet found in the radio was police issue.
Maybe the Met acted like-most police forces around the world when dealing with people whom they feel they have a right to abuse, safe in the knowledge that the politicos and media, 9 out of ten times will back them up.
Would anyone have believed Rodney King if his assault by the LA police had not been filmed?
I totally agree with your earlier post that; "the smug, right-wing explanation that the causes are the welfare state and single motherhood just doesn't add up. "
On single parents, the majority of kids brought up in this way do fine, by this I mean they grow up as confused and as good or bad as the rest of us. The overwhelming majority of single parents in the UK come in all classes and races. Beware of racial bigots who like to stereotype all single parents as black.
For christ sake, the current top tier of the British monarchy were brought up by a single parent, but I doubt the media will be going there.
These disadvantaged communities are currently being vilified for what, shouting out loud they have had enough. Like most of us they want good education for their kids and jobs.
When Broadwater farm burned the media and politicians spouted much the same judgemental lies as the the current crop of creeps are doing today.
They do this for one and only one reason, to deflect the blame from themselves. All three of the English MS parties are culpable, Labour for not dealing with the poverty and joblessness despite being in power for over a decade and the tories and Lib dem coalition, with their vicious cuts have made a bad situation even worse.
These are the guilty parties not teenagers who lost the run of themselves, for that is what teenagers do occasionally.
Today history looks back at the broadwater farm riots as necessary; and I have no doubt in years to come what occurred in Tottenham last weekend will be seen in the same light.
Before anyone joins the hang them and flog them brigade, I would remind them, the last time Tottenham burned, Winstone Silcott one of the 'Tottenham Three, 'was stitched up for the murder of PC Blakelock in the most despicable manner, he and two others were sent to prison for years, only to be found innocent. Silcott later received £100K when he accused the Met of fabricating evidence.
Like most of the current youngsters involved in the 'riots' he was no saint, but he did not deserve to be hung out to dry, nor to these kids.
I think it will take time to come close to being definitive about this. It seems to be an outburst from the urban poor but which lacks any insurrectionary potential. It is a far cry from the miners' opposition to the State in 1984.
The London blogger Hannah at 'give the feminist a cigarette' offered a succinct observation:
'The moronic fist-pumping from armchair socialists is as infuriating as the blanket condemnation from the right: the rioters are either hailed as heroic freedom-fighters or pilloried as mindless thugs, with no acknowledgment that there were undoubtedly representatives from both groups on the streets, and that many people involved probably committed acts that fell into both categories.'
Where the right is likely to win the battle for interpretation is in the flash nature of the event. If it was sustained over a prolonged timeframe it would probably get a more rounded hearing
The right are making their move even as we discuss this. Cameron will use it to push back rights and bring responsibility to the fore. He is trying to blame it on gang culture and move it away from poverty. Now we will have an autonomous cultural phenomenon firewalled from the economic structure of society.
I'm curious.
Bankers still taking huge bonuses,after totally wrecking economies.
M.P.s routinely making false expenses claims.
Police taking numerous bribes from those fiendish journalists, to get personal details including phone, pc and bank details of persons of media interest.
Is it just me, or was the few days hooliganism in England a welcome distraction for those who have most to be ashamed of?
Talk about 'lying the flag' SF are now welcomed at Windsor Park.
Alec & Mick,
On reflection, I think you are right. I should have been more cautious given that the Met's initial version of the shooting turned out to be false. A full, independent inquiry ought to be carried out into this shooting and into allegations of agressive policing.
'It is the invariable habit of bureaucracies, at all times and everywhere, to assume...that every citizen is a criminal. Their one apparent purpose, pursued with a relentless and furious diligence, is to convert the assumption into a fact. They hunt endlessly for proofs, and, when proofs are lacking, for mere suspicions. The moment they become aware of a definite citizen, John Doe, seeking what is his right under the law, they begin searching feverishly for an excuse for withholding it from him.' - HL Mencken
unless independently verifiable, believe the cops about nothing. Their institutional lying is legendary
I will not labour the point, however, reports indicate that the said gun was inside a sock and not ready for use. Already, the Met's self serving account is quickly unravelling.
I have heard lots of anecdotal evidence from credible sources that the Gardai in my home town "square" all manner of criminal charges for their family and friends. For example, a few years ago, my brother witnessed three off-duty Gardai batter a neighbour of ours unconscious in a take-away after a night out. The local Gardai squared it. When he regained consciousness the next day, the injured man was offered money not to make a complaint. He agreed. Apparently, his attackers are still members of the Gardai.
My father tells me that I trust the authorities far too much. I suppose he has a point!
@ Marty RE: 'London,s burning FUCKIN GREAT!' lolz... said what the many r thinking but perhaps reticent to be so forward and succinct about... It can also be called all the birds have come home to roost, reaping what one has sowed, accident waiting to happen etc etc...
I did consider ringing a friend in london and saying grab a shopping trolley & get me some designer label clothing stat! hahaha
Unfortunately the grim realities underpinning the riots will be lost forever in political rhetoric and bandaid solutions and bullshit... like brixton to now like ireland into the now... like Brendan lillis dying in a cell...
@ Anthony RE 'Only Our Fibbers Run Free' ahahaha but how hideously true
@ Mick Hall RE 'Beware of racial bigots who like to stereotype all single parents as black.
For christ sake, the current top tier of the British monarchy were brought up by a single parent, but I doubt the media will be going there.
These disadvantaged communities are currently being vilified for what, shouting out loud they have had enough. Like most of us they want good education for their kids and jobs.'
Dead on RIGHT imo .... esp last paragraph.
Just looking at some of the cases involving the guards in Cork and Dublin, I think that type of thing happened because there is a culture of it within the force.
The authorities cannot be totally distrusted as nothing would move but it does no harm to carry a large dose of scepticism.
Not surprised the Only Our Fibbers Run Free line appealed to you!!
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