Sunday, May 20, 2012

This & That: Take 9

 The Betty Boo Room

It is heartening to see that sometimes memory is stronger than forgetting. Marian Price does not figure prominently in the minds of all her former colleagues from the heady days of armed struggle. They seem to think subversive republicanism is infectious and if they don’t quarantine their memories from it, they might just catch it. Not recommended for those who want to sit suited and booted at Stormont with their new found right honourable friends.

Still, as has been demonstrated by recent campaigning and letter writing some of those who went through Armagh Gaol as republican political prisoners have memories which are not just as short. They have no interest in managing Britain’s affairs in Ireland and have been to the fore in raising the profile of their fellow former prisoner, interned because the British rule the roost and can do pretty much as they like.

At Christmas I was very fortunate to get a copy of a book on the experience of the redoubtable women of Armagh Gaol, its’ title In The Footsteps of Anne. When I arrived in Belfast on Christmas Eve it was given to me in the home of one of the former prisoners currently campaigning on behalf of Marian Price. Marie Flynn and her husband Marty made myself and my two children very welcome and Marie put on the best fry I have had in years. There were times in jail when I could have been enticed away from the blanket protest by a fry just like that.

Shortly I hope to read and review the book. By all accounts it is a great read. Yet, the highlight of the visit was having my photo taken in the Betty Boo room. Others like to have clips from the Eiffel Tower or the cathedrals of Zaragoza but for me the BB room is the one to cherish.  And in that house BB does not stand for Believing Bollix.

Oh What Big Teeth You Have

Big Percy Pompous was on TV last Sunday giving forth on the merits of tooth fairy economics. Eamon Gilmore heaped scorn on the notion that a tooth fairy is going to come and pay a king’s ransom for Percy’s big teeth. Not that we should have any  more faith in the leader of the Irish Labour Party, just that unfortunately he presents the case for austerity better than Percy does for rejecting it. 

In, what my wife described as, the heated exchange between two Sticks, the most plausible proposal was somehow overlooked. The way to get more money into this country is through investment. According to Percy’s man, Aengus O’Snodaigh who has carried out extensive research in the field, the coast of Ireland is ideally located for inkwell drilling. If a lower tax band is offered for inkwell companies offshore drilling for ink can begin in the near future. A profit sharing deal with the multinational companies can be reached which does not let them take all the money out of the economy; a significant portion would have to be reinvested in the exploration and development of other viable inkwells. 

And there is a market for ink given the depletion of stocks caused by Aengus who wrote to everybody in Ireland and to those in the Diaspora as well. A bit of entrepreneurship from the party of business.   

Burn the Fornicators

There must be something in the water of Mayo. I tended to feel it was good for fishing but seemingly it can mess with your head. Last month a Fine Gael genius Michelle Mulherin, that Mayo people actually elected to the Dail, informed us that ‘fornication, I would say, is probably the single most likely cause of unwanted pregnancies in this country.’ She should try it some time. It works for all sorts of pregnancies, wanted and unwanted. There is not a lot in the way of alternatives if a woman wants to get pregnant and certainly nothing that religious maniacs would approve. 

At least the 31st Dail is not lacking in colourful characters, one of whom made a bit of an eegit out of the anti-fornicator. Luke "Ming" Flanagan told her party that ‘Archbishop McQuaid's crozier is firmly still around your necks.’ While true of Mulherin it certainly cannot be said of Enda Kenny who last year after more revelations about the hierarchy covering up for rapist priests, firmly stuck the crozier up the Vatican’s fundament and told it where to get off.  

Mulherin’s ‘honest and scriptural view’ might have its place in a theocracy but we live in a secular society.  We are not ruled by scripture and are under no obligation to abide by it. God doesn’t rule here. People do. 

Mulherin must think we are idiots ready to buy into any old nonsense: ‘the grace of God is so liberating and provides so many options to get the best out of life despite our fallen nature, and we all have that.’ This also includes our children who need a priest and magic water straight from the rivers of Mayo to free them from the effects of the Fall. No matter how fallen we may be we are not about to fall for that.



Did you actually read Mulherin’s speech? I did, and from what I can see she is a lot closer to your view than she is to mine. Even the fornication quote is misinterpreted by you. She said:

“Abortion as murder, and therefore sin, which is the religious argument, is no more sinful from a scriptural point of view than all other sins we do not legislate against, such as greed, hate and fornication, the latter - fornication - being probably the single most likely cause of unwanted pregnancies in this country. At the end of the day, however, it is the nature of religion to fuss over appearances above the truth and the inner state of the person.”

She is clearly stating that those who see abortion in religious terms should also see greed, hate and fornication on the same level. Presumably she uses the biblical term ‘fornication’ as she is slating those who wish to make use of a religious argument.

Her last sentence clearly shows that she does not see it in religious terms. As the rest of her speech is laudatory of birth control and gay rights, you can rest assured she is firmly in your way of thinking.

In fact her whole speech shows clearly that she does not understand either morality or religion and probably not politics either.

It invites a further question, should women have been given the vote?

I am only a tenth of the way in to "In the Footsteps of Anne". Thanks Marty for kindly getting me a copy.

Although I am at an early stage I was struck by the hardship the contributors went through. I am not sure if I am correct but it seems women prisoners during the conflict, particularly the early years, had a harder time than their male counterparts as traditionally their roles of home-maker and primary carer for young children meant they could potentially lose more.

I don't mean to stereotype but some of the stories emphasised this more than I expected. I don't mean to paint one group as more vulnerable than another or another as having better conditions. I know this isn't the case. It just hammered home the living nightmares people went through.

The book is invaluable as a historical record.

"It invites a further question, should women have been given the vote?"

Oh John...


"It invites a further question, should women have been given the vote?"

'Oh John...'

Okay, Alfie, that last bit was really said in jest. Although....!

'said in jest'

thought so myself

The Betty Boo room is always open to you Anthony and your clan,indeed I hope that we would find room for any republican who needed a billet, your kids are a credit to both Carrie and yourself,and we hope you both get the time and peace to watch them grow,it used to be called "the republican family" and there is signs through the campaign to free Marian that the family is coming together again as they do in a think Maries fries are good ,wait until you get her Sunday dinner,
Michelle Mulherin is a warning to all of what unprotected sex can produce,,
Big Percy the man that never was is also a warning to all of what unprotected sex can produce.
there has been a rerun on the book In The Footsteps Of Anne, if anyone is interested give me a shout.....

The son asked me" what first attracted me to his mother?" "thats easy son" I replied "alchol" cats been diagnosed with schizophrenia,the mad hairy f##ker has got 45 lives now..

The McAreavy trial in Mauritis,has heard claims of police brutality, maybe thats why the psni have officers there ,you know you can learn something new every day...

The furore around the proposed development of the former army base in north Belfast which has been described by Austin Currie as a policy of Apartheid is once again an example of qsf,s lack of moral fibre or balls to put it simply,their lust to hold on to power at any price has once again been shown by their betrayal of the people of north Belfast who Gerry Kelly and Nichuilin are supposed to represent,this area has like nationalist west Belfast a chronic shortage of housing stock leaving the people there on waiting lists or substandard housing for many years,just like the old days of unionist domination the Girkwood barracks site would have went some way to alleviating that situation, but the DUP,S arch bigot Mc Causland the minister with responsibility for the site has used his powers to make sure that the nationalist people who desperately need these house will only get a fraction of the development,qsf have once again rolled over to accommodate these bigots and act like the lackeys they truly are,this should come as no surprise when we have witnessed the statements from McGuinness and the silence of that party on Marians internment and the whole prison issue,many years ago I pointed out to qsf,s absentee landord Michael Ferguson the large amount of land that once had houses on it lying vacant of the Blacks rd just facing Lenadoon,this land would have been ideal to build on and help ease the burden on the need for houses in west Belfast, and if need be the dwindling loyalist population of the area if so wished could have the "peace fence" repositioned Fergusons response was truthful enough if nothing else and that was the party didnt want to rock the boat says it all really.


I did read Mulherin's speech. I am also aware that she has been defended by a Labour TD. But she said what she said and used that crazy religious language; and the silliness of saying fornication causes pregnancies. It causes not just unwanted pregnancies and it is great fun!

'She is clearly stating that those who see abortion in religious terms should also see greed, hate and fornication on the same level.'

Which sort of shows you a religious derangement.

'In fact her whole speech shows clearly that she does not understand either
morality or religion and probably not politics either.'

Interesting point.


perhaps you might consider reviewing it for us? Feel free but no pressure.

Anthony Marty wants me poem up here - Marty request answered! Here it be My ode for well who else could it be now ahaha It was very well received on an Aussie poetry site I must say.
All Hail Ireland’s Own – King Crud

He be hailed as Jesus
& Che Guevara rolled
into one
The man who never
fired a bullet from a gun
The man who swears
he was
never in the Ra
How the Brits love
our very own,
bent over,
Irish whore
Give it to Gerry
O give him more!
He serves it up so well
A clever, sly, shithouse rat
pompous, proud, fat
on blood, bones & lies
Rolling in compromise
This quisling hailed as a
hands dripping with blood
& tangled in Rosary beads,
trotting off to another Mass
This paradoxical mass of crass
Gerry, the Pope & the Brit
morphed into one monstrosity
walking, talking,
political shit
O Hail King Gerry
Ireland’s King Crud
What can you expect from a pig
but a grunt
& what can you expect
from this traitorous,
opportunistic runt?
Nothing but shackles & more lies.

"What can you expect from a pig but a grunt
&what can you expect from this traitorous opportunistic runt?
nothing but shackles &more lies".
all this from the bearded c##t!
put my own last line in SMH .Love it hon it fits him like a glove,or as Anthony would call him a sock puppet..

Still laughing at Martyboys ard feis speech if the party faithful were not confused before they sure as hell should be now, amongst the crap from this Derriere they were told that the big boys in the party had been in secret talks with influential members of the unionist community, oh lordie Martyboy your party,s big boys have been talking to the unionist,sb,mi5/6brits and uncle Tom Cobley and all since the early 70,s he then told those who remained awake that war was horrendous and that he was part of it,and nearly 1 million protestants couldnt be forced into a united Ireland, didnt he tell us before he left the ra in 74,so for almost 40 years he kept this knowledge to himself ie war is horrendous and really a waste of time and lives,pity he didnt tell the army council this before he left in 74 may have saved the lives of thousands of people..cant wait to hear the tale the bearded one comes of with ,

The Betty Boo room is always open to you Anthony and your clan'

Much appreciated Marty

Anthony, I haven't written a book review before but I'll give it try. It may take a while as I am only a little way into the book.

I'll let you know how I get on.


Hitting the road again this weekend only his time to pay respects to another legend,Rory Gallagher.the weekend in Ballyshannon is something else.

Martyboy McGuinness is at it again he has said that he respects the right of people to hold liz the brit in high esteem,and that the executive may give her a pressie, the fuckin hypocrite is supposed to be a republican,and that means someone opposed to any form of royality. Greg Campbell mega mouth bigot has said that qsf,s new arse licking policy is better than murdering the members of the royal family.Both the bearded one and Martyboy wouldnt know anything about that as neither of them were in the RA in 79 "it was bad boys wot done it" they both said.


your comments poetry or otherwise are always welcome here for the wit, insight and passion that they bring.


good luck if you do.


Rory Gallagher – just love his version of As The Crow Flies.

I have to be honest here and admit that I dont read Gorbels Gibneys rant in the Irish news,I would nearly always take a gander at the highlighted paragraph in the centre of the page and move on,todays is an example why I dont read the big lads crap."Ravaged by the civil war,Killarney hosts churches for methodists,protestants belonging to the church of Ireland and has a well kept huge celtic cross to the memory of those who died in many of Britainn,s wars in the royal Munster fusiliers and in the first world war"yes indeed qsf would feel well at home in Killarney.

Antony thats a crackin sound from Rory, have you heard and this is not a qsf propaganda track Rory and Taste playing I,m Moving On, the first time I saw Taste they were the backing group for ..wait for it.. Billy J Kramer ..yeah him of little children fame ..and Rory and the boys had to play it, that was in the Maritime club in College Square North lifetime ago now ..

I went to get a tooth pulled at the dentist.he said" I will give you an injection to kill the pain" "no"I said"I cant stand injections" "ok" he said "I,ll give you some gas to kill the pain"no" I said "gas makes me sick" "ok" he said "I,ll give you some viagra" "what?"I said "I didnt know dentists used viagra ,does it kill the pain?" "no " he replied "But it will give you something to hold on to"..


he is probably the worst columnist in Ireland


'The GAA or Mickey Harte are
not infallible.'

just like the rest of us, popes, kings, presidents and prime ministers included.

"'The GAA or Mickey Harte are
not infallible.'"

'just like the rest of us, popes, kings, presidents and prime ministers included.'

All of the above are infallible sometimes.

Popes are just more often infallible than the rest of us. (Although they can refuse to use that infallibility as the last few 'popes' have done.)


'All of the above are infallible sometimes.'

No different from Mickey Harte and the GAA then.

'Popes are just more often infallible than the rest of us.'

No evidence of that. It is easier to make the opposite argument given the cover ups they have been engaged in; hardly the outcome of infallible reasoning

Jim Gibney is the Irish equivalent of Niall O'Dowd-simply unreadable tripe. However he can't be worse than Lindy McDowell, Gail Walker and the rest of the Bel Tel crowd.


he is much worse than all you mentioned. While not a fan of his stuff Niall O'Dowd writes much better material than Jim.


now that was some time ago!

Can anybody tell me where I can get a copy of the book 'In the footsteps of Anne'??


send an email address to the comments and we will not publish it but pass it on so that those with access to the book can sort something out for you


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