Tonight The Pensive Quill features guest writer Helen McClafferty detailing an upcoming event in support of the family of republican political prisoner Gerry McGeough
Gerry McGeough of the Brantry, County Tyrone was jailed on February 18, 2011, for resisting British rule during the time of the 1981 Hunger Strike, thirty-one years ago! His wife and four young children need your help.
Few patriots played as wide-ranging and prominent role as has Republican, Tyrone County AOH President, author and activist Gerry McGeough. He joined Sinn Fein in 1975 and was a key campaigner for the Hunger Strikers, helping elect Bobby Sands MP.
The British charge that Gerry McGeough was also an active IRA Volunteer, seriously wounded in an engagement with armed UDR in June 1981 near Aughnacloy.
Gerry McGeough came to America in 1982, and joined with AOH members Mike Flannery, Pat Mullin, and Andy Duggan among others in providing aid for the defense of the people of Tyrone and the six counties.
After leaving America, McGeough was arrested on the Dutch-German border in 1988 and jailed in a notorious German bunker prison for four years before all charges collapsed.
Extradited to the United States, on old 1982 charges, he was released and organized an Irish Race Convention, joined the AOH in Brooklyn, and rallied support for the Republican Movement and the families of Irish political prisoners. Gerry wrote the first of two books, THE AMBUSH and OTHER STORIES while serving a three year sentence.
Gerry McGeough returned to Ireland, earning teaching degrees with honors at Trinity and University College Dublin. He founded a monthly magazine, THE HIBERNIAN, so-named because of his regard for AOH stands on freedom-for–all Ireland and religion. He wrote a second book DEFENDERS, about the IRA struggle in Tyrone.
Active with Sinn Fein, he was elected to the party officer board or Ard Comhairle, and led its campaign against the European Union Nice Treaty. Told he was free to return home to Tyrone; Gerry McGeough married, settled openly on his family homestead in Eglish and began a family which now numbers four young children. He joined the AOH in Tyrone and was later elected County President. His land houses a historic AOH hall which was defended by his ancestors.
In 2007, he objected to stamping approval on a British constabulary which had colluded in the murder of close friends like Liam Ryan, and helped set-up summary executions rather than capture of Jim Lynagh, Lawrence McNally, and Pete Ryan among many others in Tyrone and across the north.
When he stood for election as an Independent Republican candidate, the British arrested him at the polls on now thirty-one year old charges. After 4 years, during which he suffered 2 heart attacks, Gerry McGeough was jailed by a British judge in a non-jury Diplock court, attended by top members of Paisley’s DUP.
The British offer apologies for Bloody Sunday, and other crown murders but grant an undeclared amnesty to British troopers or constabulary that does not extend to Irish Republicans like Gerry McGeough.
Britain’s refusal to count his years of imprisonment in Germany and America for early release means he will spend at least another year in Maghaberry prison, with mounting heart problems.
A benefit will be held on Saturday night May 19th at O’Lunney’s upstairs room at, 145 West 45th street, (between Broadway and 6th Avenue,) New York from 7:30 p.m. to 12 midnight. Music will be provided by Mickey Coleman of Ardboe. Complementary buffet. Cash bar. Admission $20.00
Please help this Irish patriot and AOH member by helping his wife and four small children.
For tickets, donations and other information please contact The Oensive Quill and it will convey your request to the benefit organisers.
From Helen McClafferty: If you support Gerry McGeough's Campaign for Justice please sign our petition calling on the British Government to release him immediately Please view, sign and share
Helen ,Anthony ,went to site but couldnt find a petition to sign, It goes without saying that we here all wish Gerry AND THE REST an immediate release and return to their families,good luck hon .
Petition link
Christopher conley jr thank you a cara for that update,job done,
Just above and to the left of the video is the link to sign the petion ,Signed it no problem.
Hope all goes well Helen.
From Helen McClafferty: "Friends: we have exceeded the 600 signatures of support for the release of Gerry!" For the beginning of June, we would need to have at least 1000 signatures to be submitted in the British Parliament in Westminster.
There are signatures from around the world, especially from Spain, the Republic of Ireland, the north of Ireland and especially from people of the United States of America of Irish descent.
We ask that you continue inviting your friends to sign the petition. Your support is crucial for us as a family. We have seen that we are not alone, but very well accompanied.
Please view the new attached video about my husband Gerry McGeough.
Gracias/Thank you for your help and support.
Maria Jose McGeough and children
British Prime Minister David Cameron: Implement paragraph 20 Weston Park Accord. Release Gerry McGeough
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