Today The Pensive Quill features a statement from guest writer Gerry McGeough
Through my incarceration and ongoing political persecution the British are sending a stark message to Irish Catholics. That message is an old one. It is ‘Croppies Lie Down’.
What the British/Unionist establishment is, in effect saying, is that the IRA lost the war and Sinn Fein bungled the peace. We are in total control now and we will do what we like. For ‘Croppies’ there will be no future, only vengeance and retribution for the past.
We will break up families. We will take fathers from their wives and children and a mother from her family, and throw them in jail so that Unionist bigots can smirk, laugh and wallow in sectarian hate.
That being the new reality, and coupled with the fact that levels of emigration from the nationalist areas of the six counties are at the highest since the 1950’s, is it any wonder that tens of thousands of Orangemen are to march on Stormont in September to gloat and celebrate.?
The provos did lose both the war and peace. But not so much lost as sold for a pittance. Sammy Wilson now tells SF who they can employ. So, if it was all about jobs for 'ourselves alone' Sammy has put the boot in there too.
Anyone rocking the boat or putting their head above the parapit will be gobbled-up. That's where we are. It may also be relevant to take stock of where the world is and how Republicanism/nationalism is in relation to Europe, IMF and peoples lives in general.
The PSNI and orangies won't go on the onslaught or outrage people. They have what they want. So do SF and the grizly Adams gang for some disturbing reason I can't fathom.
Why didn't he mention mass emigration from the 26 counties ? An uncomfortable truth !
its possibly a case of article 12 in the Anglo Irish Treaty....'all things to all men' like the GFA but in the end fuck all happens.
after the border campaign the IRA blamed the people and said the people were distracted. i get the sense dissidents are in the same mire.
but the unionists at least seem to have learned something.
The only Croppies who are lying down are those in SF who decided to take the queens shilling, now the leader has decided he is safer in our other 26 counties to collect his queens shilling in EURO's, My heart goes out to you and your family, also to Marian and her family, also the rest who are in prisons in the 26 counties and throughout the world.
Croppies Will Never Lie Down Gerry.
Keep your head high, keep your spirits up, the people have been fooled and dupped by Adams and Co, But, they wont be fooled all of the time.!
From Helen McClafferty:
Satisfaction With What You Have Now is No Excuse. The Days of Complacency are Over.
by Damian Herron on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:05am ·
When Gerry McGeough was arrested outside the count centre in Omagh back in 2007 because he stood in an election, those in power decided it was best to suppress political thought via Maghaberry prison. The decision to prosecute Gerry can be described as inappropriate and foolish.
Inappropriate, because he was pursued in the middle of a peace process for alleged pre-1998 activities dating back to 1981 to satisfy the whims of the most narrow-minded and backward thinking DUP politicians ever to exist.
Foolish, because Gerry's incarceration will achieve absolutely nothing and the cost to the taxpayer will increase on a daily basis, above and beyond the approximate figure of £350,000 already paid out.
Complacency, combined the the "sure he'll be out in two years anyway" attitude reinforces the British Government's ability to do as they please within the occupied counties.
Gerry McGeough might not be released after serving two years in Maghaberry prison. We are dealing with the British Government who will only act under intense pressure. That pressure will not come from walking down the street shouting "Tiofaidh ár lá" after a few pints or from writing mis-spelt slogans on the walls of Armagh City in support of Marian and Gerry.
The pressure to force the British Government will come when all our elected politicians, not just a few, speak out and campaign relentlessly against the actions of the British Government and DUP politicians. It will come when every Irishman and Irishwoman across the world asks "What can we do to help?" It will come when every Irishman and Irishwoman follows through on what they are asked to do. From this day, no opportunity to publicly embarrass the British Government should be ignored.
The most narrow-minded DUP politicians will do whatever they can to ensure Gerry McGeough and many others will remain behind bars indefinitely. The days of complancency are now over. Satisfaction with what you have now is no excuse to allow Irish families to suffer British/Unionist oppression and injustice in 2012.
Libertad para Gerry
Benefit for Gerry's wife and 4 children:
Saturday, May 19, 2012
145 W. 45th Street
7:30 pm - midnight
$20.00 admission. Buffet. Cash bar
Entertainment by Mickey Coleman from Ardboe
A Chara .I remember it was the early seventies on our black /white TV when I heard Maire Drumm RIP in her fiery tone of resistance state “ They say Croppies lie down ,but the Croppies will not and never will lie down”. I, just turned a teenager, the hair rose on the back of my neck with pride, that we never lay down. This highlighted my mind one day years later, when the TV news reported,that Loyalists came into the Hospital where Maire was in and shot her dead To me, our identity was our Catholic Faith, by what all it entailled, as my late mother often said in the English version “ "St Patrick gave us our faith, that created, in us a spirit that has never been broken “ Gerry ,we Croppies will never lie down even though the term was introduced by the Loyalist /Unionist oppressors victory in 1798. Their victory was won by our own informers and brutal horrific acts of depravity against our Irish People. To us Croppy is but a name, as to them, its their shame of ill-gotten gains . My Grandfather used to sing a song and part of the lyrics were “ You murdered our Clergy ,burned down our Churches. But the Sons of St Patrick shall rise once again”. If the IRA were defeated ,it was by high level informers and with the Peace process, serious questions. Britains actions regarding the OTR,s( Weston Park paragraph 20),and not being held accountable, to all those partaking plus each who oversaw, as administered the Agreement requires serious attention. This Agreement was an astounding event in history and major importance to all concerned especially America. Others may view it differently, for their personal/idealogical justifiable opinions. This present injustice on you and your family, is an irresponsible ,disrespect on us all, as Irish People s. It leaves a younger generation, whom we hoped would never have the experience, of being left vulnerably exposed to violence, as now, their only perceived choice . I believe everyone, that lived through the troubles , don’t want those days of horrors returned. When we see the so called present Political advances ,while many are left behind ,was not what the GFA was sold as. We can all draw our own personal conclusions. Eighteen months ago once respected Republicans, by all , Bobby Storey etc were told where to go as they tried to intervene in the N Belfast Riots. They, like all others are looked on as men from another era and Sinn Fein are not accepted to represent these young spirited unemployed forgotten Republicans. Many other Injustices, such as yours, is another serious development constituting to these problems. Whatever way one looks or points the finger at our Political Representatives ,it seems Britain is running the democratic GFA,s implementations, as they like. Its plain to be seen ,they are, as always ,ensuring the Unionist/Loyalist aspirations predominate. Do they ever think of how many times, Britannia’s ruling hand has lost its grip, by such actions. We all feel and pray in our own way, for you Gerry , your family ,as we Croppies will never lie down .The Faith that kept our forefathers Spirits alive remains and we are all doing whatever possible , to support your overdue release. The pen is mightier than the sword and can also be unjustly used against us. But our written words of truth is the power they don’t have, as its ours. We still remain, through seven hundred years of Foreign oppression, Faithful ,Irish, Celtic, Gaelic and soon to be free.Fides nostra et terra Hibernia est identitatis.
Ar Dia agus ar Mhathair Naoimh Mhuire a dthreoru agus a thabhairt go léir neart ag an am seo dheacair againn. Beannacht De a Chara
your comment came throuh five times whatever you are doing with your send button
Sorry about that.I dont know the reason as sometimes it acts strange. Beannacht De. Joe
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