Today The Pensive Quill features a letter by Hugh Brady and Thomas Dixie Elliott that first appeared in the Newry Times on 5/05/2012
Dear Editor,
‘I am standing on the threshold of another trembling world. May God have mercy on my soul.’ Bobby Sands March 1st 1981.
On the 5th May, 31 years ago, Bobby stepped beyond that threshold. In the months that followed nine brave men followed him. Long Kesh was their battleground, a place where they took a courageous stand against injustice.
The H-Blocks and the Cages have long gone but injustice continues to rear its ugly head. Like the Hydra of Lerna it has many heads but unlike that mythical beast it is all too real. Marian Price, Gerry McGeough and Martin Corey are covertly interned by Britain. In Maghaberry Prison Republicans are on a no wash protest for the basic right to be treated as human beings. They all need our support. By our support we mean that of all former political prisoners; those who were themselves interned, they who saw firsthand the cages burn, the men and women who refused to be criminalised in the H-Blocks and Armagh jail. And indeed those who were incarcerated in English and Irish prisons.
Bobby Sands encouraged the Blanket Men to write out to those of influence; Politicians, Trade Unionists, Community leaders, Church men etc, asking them to put pressure on the British Government to bring an end to the no wash protest and subsequent Hunger Strikes in the H-Blocks. He encouraged the writing of letters to the press, to any newspaper no matter how small. In the main these letters asked ordinary people to take to the streets and join our protesting families and friends. We can all, each one of us, do that today; we can do it because we remember how Bobby encouraged it all those years ago. Only this time we can do it for those still imprisoned by British Injustice. This is not about who of us is right or wrong, it is about righting a wrong.
Is sinne le meas, Former Republican POWs, Hugh Brady agus Thomas Dixie Elliot
Here is a relevant extract from page 42 of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 2011 Report - Human Rights and Democracy Which seems not to apply in Northern Ireland??
Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law
Human rights and the rule of law are inextricably linked. What we mean by the rule
of law encompasses representative government, an independent judiciary, laws that
are consistent with human rights standards and proper systems of accountability.
These elements are crucial to the safeguarding of human rights, to ensuring that
individuals are treated equally before the law, and to prevent those in power from
acting in an unfettered or arbitrary way. The events of the Arab Spring were an
important reminder of the anger and frustration felt by individuals when the elements
essential to enable the genuine rule of law are not in place.
Sent attorney general John Larkin an e-mail last week asking him to intervene in Marians case in his role of protector of human rights,to date not even an acknowledgement,this is something one would expect from a man from a unionist background ,but Larkin is a neighbour of Marians from Andytown,then as a castle catholic can we expect him to care about human rights for a taig, after all Barraboy millions Mcgrory has showed him that once a castle catholic reaches the top then a right angle change in social direction is required if one is to be accepted by the ruling elite .it looks like someone from outside norn iorn such as a doctor acting as a special rapporteur acting on behalf of the united nations may be the person to finally get Marian freed from Pattersons grip,and not the man appointed to protect her human rights.
Dixe & Hugh
Marian Price, Gerry McGeough and Martin Corey are covertly interned by Britain.
Thats about the size of things. In a report in the BBC about Martin Corey it has this to say..
In April 2010, Secretary of State Shaun Woodward ordered his recall on the basis of what his legal team have described as "closed material"...
There is an excellent piece in 'thedetail' by Daniel Holder, who poses a lot of questions about Marian Price. I found some of very sinister.
Similar procedures also apply for recalling to prison persons with conflict-related convictions who were released under the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. Such releases were ‘under licence,’ conditional on no re-involvement in paramilitary activity. The question which arises is how the conclusion is reached that someone has returned to such activity. The decision is not on the basis of a fresh conviction for a similar serious offence proved beyond reasonable doubt in a competent court, but rather a variation of the above CMP process involving the NIO, Secretary of State and a Commission, which can rely on secret ‘evidence’ in a closed ‘Special Advocate’ procedure. Marian Price was released long before the 1998 Agreement, having been convicted of bombing the Old Bailey in 1973, but issued with a royal pardon in 1980. A similar process exists under the Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001 whereby the NIO Secretary of State, Owen Paterson, can provide the Parole Commissioners with evidence and invite them to make a recommendation to return an individual to prison. Such decisions can also be based on secret ‘evidence,’ including intelligence data, and do not require a conviction or even a charge. At worst, therefore, the process could be used selectively against ex-prisoners engaged in political activity outside the mainstream, rather than just against those genuinely involved in unlawful activity.
And the part I put in bold letters is why Gerry McGeough is in jail. He simply spoke out about the direction in which SF was taking republicanism. The same piece also poses questions on the royal pardon that went AWOL.
Martin McGuiness in an article about a former IRA vol. had this to say about him..
Former members of the 19 year-old’s IRA unit, including well known Derry republican Gerry Doherty, who was also wounded during the incident in May 1972, made a presentation to the Starrs family.Mr McGuinness was the main speaker at the commemoration and described Mr Starrs as “the bravest of the brave.”
The piece finishes with this line..
The Deputy First Minister also paid tribute to the late Rosie Carlin from Creggan who died last week and was buried on Sunday. Mr McGuinness described her as “a lifelong supporter of the IRA, Sinn Fein and all things republican.”
"Martin two out of three aint bad as the song goes.."
Marian Price, martin Corey & Gerry McGeough gave their lives for the IRA, support all things republican but don't agree in the direction SF are heading. Not one of the three have returned to political violence but are silenced by locking them up and throwing away the not only the key but the rule of law.
What did you mean Martin by 'all things republican'?? SF's version?
I forgot to add the link for Martin McGuiness's quotes
This letter was sent out to about 20 newspapers, including the Irish News and as far as I know only the Newry Times and the Cross Examiner [Crossmaglen] carried it.
To be fair to the Derry Journal we sent it to a reporter who, we found out upon querying, is off on maternity leave they said they will carry it this week.
From Cork Prisoners Support Group:
FREE MARIAN PRICE NOW! /Monthly PSG protest 26th 3pm daunt sq. Cork city
Marian price, who has spent all of her life fighting for Irish Freedomand much of it campaigning for Political prisoners has been Interned in a British prison for over a year now.
Marian was moved from Maghaberry, an all male prison, where she spent around nine months in solitary confinement to Hydebank prison medical ward.
Marian's situation represents the 'new northern Ireland' perfectly.There's nothing new about it. it's a case of same old same old. Internment is being used to silence opponentsand normalise the British occupation, the situation is a lot different from long ago but the causes of conflict are still there, a British garrison of 5000 combat troops, the SRR (special reconnaissance regiment of the SAS) stalking parts of Derry, Fermanagh and Tyrone, British prisons where Republican prisoners are engaged in dirty/no was protests, British police, British Diplock courts, all of which Marian Price campaigned against.
If you care about human rights and political prisoners, now is the time to get active, on the streets, talk is cheap.
End Internment Free Marian Price now!
The Prisoner Solidarity Group will have a protest on the 26th May 3pm at Daunt sq Cork city: placards and flags will be provided.
Beir Bua.
Special Branch ‘Litter wardens’ harass the PSG
Fromn Sandy Boyer:
Our next meeting is this coming Monday, May 21 at 7pm on the 2nd Floor at O'Lunney's on 45 Street between 6th and 7th Avenue. No waiter service so bring your drinks and food upstairs.
We have O'Lunney's for Thursday June 21 for our Marian event. Unfortunately Michael MacDonald will be out of town. We should discuss speakers and performers on Monday.
Michael has created a Facebook page, Free Marian Price, US - check it out.
Brendan Faye is talking to Danny. Dromm's office about a City Council resolution. When it's introduced all of us who live in New York will need to contact our council members,
Mary Elizabeth Baetholomew, Kathleen Walsh D'Arcy and MaryAnn Wadden will explore endorsements from the legal and/or human rights and/or feminist and
women's organizations.
John Francis Mulligan is exploring Celebrations of the Queens Jubilee as
possibilities for protest
Sandy Boyer
Free Marian Price Campaign, US
SF's Jennifer McCann to press Ford on Marian Price
For immediate release 18/5/2012
Sinn Féin MLA to meet Justice Minister regarding Marian Price
Sinn Féin MLA Jennifer McCann has arranged an urgent meeting with Justice Minister David Ford to call for Marian Price to be immediately moved to an outside hospital.
The meeting will take place on Monday.
The West Belfast MLA said:
“Marian Price should be released immediately. In the absence of that release she should, because of her deteriorating physical and mental health condition, be moved to an outside hospital.
“In the meeting I will be pressing for David Ford to take immediate steps to have her moved to an outside hospital where she can receive the treatment her condition merits.” CRÍOCH/END
Hands up to Jennifer, she spent 10 years in Armagh and Maghaberry, so she knows what its like, I hope she gets Marian released, or, into an not miltary outside hospital.
also a big thank you to Hugh Brady and Thomas Dixie Elliott for there letter and this post, it is well appreciated, Marian Price, Gerry McGeough and Martin Corey are covertly interned by Britain. we have had enough disinformation from the british intelligence services (FRUs) and agent 118+119, do we accept this disinformation as being true, That Martin Mc Guiness is agen 118 and his brother Willie is agent 119, I am not a lover of SF since the so called GFA, but statements by Wallace and Ingram, to me, are disinformation, if im wrong then, the whole leadership of SF in power today could be classed as british agents. now that is food for thought, but, i have got to the stage now, I believe none of them.
Covertly Interned by Britain
Catholic screws hated republicans much the same as the others did. When these people become part of the institution it is that which they identify with.
seems a good piece in the Detail. Must read it more closely later.
The British are delving in the politics of the secret state in the North. As much exposure as possible is one sure way of usurping secrecy.
When they recalled Johnny Adair and nationalists said little or nothing Pastor Niemöller came to mind. Same with the use of the supergrass system.
‘the process could be used selectively against ex-prisoners engaged in political activity outside the mainstream, rather than just against those genuinely involved in unlawful activity.’
We see how this happened with McGeough although they very selectively used the courts there.
I wonder how many former prisoners they have tried to recruit as agents relying on the threat of these secret procedures.
While any and every effort to have Justice for Marian must be applauded,I cant help viewing with a cynical eye this latest attempt by qsf,s Mc Cann as nothing more than a hijacking attempt,she is well aware that a UN special rapporteur will be visitng Marian next week and it is almost certain that this rapporteur will recommend that Marian be removed to an outside qsf who up untill now paid nothing but a little lip service to Marians cause,or indeed the other pows plight really of the opinion that they are fooling all of us ?they may fool some all of the time ,but more now have seen them for the opportunistic bastards that they really are.
A p.s, Mc Cann and the rest of the quislings in qsf have been condemned in the past about their silence re the internment of Marian and Martin and the conditions of the other pows,this should come really as no surprise to anyone given their silence to the now proven claims by Richard O Rawe that former comrades were allowed to die just to speed qsf, on to the political path.
not just allowed to die but consciously steered into the trap
Anthony that has been proven beyond doubt by Richard, Mc Guinness,s statement from the steps of Stormont showed how far these people were prepared to sell out any and all republican ideals, so with this in mind any statement purporting to support or in solidarity with republican pows must be seen in the proper context and that is nothing more than opportunistic.
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