Just in through the door after taking part in a vigil on the Bridge of Peace in Drogheda. It was in support of demands for the release of the Maghaberry prisoner Brendan Lillis. His condition continues to deteriorate in the face of determined opposition by the British state to calls for it to take a compassionate view.
Like previous events there over the past two weeks tonight's was organised by Duleek Independent Republicans who deserve enormous credit for the work they do in support of prisoners. Were it not for groups like them people throughout the Twenty Six counties would be in a state of perpetual darkness about British abuses in the North’s prison.
I missed last week's vigil, the second in a series, due to being on a family holiday in Cork. Apparently the Garda put in a repeat performance of their first outing a fortnight ago. On both occasions they took names and addresses. Tonight was different. They failed to appear. Speculation at the vigil was that they were forced to go and earn their money by trying to catch those who carried out a tiger kidnap robbery in the town yesterday morning. Perhaps had they spent less time monitoring peaceful vigils and put the effort into pre-emptive intelligence work yesterday's robbery might never have taken place. Still, I suppose if they are hassling us they are not running into flats and beating people over the heads with batons.
On the bridge tonight I ran into an old friend from Belfast. We chatted for three quarters of an hour before I gave into my daughters demands, made my excuses and retired to the local park where she happily played on the swings. Brendan Lillis will be the last to complain; she held his photo for motorists to see for the duration of her time there.
My Belfast friend told me how he was up at 6 o'clock this morning putting out posters in Dundalk in a bid to draw attention to the plight of Brendan Lillis. Now he was on the bridge in Drogheda. He and others are putting a fair amount of effort into this. But it is a swim against an inhumane tide. Yesterday Martin McGuinness finally stepped up to the mark and called on his micro ministerial colleague David Ford in his capacity as Minister for Justice to release Brendan Lillis. Ford today ignored him and said he had no power to effect the release.
Roisin Lynch, the partner of Brendan Lillis emerged from today’s meeting with the irascible Ford in a downbeat mood. Detailing his intransigence she said:
It was a very depressing and sad meeting. David Ford gave me the run-around again, placing the onus on the Life Review Commission and claiming he can do nothing about the case. We appealed to him to make the correct decision from a humanitarian point of view, but our pleas feel on deaf and indifferent ears. I fear now that David Ford will not release Brendan until he is either dead or only a matter of hours from death. I did not detect any compassion or justice from the Justice Minister today.
We have been down this road before with callous Brit ministers trying to make a name for themselves as some sort of security hard men. The full force of the republican ex-prisoner community needs to be brought to bear on this British unionist who thinks he can tramp over prisoners in the manner of his predecessors Roy Mason and Humphrey Atkins. If Ford wishes to behave as if this is 1981 he should be met with the robust opposition from the men and women who so exemplified resistance within the prisons of thirty years ago.
Well Said Mackers - I honestly had hope today for Roisin's meeting with that cunt but I was obviously to bloody stupid thinking that he might actually act like a fellow human being and release a dying man into the arms of his family !!!
It makes me sick - and also glad that i no longer have to live around such excuses of human beings who feel that it is ok to let a fellow human literally rot away in a prison cell.
I wish that people would wake the fuck up and realise that their society hasn't got better ...... the fuckin brits released the price sisters on compassionate grounds once if i'm not wrong (even though they've locked up poor Marion again).
In regard to 1981 - I know what i'd like to do to those fuckers who call themselves politicians.
I feel nothing but hate and rage right now so i'm probably not even making sense !!!!!
depressing news indeed. I'm not quite sure if Mc Guinness stepped up to the plate or if political expediency demanded he be forcibly dragged there.
Everything Sinn Fein has done in relation to the prison crisis is both laboured and choreographed.
It would be such a delightful twist of fate if the issue that actually made Sinn Fein became the issue that would eventually break them.
The shinners just sold a horse and bought a saddle. That's what all the suffering and dying amounted to.
I guess you are right about him being dragged there.
I wonder if BL had been from the loyalist community would we be witnessing such a travesty,I somehow doubt it,
Ford just so happens to be a diluted Orange Man who got the job because the DUP didn't want a Gerry Kelly about the place and the Shinners didn't want a Stoop there either.
You're right Mackers I'm sure a protest of former prisoners would shake up Stormont. Imagine all the former internees, Cage men, Armagh women, Blanket men etc marching on Stormont or wherever Ford dispenses British justice from?
The problem sadly seems to be apathy.
spot on. Adams always wheeled out old timers to gain credibility for his antics/agenda.
Perhaps a few profile ex prisoners turning up at Stormont with a support crowd would finally expose SF. That would be something I would travel to support.
A meeting took place today with Justice Minister David Ford over the continued imprisonment of Brendan Lillis.
Present at the meeting was Roisin Lynch, partner of Brendan Lillis, along with Gerard Hodgins; Tim Atwoood and Colm Eastwwod from the SDLP, and Jennifer McCann and Raymond McCartney from Sinn Fein; Brendan’s solicitor, Sean O’Neill, also attended the meeting.
Commenting after the meeting Roisin Lynch said:
“It was a very depressing and sad meeting. David Ford gave me the run-around again, placing the onus on the Life Review Commission and claiming he can do nothing about the case.
“We appealed to him to make the correct decision from a humanitarian point of view, but our pleas feel on deaf and indifferent ears.
“I fear now that David Ford will not release Brendan until he is either dead or only a matter of hours from death. I did not detect any compassion or justice from the Justice Minister today.”
Roisin Lynch 07543800824
Gerard Hodgins 07549663246
There doesn't seem to be much mention af Raymond McCartneys input at the meeting. Did he speak?
Statement from The Friends of Brendan Lillis.
Following from the depressing and non-productive meeting yesterday during which David Ford adopted a Pontius Pilot attitude to the plight of Brendan Lillis we wish to state that we have absolutely no confidence in David Ford as a Justice Minister.
David Ford serves no agenda commensurate with justice, by his own admissions he is a powerless figure within a justice system which has failed to address the case of Brendan Lillis.
We appeal to all political parties in the Stormont Assembly and to all people concerned with human rights and the dignity of man to support our calls for the removal of a man unqualified and incapable of doing the job of administering justice.
David Ford is a political appointee; he can be removed from his position as quickly as he was awarded it. ends.
Gerard Hodgins 07549663246
Roisin Kane 07543800824
I see that bigot and waster Campbell has put his twopence worth into this despicable and blatant abuse of human rights,ie the release of Brendan Lillis on humanitarian grounds,if it was near to impossible for that dipstick of a so called justice minister Ford to make a reasonable decision.in wades Campbell to crank up the secterian tension,he says Brendan should remain in gaol and be treated there untill he is better and fit to stand trial, that bigot is the man who said that the paras involved in the Bloody Sunday murders were innocent, yet again when it comes to justice for anyone from the nationalist community,Campbell and others show their true colours.psf should now show some balls and make sure Brendan is released if just to show the dup bigots that they they have some say in the way this joke of a country is run,
How can SF deputy 'dawg' stand at Stormont with darth-vader calling republicans traitors and O'Dowd call them murderers and then SF demand someone's release.
Wise up folks, maybe it's not just SF who are involved in self delusion. Are people waiting for SF to see sense? What, since 1996?
Wake the fuck up people.
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