Today The Pensive Quill carries an appeal from the No Royal Beacon at McArts Fort Cavehill Campaign Group.
Recently Belfast City Council votes to allocate £56,000 in ratepayer's money to celebrate the Diamond jubilee of the British Queen. In addition, another £48,000 was due to be made available to communities and youth groups to organise their own Jubilee events. Both these funding initiatives received the full backing of Sinn Féin and the DUP.
As part of of the official council-run celebrations, there is a plan to light a large beacon on the top of the Cave hill on Monday 4th of June and beam the images back to a live audience at Buckingham Palace via the BBC.
Cavehill is intrinsically linked to the history and development of the struggle for Irish freedom, as McArt's Fort at the peak of the Cavehill is the birthplace of modern day republicanism. It was here in 1795 that Theobold Wolfe Tone, Henry Joy McCracken and others formed the UnitedIrishmen and made a solemn oath to break the connection with England and to unite Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter under the common name of Irishman.
Central to this oath was a defiant anti-royalist stance, influenced by the French Revolution. To have any celebration of a monarch on this site amounts to nothing less than an insult to the United Irishmen and all those who have fought and died subsequently to uphold the ideals of Irish republicanism.
We would like to encourage republicans to oppose this SF/DUP insult to republicanism by whatever means necessary. There will be a number of protests organised as this farce approaches and the maximum republican participation will be necessary. People should also challenge these events through social media, letters to the media, and by directly challenging those who have voted for such affront to republican heritage, ideals and sacrifice.
Cosc Ar Sholas Ríoga Ar Bhinn Uamha-Dún Mhic Airt
SF have realised the United Irishman dream of catholic protestant and dissenter, in a 6 county entity within the UK.
When I was a cub in days of yore I was told the story of" Naps nose" and how Wolfe Tone and the united Irishmen swore allegiance to Ireland on this historic spot,I was also told that this was seat of the kings of Ulaid one of whom was Mac Muirdeag and that is how the hill got its name Binn Mhadagáin later the O Neill clan had a crowning stone chair on this spot which was destroyed by loyalists Dec 1896 (as they do Betsy Grays monument comes to mind here)the proposal to hijack this ancient spot for the celebration of breaking up a nation which is how that covenant turned out is a typical loyalist stunt tramping over all and anything Irish. the sickening thing is that with the help of Belfast city council of which qsf is the largest party they will be paid to do it ,one way we may be able to stop this is by a legal injunction. I believe Queens university had proposed to carry out an archaeological dig at this spot,maybe the courts could impose some financial burden on the organisers of the beacon event to make it a non starter this is after all an ancient site of archaeological interest, the fact that the lol have been given a large backhander from the european parliament £900K plus maybe if they were sincere about peace and reconciliation they would begin by replacing and repairing the monuments they have destroyed and damaged over the years..
I think the beacon is a good idea, just that its intended target is all wrong. Should be placed where the sun don't shine. Right up Lizzy Windsor's you-know-what, or make Marty and Gerry suck on it. They've become experts on that sort of thing.
nelsons column was blew up and replaced with a fukn needle and 6000 ghost estates.
their suck the truncheon moment comes to mind here: the day they gave 'republican' support to an armed British political police force in Ireland.
Sam has a good point here ,indeed a beacon may be a great idea, if it was placed in the middle of Stormont,
This constitutes a massive slap in the face to Republicans. Some things are designed to provoke but I think this campaign is the proper response. It has brought Republicans together in a way we don't see very often. SF have been put on the back foot and are clearly embarrassed by their lack of opposition to this stunt. They sold their souls for penny rolls and slabs of hairy beacon.
Given the historical significance of the site it could symbolically be interpreted as Brit/Unionism broadcasting its final conquest of Republicanism.
'slabs of hairy beacon.'
That was a witty use of the word
Alec thats a cracker or cracklin,
Just seen on the news that the RIR have been given the freedom of Ballymoney,so in the interest of qsf,s equality agenda can we now expect to see the Belfast Brigade being given the freedom of Belfast, Gerry and Martyboy its over to you.
don't be daft, The RIR only got that because they lost. The BB won the war so they don't need anything like that. Go figure!
Well at least a stained glass window in the dome of delight then Anthony
Anyone interested on more on the campaign to oppose this insult should check out our facebook page (defend cavehill from royal insult).
“SF have realised the United Irishman dream of catholic protestant and dissenter, in a 6 county entity within the UK.”
Apart from the above making, no sense it is also as insulting as the proposed beacon. What logic brings you to that conclusion as the principle of the United Irishmen being a united Ireland free from the elitism that allows for such beacons of oppression to light up the night sky and remind us all we should be grateful to bow down and kiss the Queens arse.
Even though SF does not object, I would be confident that the United Irishmen would.
just wonderin if the national flag will be placed on top (s.f) or is that the 12th of july.
Could people please do want the leaflet says and let as many people as possible know about this insult write letters to the press,help with the leaflets,attened any protest etc etc.The parties in city hall are trying to keep this as low key as possible until it is to late for us to do anything about it, we must stop this beacon being erected on the birthplace of republicanism by any means nessesarey.Please help by whatever way yous can and show the brits and there new found irish leckeys/slaves that the republican flame in Belfast is still burning strong......"if the men of property will not support us,they must fall.Our strength shall come from that great and respectable class, the men of no property."wolf tone.
tain bo
i was highlighting the SF notion of modern 'republicanism'.
its all pretty petty and insignificant in todays economic and political climate.
The TDs in the Dail have been there [most of em] since their youth. They've overseen countless economic crisis' and watched/forced mass emigration every other generation. How many times would a student flunk their exams before being booted out of school? These people are shameless. Now they are inviting the 'exiled' back home for a 'gathering'to throw money at the country they were forced to leave...? Not because the country of a mere 3 million has finally got things right, but just to have a party, inject cash and 'fuck off' back into exile where 'we' sent ye!!
Think Wolf Tone + co. would be concerned about other things than some pantomime on cave hill.
Tain Bo
"Think Wolf Tone + co. would be concerned about other things than some pantomime on cave hill."
I think you are right. However with denials of IRA surrender and Sinn Fein sellout with the GFA the mind boggles that Sinn Fein would agree to such a public humiliation in the land of Unionist Supremacy and coat trailing. A victory beacon of such spectacular historical significance is no small matter.
I can understand that many centenary celebrations are scheduled in these coming years and they may be tense. However, a victory beacon on Cavehill is no sign of mutual respect and perhaps more a sign of what nationalists can expect.
these are Larry’s words and I would beg to differ.
"Think Wolf Tone + co. would be concerned about other things than some pantomime on cave hill."
again, your logic fails me how can you state you are highlighting PSF, s interpretation of present day republicanism.
I see no explanation to back up what you say you are highlighting instead you digress and cram several unrelated issues into one short paragraph.
Your choice of petty and insignificant would be more in agreement with PSF’s position on the beacon.
Common sense would dictate there is no need for a royalist sectarian beacon under the guise of celebration.
The royal sectarian family discriminate by law the beacon has great significance for royalist loyalists I ponder would a beacon to the memory of the United Irishmen be as insignificant and petty definitely not.
It is an insult and a mockery of the peace accord. Tiarna makes a better calculation of what nationalists can expect.
it will never end.
There will be 2012 of these beacons being lit on monday the 4th june across the "uk". in Ireland there will be a massive one being lit on top of sleive donard co.down and the other on top of cavehill(mcarts fort,birthplace of irish republicanism)at 10.15pm.All this will be co-orditaned by the British armed forces i.e marine society,sea cadets,air training corps,army cadets and combined armed forces.This show of British/royal truimphlism should be opposed by all irish republicans come june.Anyone interested in helping with the campaign to oppose this insult there is a leaflet drop tonight Wed 16th may,Meet @ dentist opposite Landsdown hotel, Antrim rd 7.00pm.
‘SF have realised the United Irishman dream of catholic protestant and dissenter, in a 6 county entity within the UK.’
But they haven’t. They have united none of them. All they do is manage division and have forged a strategic unity with the DUP in the two party state to marginalise the dissenter. Think Tone had something radically different in mind.
agreed thats my point SF are way off target. but also mackers...perhaps its time for politics to mover on from 1798??
Folks Belfast city council have canceled the beacon at mcarts fort and are planning to light it at lagan weir now,well done to everyone who helped out with the campaign.Clearly lessons learned to what can be achieved when republicans sit down thrash things out and stand together.Full statement on facebook page(DEFEND CAVEHILL FROM ROYAL INSULT).
thanks for helping us highlight this mackers.
Good result,bet that goes down like a shit sandwich in certain quarters, now for the reaction,or lots of dosh dished to" community workers"
On the question of denying that the IRA surrendered, the only one of them to have stated that decommissioning was IRA surrender was Morrison. The rest all pretended it was a great leap forward
A good result for all of you who campaigned on the issue. I was surprised they folded as quickly.
told you unionism has learned something.
apparently those unionists had their work cut out trying to persuade SF not to have the beacon at Cavehill. Hartley was caught practicing God Save The Queen!!
SF will be singing it in Irish soon i think and claiming that as a victory.
I agree that things need rethought. We do need to move on from 1798 and 1969 and 1981 without ever forgetting the wrongs done to us or the wrongs we did to others. Nor should we turn our backs on the abuses being dished out to republicans whose biggest difference from our day is a date. We can oppose their armed campaigns resolutely but that does not mean we have to put up with them being abused by the British state.
The idea of armed republicanism appeals to me not in the slightest. The notion of placing bombs under the cars of cops is abhorrent to me. I for the world of me fail to see what killing Ronan Kerr achieved. There is no war on. Cops therefore are not combatants. They have the same right not to be killed as the rest of us. Cops should be opponents who we oppose politically, not enemies who we kill.
Mackers totally agreed. I think from my experience in Armagh many moons ago if yer caught red handed fair do's. When the RUC hit anyones door a year or in some cases 10yrs after an event its a stitch-up. No change there. What appears to be going on in Lurgan is a vendetta between the RUC/UVF there and the Duffy family. I mentioned Ned Kelly when Collie was released...may be more accurate than i realised.
I defend republicans right to procedure....but there's something missing with a group or groups that want to go back to basics then cry terminal illness almost to a 'volunteer' when arrested. Maybe its a result of innefectiveness on the war 'front'.?
as much as I disagree with armed campaigning I think you over egg the pudding in claiming all those arrested claim to be terminally ill. This is not borne out by the evidence. There is no medical reason that I am aware of that would stop us having concern about the health status of Marian Price or Brian Shivers.
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